Wow ROD, just WOW!

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Jun 4, 2013
I can't even think of what the best part of this weekend was. I rolled in to meet you guys and didn't stop smiling until I left.

The Saturday afternoon meetup at the Hardrock was just right. Nice quiet waterside patio where we could drink and meet. @Selassie I pretended he was @-X- in the introductions like a dick! Sat next to @Ramrasta, my FF competition 2 seasons running. He kicks my ass and he's just a kid! Not really, a young and engaging man is more accurate. Very cool.

I explained that in Missouri you can buy booze of any kind at any store and we have no open container laws. Minds blown. Excited Google searches ensue. Yes, my wild tales are confirmed, you can in fact drink in cars and in the street.

A Rams fan rolls in and has his son in a wheelchair who has very limited motor control. Unfortunately for him, he's wearing a Seahawks cap. No mercy my friend! Actually, he got a big kick out of the back and forth and it was a cool moment. I could see his dad was glad too.

When we roll out, they are headed to the Metro but I have a mini-van, so we all NINE pile in and do a quick tour. @Ramhusker is doing voice impressions and tells our parking attendant she looks like the Honey Badger! There is NO BARRIER between his mind and his mouth, and thank god!

Nap time while they go up the Arch. Oh wait, Juggs is here now and wants to meet up, beer and food time! @El Juggernauto, his buddy Jeff (cool guy, plays FF with us, needs to post on occasion!) and I eat at Tigins and definitely approve! That soup kicked ass.

People start rolling in and the group is just growing and growing so we move outside. @Ramhusker is reminding every Rams fan that passes by in a mixed couple (Seahawk with Ram) that they could do better and that there are a lot of fish in the sea! Everyone had me rolling, but my god man!

Off we go to ballpark village. This is where it gets a little hazy... I remember drinking a blue shot that may have been muscle relaxers with Windex from a round by @RhodyRams, a pig, @CodeMonkey dancing...I think, Jeff trying to get on the mechanical bull, arm wrestling, and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar.

Rhody sending us off on our wonderful Windex trip.

blue edit.jpg


I'm pretty sure I was so fired up about the game and pregame tailgate, I left before drink 12 at some point on my own. It seems I ran into Juggs and Jeff in the street who found me lost in a city I am supposed to know, looking for my hotel which is across from the DAMN ARCH, which is visible just about everywhere. As I recall he pointed to a great beacon of a sign that said "Hilton", and off I went.

It appears Downtown St Louis has two distantly separated Hiltons. Who knew? Shit. Now I'm screwed. Almost too drunk to talk as the Windex kicks in, no idea what to do, alone in the dark St Louis streets, knowing I need sleep before the big event, and along comes an angel in a horse drawn carriage. I mumble my issue to her, this Hilton bad, Arch Hilton good, and she says "no problem", she'll get me there for thirty dollars! I use my expert negotiation skills and demand I will only do it for thirty dollars! She relents. I feel bad now.

My Angel. I love you. But only $30 worth.


Apparently I was seen by a ROD member riding through town in a horse drawn carriage and perhaps even engaged this person in hoots or babbling or something, but I will have to leave that part for them to tell for medical reasons.

So, I arrive alive and hungry. I ask the lady at the desk if she can get me food and a bottle of whiskey delivered to my room. Sure, this is Missouri, just order from here, hands me a flyer.

So I wake up to Ramhusker calling telling me it's 9AM, time for the pregame and where am I?! It sounds like he's drinking, so I put him in charge. I'll be right there! I roll out of my wrappers and napkin covered bed wondering what I ate and glad this massive bottle of whiskey is nearly untouched.

One quick shower, brush the fangs, and I'm on the road. Tigins is already hopping. The big ass grill they were so excited to use for us for the very first time won't work so they're cooking inside. No problem. $3 beers. Burgers. Brats from Thordaddy's favorite place. @Dagonet shows with bacon wrapped poppers that rock the house! Music is good, people are excited, lots of new faces. I'm still drunk I think, but it's all good. Ramhusker is steering the Seahawks fans across the river to East St Louis where apparently the game is being played. All is as it should be!

By the way Husker, props for stepping in. Good on you bro!

Lauren and her mom arrive. What nice people! Then Rich's family. More great people! Rich touched a lot of people, and it showed.

It's GAME TIME! Off we go! I ride the escalator to the top floor and head up approximately 8,219 stairs to my seat. There's Juggs, sans Jeff, looking slightly exhausted and damning the stairs. Where's Jeff, his buddy? Oh, he came with no ticket and found a ticket cheaper than ours down on level one so he bailed. Nice Jeff, nice.

Juggs and I are a nervous mess waiting for the game. Reviewing all of our plans and strategies for winning this game. CGI and CGI's wife, as her nametag proclaims because she knows better than to give us any identifying information, being from Canada and all and us being, well, Americans, move from their seats next to Seahawks' fans into the seats behind us.

CGI and wife next to seahawks fans with Rich's family too.


What a freakin' game! The ups and downs, the close calls and mistakes, the sucky refs and... holy shit that dome was rocking! I swear I hear indians. At times, when things were looking bleak, the Hawks fans would start chanting and man, the Rams fans would boo them down. In overtime, we can't sit, CGI is screaming and CGI's wife is making sure none of our high fives are left hanging.

At one point, in OT, perhaps after the onsides kick, I look at Juggs and he says something along the lines of "Rich sure calls a great game". Nice.

WE WIN! PLACE EXPLODES! I shit you not, while in the concourse leaving it was so loud, I had to go to the aid of an elderly lady that lost her equilibrium from the noise. She was freaked.

We head towards the gate to meet everyone for the field following after Juggs took us to the opposite corner! LOL! That's cool, it's not like I offered everyone a MAP and DIRECTIONS I'm too blind to read or anything, we go back into the stands and find it easy going back around.

There's the ROD crew and Rich's family! We're on the field! Surreal! Everyone's doing pics and videos and running around barefoot thanks to @VegasRam 's idea. Group pic.


Wander back to Tigin's, illegally park, last couple of rounds, Tigins busts out the leftovers, the Seahawk fans have all changed out of their Jerseys, some may be running for their lives in East St Louis thanks to Husker, and I need to head home.

I left many awesome people, discussions, and jokes told out of this because it's 1:30 AM, and I need to rewatch the game, but thank you all for the great time!

Good times!
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anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
a quick thanks to all the people who put this past weekend from planning into reality. great job. thanks to rhody for making my hotel reservations and code monkey for being a fine city ambassador/tour guide (that pink suit is still a bit odd).
as ramzfanz pointed out, its very difficult to decide what was the best part of the weekend, although watching marshawn lynch get stuffed on 4th down by Aaron and Michael is in the top 5 i'm thinking. and whomever set up the onfield photo / walkabout after the game deserves some serious accolades as well.
think about this for a moment. in this day and age its seems harder and harder to find time to do anything, let alone something as top notch as this event was. the amount of people who were able to drop everything for a weekend and all end up in st louis for a weekend is nothing short of amazing when you figure in travel time and distance travelled by some. pretty impressive all the way around. thanks for a great weekend everyone!
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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I can't even think of what the best part of this weekend was. I rolled in to meet you guys and didn't stop smiling until I left.

The Saturday afternoon meetup at the Hardrock was just right. Nice quiet waterside patio where we could drink and meet. @Selassie I pretended he was @-X- in the introductions like a dick! Sat next to @Ramrasta, my FF competition 2 seasons running. He kicks my ass and he's just a kid! Not really, a young and engaging man is more accurate. Very cool.

I explained that in Missouri you can buy booze of any kind at any store and we have no open container laws. Minds blown. Excited Google searches ensue. Yes, my wild tales are confirmed, you can in fact drink in cars and in the street.

A Rams fan rolls in and has his son in a wheelchair who has very limited motor control. Unfortunately for him, he's wearing a Seahawks cap. No mercy my friend! Actually, he got a big kick out of the back and forth and it was a cool moment. I could see his dad was glad too.

When we roll out, they are headed to the Metro but I have a mini-van, so we all NINE pile in and do a quick tour. @Ramhusker is doing voice impressions and tells our parking attendant she looks like the Honey Badger! There is NO BARRIER between his mind and his mouth, and thank god!

Nap time while they go up the Arch. Oh wait, Juggs is here now and wants to meet up, beer and food time! @El Juggernauto, his buddy Jeff (cool guy, plays FF with us, needs to post on occasion!) and I eat at Tigins and definitely approve! That soup kicked ass.

People start rolling in and the group is just growing and growing so we move outside. @Ramhusker is reminding every Rams fan that passes by in a mixed couple (Seahawk with Ram) that they could do better and that there are a lot of fish in the sea! Everyone had me rolling, but my god man!

Off we go to ballpark village. This is where it gets a little hazy... I remember drinking a blue shot that may have been muscle relaxers with Windex from a round by @RhodyRams, a pig, @CodeMonkey dancing...I think, Jeff trying to get on the mechanical bull, arm wrestling, and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar.

Rhody sending us off on our wonderful Windex trip.

View attachment 10240


I'm pretty sure I was so fired up about the game and pregame tailgate, I left before drink 12 at some point on my own. It seems I ran into Juggs and Jeff in the street who found me lost in a city I am supposed to know, looking for my hotel which is across from the DAMN ARCH, which is visible just about everywhere. As I recall he pointed to a great beacon of a sign that said "Hilton", and off I went.

It appears Downtown St Louis has two distantly separated Hiltons. Who knew? crap. Now I'm screwed. Almost too drunk to talk as the Windex kicks in, no idea what to do, alone in the dark St Louis streets, knowing I need sleep before the big event, and along comes an angel in a horse drawn carriage. I mumble my issue to her, this Hilton bad, Arch Hilton good, and she says "no problem", she'll get me there for thirty dollars! I use my expert negotiation skills and demand I will only do it for thirty dollars! She relents. I feel bad now.

My Angel. I love you. But only $30 worth.

View attachment 10241

Apparently I was seen by a ROD member riding through town in a horse drawn carriage and perhaps even engaged this person in hoots or babbling or something, but I will have to leave that part for them to tell for medical reasons.

So, I arrive alive and hungry. I ask the lady at the desk if she can get me food and a bottle of whiskey delivered to my room. Sure, this is Missouri, just order from here, hands me a flyer.

So I wake up to Ramhusker calling telling me it's 9AM, time for the pregame and where am I?! It sounds like he's drinking, so I put him in charge. I'll be right there! I roll out of my wrappers and napkin covered bed wondering what I ate and glad this massive bottle of whiskey is nearly untouched.

One quick shower, brush the fangs, and I'm on the road. Tigins is already hopping. The big ass grill they were so excited to use for us for the very first time won't work so they're cooking inside. No problem. $3 beers. Burgers. Brats from Thordaddy's favorite place. @Dagonet shows with bacon wrapped poppers that rock the house! Music is good, people are excited, lots of new faces. I'm still drunk I think, but it's all good. Ramhusker is steering the Seahawks fans across the river to East St Louis where apparently the game is being played. All is as it should be!

By the way Husker, props for stepping in. Good on you bro!

Lauren and her mom arrive. What nice people! Then Rich's family. More great people! Rich touched a lot of people, and it showed.

It's GAME TIME! Off we go! I ride the escalator to the top floor and head up approximately 8,219 stairs to my seat. There's Juggs, sans Jeff, looking slightly exhausted and damning the stairs. Where's Jeff, his buddy? Oh, he came with no ticket and found a ticket cheaper than ours down on level one so he bailed. Nice Jeff, nice.

Juggs and I are a nervous mess waiting for the game. Reviewing all of our plans and strategies for winning this game. CGI and CGI's wife, as her nametag proclaims because she knows better than to give us any identifying information, being from Canada and all and us being, well, Americans, move from their seats next to Seahawks' fans into the seats behind us.

CGI and wife next to seahawks fans with Rich's family too.

View attachment 10242

What a freakin' game! The ups and downs, the close calls and mistakes, the sucky refs and... holy crap that dome was rocking! I swear I hear indians. At times, when things were looking bleak, the Hawks fans would start chanting and man, the Rams fans would boo them down. In overtime, we can't sit, CGI is screaming and CGI's wife is making sure none of our high fives are left hanging.

At one point, in OT, perhaps after the onsides kick, I look at Juggs and he says something along the lines of "Rich sure calls a great game". Nice.

WE WIN! PLACE EXPLODES! I crap you not, while in the concourse leaving it was so loud, I had to go to the aid of an elderly lady that lost her equilibrium from the noise. She was freaked.

We head towards the gate to meet everyone for the field following after Juggs took us to the opposite corner! LOL! That's cool, it's not like I offered everyone a MAP and DIRECTIONS I'm too blind to read or anything, we go back into the stands and find it easy going back around.

There's the ROD crew and Rich's family! We're on the field! Surreal! Everyone's doing pics and videos and running around barefoot thanks to @VegasRam 's idea. Group pic.

View attachment 10243

Wander back to Tigin's, illegally park, last couple of rounds, Tigins busts out the leftovers, the Seahawk fans have all changed out of their Jerseys, some may be running for their lives in East St Louis thanks to Husker, and I need to head home.

I left many awesome people, discussions, and jokes told out of this because it's 1:30 AM, and I need to rewatch the game, but thank you all for the great time!

Good times!

That was a fun read. Great recap. Amazing time!


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
"and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar."

All I've seen thus far is pictures of blokes. Where are the pics of the birds, this is terrible work!!


Jun 4, 2013
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
"and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar."

All I've seen thus far is pictures of blokes. Where are the pics of the birds, this is terrible work!!

What happens in chaps, stays in chaps.


Jun 4, 2013
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
a quick thanks to all the people who put this past weekend from planning into reality. great job. thanks to rhody for making my hotel reservations and code monkey for being a fine city ambassador/tour guide (that pink suit is still a bit odd).
as ramzfanz pointed out, its very difficult to decide what was the best part of the weekend, although watching marshawn lynch get stuffed on 4th down by Aaron and Michael is in the top 5 i'm thinking. and whomever set up the onfield photo / walkabout after the game deserves some serious accolades as well.
think about this for a moment. in this day and age its seems harder and harder to find time to do anything, let alone something as top notch as this event was. the amount of people who were able to drop everything for a weekend and all end up in st louis for a weekend is nothing short of amazing when you figure in travel time and distance travelled by some. pretty impressive all the way around. thanks for a great weekend everyone!

Great meeting you dude. @Stranger was the organizer of all of this. I just did some local scouting.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
What happens in chaps, stays in chaps.

Ha ha fair enough Fanz son! I'm just glad we won and you all had a cracking time. I'm off over the Hammers, here's to 3 points. Wish me luck!!

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I must say...I'm having the hardest time figuring out what the fuck your trying to say here lol


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Great meeting you dude. @Stranger was the organizer of all of this. I just did some local scouting.
Dude, @RamzFanz , went way above the call of duty. He scouted numerous pre-game tailgating locations, looked into bringing in his own motorhome and cooking for everyone. It was only after @Selassie I & @RamFan503 said that that would be way too much work, that @RamzFanz started checking out restaurant venues. From what I could tell, he did a hulluva lot of searching to find the best sport with the best deal, in order to make sure everyone had the best time possible.

Bottom line, a lot of people came together on this one to make sure if was a special event for all. I'm just delighted that it all turned out so freaking well, and that our Rams pulled one out of a hat.

Thank you to everyone!


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
THAT'S why I heard booing in weird situations!

other than seahog fans , they were NO bandwagon Rams fans there yesterday. a little bit of pride came through watching all the fans respond the way they did considering everything going on. just so many huge moments throughout the game though, tavon's return, run td, Foles spiking the ball after the TD run (and uncalled facemask), Kendricks' catch, the 6 PLUS sacks they had, and of course THE STUFF at the end. one announcer said on a highlight replay was great---------- they needed 2 yards and 7 months later they handed off to marshawn lynch. and it still didnt matter.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
"and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar."

All I've seen thus far is pictures of blokes. Where are the pics of the birds, this is terrible work!!

had to delete them off my phone before I got home to the wife


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
man I've finished off a bag of throat lozenges and still can barely talk. Me thinks I need more vodka

who's in for next weeks game..road trip to da capital !!!


Jun 4, 2013
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
man I've finished off a bag of throat lozenges and still can barely talk. Me thinks I need more vodka

who's in for next weeks game..road trip to da capital !!!

My dad called and asked how the game was, all I had to say was "how do you think" in my current voice.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Headed home after lunch, saw a sign for a giant Superman statue, stopped by Metropolis, IL to see it, Harrah's Casino on the river there, got a room for $60, party continues!!! Any ROD brothers or sisters live near Metropolis??? This is a little hidden gem. And I got two MNF games to watch to boot. Life is just good this week!!!


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
"and...I swear...girls in very little more than chaps dancing on a bar."

All I've seen thus far is pictures of blokes. Where are the pics of the birds, this is terrible work!!
sorry mate, we were a bit busy watchin, not filmin'. i did have one that took.