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Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
Ever hear a song playing at the wrong time or place? Say it was depressing or inappropriate given the current circumstance? I find this often happens when I'm watching a TV at a store with the sound turned off and something inappropriate to what is on the TV is playing nearby.

Early this morning (Monday) I was in a store and the workers were in a more zombie like state than usual.......when the storewide sound system began playing Loverboy's "Working For the Weekend".

View: https://youtu.be/G5mtsnM9WNM


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
I just hate when they play Manic Monday on Monday. Hell even when they have the audacity to play it on a Friday...Hate that song.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
Well, late last year I was at the grocery store, and "I Will Wait For You" by Connie Francis came on the radio. It made me cry. There's no right time for that song.




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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
Here in RI in 2003. Great White was performing in a nightclub when illegal pyrotechnics were used and caught the place on fire killing 100 people and injuring over 100 more.

One day I was driving past the memorial and figured I would stop in and say a prayer. Well was listening to the 80's station on Sirius and who comes on the radio but Great White..was very weird

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This reminded me of something similar... and it still think about it to this day.

When I was in middle school, my best friend's sister was a senior in HS. I don't know if they still do this now... but back then the senior class got to vote and pick on a bunch of different things that would be associated with their graduating class. One of those things was their class song. Guess what they decided they wanted their class song to be???

Pink Floyd ... We Don't Need No Education

That bothered me even back then. LOL


Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
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This reminded me of something similar... and it still think about it to this day.

When I was in middle school, my best friend's sister was a senior in HS. I don't know if they still do this now... but back then the senior class got to vote and pick on a bunch of different things that would be associated with their graduating class. One of those things was their class song. Guess what they decided they wanted their class song to be???

Pink Floyd ... We Don't Need No Education

That bothered me even back then. LOL
all in all its just another brick in the wall......

View: https://youtu.be/YR5ApYxkU-U
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Feb 6, 2013
As I pulled into the parking lot to make my first ever parachute jump Tom Petty's "Free Fallin" came on the radio.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
This happened to me twice and I have witnesses since one person was in my car both times. I don't know if it's "wrong song/wrong time" but it was bizarre in it timing and that it happened twice.

A friend and co-worker was killed in a low speed accident, he wasn't wearing a seat belt and that's actually what prompted me to start wearing a seat belt. Anyway at the end of the funeral everyone was getting into their cars to go to his house to be with his wife and do the usual post funeral healing. I had four people in the car counting myself and just as we were getting underway there was a song ending on the radio, and then on came Elton John's Funeral for a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding.

About a year later I was at another funeral and while driving away that song came on the radio again. It didn't come on right away but several minutes into the car ride.

Both of these guys knew each other, they worked with each other and were friends for several years, long before I knew either of them.

It was the craziest thing and there is another wrinkle but I won't go into it because it's move incredible than this........as in CHILLING. It's almost unbelievable but it's 100% true.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
This happened to me twice and I have witnesses since one person was in my car both times. I don't know if it's "wrong song/wrong time" but it was bizarre in it timing and that it happened twice.

A friend and co-worker was killed in a low speed accident, he wasn't wearing a seat belt and that's actually what prompted me to start wearing a seat belt. Anyway at the end of the funeral everyone was getting into their cars to go to his house to be with his wife and do the usual post funeral healing. I had four people in the car counting myself and just as we were getting underway there was a song ending on the radio, and then on came Elton John's Funeral for a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding.

About a year later I was at another funeral and while driving away that song came on the radio again. It didn't come on right away but several minutes into the car ride.

Both of these guys knew each other, they worked with each other and were friends for several years, long before I knew either of them.

It was the craziest thing and there is another wrinkle but I won't go into it because it's move incredible than this........as in CHILLING. It's almost unbelievable but it's 100% true.

You can't leave us fucking hanging like THAT !

Scare the shit out of us already.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Well the rest of this is freaky and every word is true.

The first guy was named Mark. He and his brother (who is the reason I ended up down here but we have since had a falling out based on his misconceived ideas of loyalty) and the second guy, Jason along with me all worked for Mark and Chris's parents. More their mom than dad, she was involved in the day to day everything.

Anyway Mark was a special guy and well loved by everyone. He moved around to different locations to help the stores or new people who were just learning. And he was really good at it. He was also good at sales, really fantastic. Chris and I were District Managers, Mark and Jason were store managers though Mark was really more than that as I just described.

At the end of the year Chris and I were sitting in his moms office discussing the annual awards, employee of the year, WH person of the year and so on. Mark, despite moving around to different locations, had a fantastic year and really would have won Salesperson of the Year if he had been in one location but he was ever so slightly edged out in some of the categories we looked at. Chris and I wanted to give it to him based on the fact that he was right there, essentially tied but floated to so many stores which is a bit of a disadvantage. She was adamant the the other guy got it because "technically" he did and she didn't want anyone to think she would play favorites because it was her son. Nobody would have thought it anyway IMO. So we came up with a new award to give him. The MVP Award. And Mark deserved it and it was something he was proud of.

A few months later he was killed in the accident. A decision was made to honor him by naming the MVP award in his honor since the award was born out of his efforts.

The next year Jason won the award. A few months later he was killed in a house fire.

The award lived on but it was like something out of a bad horror movie when Jason died. Those two had no enemies in life, literally everyone who knew them liked or loved them. It was just the creepiest thing and very little was ever said about it between anyone. It was this unspoken horrible series of events nobody wanted to relive by talking about it.

As a side note..........I always like the song (still do) and how it builds up and then flips from organ to piano and the guitar blends in, the radio version is shortened and not as good as the album version, not even close. I was a closet (pun intended) Elton John fan way back in school but wouldn't have admitted it because of the style of music and I was a rocker. He was making "chick music" but his stuff has always been a good listen to me. My friends in HS had no idea LOL.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Well the rest of this is freaky and every word is true.

The first guy was named Mark. He and his brother (who is the reason I ended up down here but we have since had a falling out based on his misconceived ideas of loyalty) and the second guy, Jason along with me all worked for Mark and Chris's parents. More their mom than dad, she was involved in the day to day everything.

Anyway Mark was a special guy and well loved by everyone. He moved around to different locations to help the stores or new people who were just learning. And he was really good at it. He was also good at sales, really fantastic. Chris and I were District Managers, Mark and Jason were store managers though Mark was really more than that as I just described.

At the end of the year Chris and I were sitting in his moms office discussing the annual awards, employee of the year, WH person of the year and so on. Mark, despite moving around to different locations, had a fantastic year and really would have won Salesperson of the Year if he had been in one location but he was ever so slightly edged out in some of the categories we looked at. Chris and I wanted to give it to him based on the fact that he was right there, essentially tied but floated to so many stores which is a bit of a disadvantage. She was adamant the the other guy got it because "technically" he did and she didn't want anyone to think she would play favorites because it was her son. Nobody would have thought it anyway IMO. So we came up with a new award to give him. The MVP Award. And Mark deserved it and it was something he was proud of.

A few months later he was killed in the accident. A decision was made to honor him by naming the MVP award in his honor since the award was born out of his efforts.

The next year Jason won the award. A few months later he was killed in a house fire.

The award lived on but it was like something out of a bad horror movie when Jason died. Those two had no enemies in life, literally everyone who knew them liked or loved them. It was just the creepiest thing and very little was ever said about it between anyone. It was this unspoken horrible series of events nobody wanted to relive by talking about it.

As a side note..........I always like the song (still do) and how it builds up and then flips from organ to piano and the guitar blends in, the radio version is shortened and not as good as the album version, not even close. I was a closet (pun intended) Elton John fan way back in school but wouldn't have admitted it because of the style of music and I was a rocker. He was making "chick music" but his stuff has always been a good listen to me. My friends in HS had no idea LOL.

That is FREAKY Les.

Tragic too... I'm sure that was a difficult couple of years.

I'm just gonna apologize ahead of time...

But I just have to ask this question and I realize that it is just SO wrong.

What happened to the MVP in year #3 ?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
That is FREAKY Les.

Tragic too... I'm sure that was a difficult couple of years.

I'm just gonna apologize ahead of time...

But I just have to ask this question and I realize that it is just SO wrong.

What happened to the MVP in year #3 ?

Nothing, it was just those two in those two years. But that was bad enough trust me. It was a dark cloud over that company for a time because of how people felt about both of them, and the award thing which was the big elephant in the room of course.

Here's a little extra to both........

When Mark was killed it was the night, more like early morning before dawn, before a company wide meeting. I always arrived very early to make sure the meeting room was set up etc. The VP of the company met me at the front door and told me the news and I was floored. He had known Mark since he was very young and you could see he'd been crying. Someone called him after Mark was taken to the hospital but it was too late he died a couple of hours or so after he arrived. He told me to get everyone in the meeting room and then come get him in his office when everyone was in. I stood at the front door of the office and directed everyone is and of course got hit with question after question because I didn't know what to say other than "go sit down in the meeting room Paul has something to tell everyone".

I got him from his office and he walked up to the front of the room and he broke the news. In a moment more about half the room was in tears including many of the guys and within a few minutes almost everyone was crying. It was harsh man let me tell you.

When Jason died Paul, who had known him for many years, couldn't write the note to send out to all the locations and he didn't want to call each one, so he asked me to write a note. I was in the store Jason worked at to let those guys know what happened. I faxed it out and it went to one store at a time of course as old time faxes did, and the phones just melted down, everyone was in shock all over again. A couple of hours later a guy who worked for the competitor across the street walked in to give his condolences, which was classy and gives you an idea about how good of a cat Jason was. Actually no it was the next day. At his funeral the pastor that opened up the service and delivered a sort of pre-eulogy said that he was amazed because he spoke to several people, friends and family, to learn more about Jason and it was the first time since he had been doing that where not a single person had said anything bad. That was the type of guy he was.

Sorry for being morbid........but the song thing sparked these memories and now they aren't depressing or anything because time heals of course and this was 1990 and 1991. But I admit I teared up a little as the memories came back.