401k vs Corona virus panic

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
One is old and well known for what it might do unless a new strain is upon us, and the other is completely new and the answers are relatively unknown on how to combat it.
They constantly change the flu vaccine. This is not accurate.
The buyer of my house just bailed on the sale after being in escrow only 10 days - it’s hilarious cause he said it was due to the pergola, and the old fashion 1930’s windows. Hilarious. I know it has nothing to do with that. This is just bad timing for me with this stock market shit. Has everyone freaking out.
Hopefully you will get to keep the security deposit which most decent brokers will write into your escrow agreement.
Good luck if it's still within the due diligence period.
It was prime rib - turned out it was not Lucky’s or I would have had pix - dude thought we could just walk in - WRONG

So we hit up Tee Off, a local hangout and it was disappointing. Still feeling the ill effects
Whiner fan you say? Yeah... Woopsie.. I smell a rat. :unsure:

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
They constantly change the flu vaccine. This is not accurate.


Good luck if it's still within the due diligence period.

Whiner fan you say? Yeah... Woopsie.. I smell a rat. :unsure:

2 things here - the guy i bet against is Philly Fan so I have to give him the benefit of the doubt - we went at 6:30 and he met me at Lucky’s so that seems to be legit. But yeah he’s got that SF stank which of course got us denied!
With the house falling through it was bound to happen with a hot shot from Beverly Hills who is a realtor and handles huge listings up to 50 million. The guy is a douche for sure but he saw the Coronavirus shit coming and the stock market tanking so he did what was best for him.
The good news is that everyone loves the house and things will ultimately work out. It’s not bad being stuck in this place - it could be worse so I am thankful for that. The real estate market is gonna be a safe haven for those with big bucks fleeing the stock market. It is just a matter of time.
But yeah it was all setting up real nice before this outbreak!!!! So it’s a bummer but I have faith things will work out for the best.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Y'all remember h1n1 back in 2009/2010? Good times. 60M cases, 12K+ dead in the U.S. alone in less than a year. Remember all the blame being assigned prior to the development of a vaccine? Me neither. Maybe - just maybe - viruses are bastards that don't discriminate, don't have a political affiliation, and don't have a Country they call home. Maybe they just like to fuck shit up.



Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
Y'all remember h1n1 back in 2009/2010? Good times. 60M cases, 12K+ dead in the U.S. alone in less than a year. Remember all the blame being assigned prior to the development of a vaccine? Me neither. Maybe - just maybe - viruses are bastards that don't discriminate, don't have a political affiliation, and don't have a Country they call home. Maybe they just like to fuck shit up.

Some viruses just want to watch the world burn.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 14, 2016
I dont have a big 401k yet but I do invest a good amount of what little I have in the market. It’s been very crazy.