Boycott of RamStalk may happen tomorrow

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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Ah the PD and Bernies Bitch Box, I was active there for a few years ,cut my teeth there so to speak, I think when I first started there it was better than it is now, the mods actually cared and would ban trolls . As time went on it was amazing to me how it deteriorated into a name calling troll fest for a large part and sadly a great deal of the deterioration was actually lead by Bernie who enjoyed calling names and would endure it from posters so long as he could do the same.
Don't get me wrong there's an element of my personality that enjoys a fight now and then , a few other guys here who, excluding me, I consider our best and brightest have that same penchant, but we've learned when to say when.
I think that's the key here ,don't get drunk on an argument , know when to step back I think wrstdude has it right ,he's one of the newer guys here and seems to have assimilated well.
Welcome all of you ,I'm sure there will be bumps but it's really worth it to have the time away from a forum to spend constructively, instead of dreaming up creative ways to bitch another poster out



Rockin' Rams Fan
Jun 18, 2014
My first day here, decided to partake in the boycott, looks like I might be here to stay. I was on RamStalk for 5 years (as stlsportster) but the trolls there are asinine. Not to say I won't go back from time to time to hassle them, just sort of a weakness I have. I think the PD actually hires them (or it's all just one person) to stir up shit to get web hits. That's the only reason I can come up with for the lack of moderation.

But for reasonable Rams discussion, this seems to be the place to be. I also like the OT threads especially the ones that are music related.


Jun 27, 2010
Dang it, missed the part about the boycott and got sucked into responding to yet another dumb post by Dangerzone. I need to start spending more time here. Great board that X has set up here, always good Rams info and especially with stuff like CoachO's camp reports.

But I'm not going to lie, I may have a need to sneek back over to point out the complete fallacies from guys like "smell" every once in awhile. Call it a guilty pleasure. ;)


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I discovered the thing known as internet forums when I found RamStalk. That was in 2008 I believe and I was hooked right away. Back then I was a regular poster over there and I just assumed that the poo flinging was something that I would always have to deal with if I wanted to discuss my beloved Rams with others (I live in FL so being a Ram is lonely here). I'm thankful for RamStalk since it introduced me to this world,,, but when Paul created ROD,,, my participation in the PD board pretty much ended. Today, I don't post anywhere else but here.

Posting here allows anyone to state their beliefs (even if they are different from the mainstream) and be treated with the same respect that you would receive if you were sharing your thoughts with someone in person.

I do miss reading a good number of RamStalk posters' thoughts,,, it would be very nice to see them spend some time here. I see some in this thread already. WELCOME !!!

Happy Birthday my friend!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Dang it, missed the part about the boycott and got sucked into responding to yet another dumb post by Dangerzone. I need to start spending more time here. Great board that X has set up here, always good Rams info and especially with stuff like CoachO's camp reports.

But I'm not going to lie, I may have a need to sneek back over to point out the complete fallacies from guys like "smell" every once in awhile. Call it a guilty pleasure. ;)
That's the only reason I go over there. When I see a stupid argument, I feel it's incumbent upon me to call it stupid. But even that's futile. I've dismantled some of those guys with direct quotes and video evidence COUNTLESS times, and it makes zero difference. They're just in it for the entertainment value of trolling.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Dang it, missed the part about the boycott and got sucked into responding to yet another dumb post by Dangerzone. I need to start spending more time here. Great board that X has set up here, always good Rams info and especially with stuff like CoachO's camp reports.

But I'm not going to lie, I may have a need to sneek back over to point out the complete fallacies from guys like "smell" every once in awhile. Call it a guilty pleasure. ;)
I lurk every once in a while for giggles too.

My favorite theory is how Bradford being excited when Long joined the team was of course nothing less than a mortal insult to Saffold. :)


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I lurk every once in a while for giggles too.

My favorite theory is how Bradford being excited when Long joined the team was of course nothing less than a mortal insult to Saffold. :)
Yeah, that was a good one.
Like when Bradford (as a rookie) acknowledged Steven Jackson as the team leader.

It meant Bradford has no desire to be a leader.


Mar 17, 2014
Sean McVay
Yeah, that was a good one.
Like when Bradford (as a rookie) acknowledged Steven Jackson as the team leader.

It meant Bradford has no desire to be a leader.

Bradford vulturing TDs in some kind of conspiracy with Schottenheimer to make the RBs look bad and Sam look good was another funny one.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
Yeah, that was a good one.
Like when Bradford (as a rookie) acknowledged Steven Jackson as the team leader.

It meant Bradford has no desire to be a leader.
Of course, the saddest thing is I've been around online long enough to see that many of the same troll arguments used against Bradford were made against Bulger word-for-word. They didn't make a lick of sense then either.

Certainly, there are valid criticisms of both, and Bulger was pretty much done when he was done here (anyone would have been after what he went through), but there are "arguments" which scream either the guy is grasping for any straw he can, or is just deliberately trolling.


Jul 20, 2013
Freaking rookies.

This is new?

I go back to the "ILoveKurt" days.

Trolls always won when I was there 14 years ago.


Aug 10, 2013
Yeah, that was a good one.
Like when Bradford (as a rookie) acknowledged Steven Jackson as the team leader.

It meant Bradford has no desire to be a leader.

Some of those guys literally believe that Bradford is the WORST QB to ever put on a uniform. I remember when Skeptical52(you all know who that is) tried to say that a high school kid could do better.


Nov 2, 2012
I just prefer a site where you can post occasionally and expect a civil response. It's the freakin knowitall's over there who delude you with stats and disrespect anybody who doesn't have hours to type a thesis on whatever the topic may be that make it an unbearable mess. I know how to ignore trolls. Anyway I am very appreciative of ROD


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Honestly I've never done more than glance at that site and have only done that maybe twice. It was unreadable as the crap trailing ESPN's articles........just blowhards spewing nonsense, a bunch of narcissistic asses for the most part.

Hopefully the guys who end up here from that site are the good ones that some of you guys know and have mentioned. Maybe someone should go poaching LOL.

For the life of me I can't understand why anyone would want to stick around a board like that when there are better places where you don't have to put up with childish behavior and dickheads that like to stir up shit on purpose for their own immature pleasure.


Jun 1, 2013
I do wish some of you guys wouldn't openly invite posters from there to join here. PM the ones you like. That way trolls won't come too. If we can just get the rest of the good posters to jump this place will be that much better. I like how we can disagree, but still be civil here. I also like that people don't say as much stupid stuff here.


Please Delete
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 15, 2012
I do wish some of you guys wouldn't openly invite posters from there to join here. PM the ones you like. That way trolls won't come too. If we can just get the rest of the good posters to jump this place will be that much better. I like how we can disagree, but still be civil here. I also like that people don't say as much stupid stuff here.
Don't worry if a troll or two show up phx will swoop in like


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Well, don't be shy fellas. Hop on into the discussions. Time to let this post die as if you were always meant to be here.
Today is the boycott..let it die tomorrow!