When I was a kid, we used to...

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Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
This should be good, because we all have them; those go-to stories you tell friends when joking about your childhood.

“when I was a kid we used to...”

Might be hard to decide which one to share first!


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
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A funny and silly one I sometimes share... My best friend’s sister worked at Venture department store and gave us the passcode to the loudspeaker system.

In the 1980’s, it was common the phones were sprinkled throughout the store on columns... Punch in the code... you’re on the paging system.

We used to burp, fart, page Mike Hunt... the whole gamut. If we saw someone we knew in the store, page them to come to Customer Service, etc. Stupid stuff. But to kids around 13yrs old... hilarious! :D


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
When I was in the 3rd grade a small group of us boys use to touch the girls the wrong way.

Well after a very strong lecture from Mom and seeing how upset she got by it , never did it again.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
And who can ever forget playing Doctor. Lol


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Growing up we moved around a lot. Making me the new guy, and there always seemed to be some kind of initiation you had to go thru as the new guy to see where you fit in. Many times you had to fight some of the guys or maybe some sort of dare. But one place the guys got really creative. I may have posted this before but I will chance repeating myself. The guys would asked you had you ever been to dead mans cliff. Well by god no but I would sure like to see it. Then it was on. Every one would get their bikes and head to the woods where you would get on a bone jarring goat trail and be told because you were the new guy to stay in the back and try and keep up. Off we go at break neck speed. Now the guys all new the trail and the best routes to take. You didn't, leaving you to hang on for dear life and pray you didn't destroy your bike. The trail was heavily wooded and with the guys all bunched up in front of you it made it very difficult to see anything. But that was the plan. Eventually the trail started going down hill steeper and steeper, faster and faster. Then in and instant everything opened up the guys peeled off left and right with you still plowing straight ahead. I knew something was wrong, slammed on the brakes and laid my purple Huffy down sliding to a rough stop. Standing up I was overlooking about a 15ft drop over a creek with a sand bar on the other side. Dead mans cliff. Looking back now at the very least had one gone over unprepared you were looking at some broken bones. But back then we called it fun.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
Used to make home made rubber ban guns with close pins as the trigger. Then we learned the spring fit of the close pin fit in the groove of the close pin trigger. So we would take the apart and attach the spring to the rubber band. Many a well earned on those days. Luckily no eyes lost.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
Growing up in a small town outside of Fresno during the 60's and early 70's, we were about a mile away from the San Joaquin river. There was so much to do at that river during the summer. We were there every day. We would swing off this rope into the water. Climb trees to retrieve fishing stuff like lures, bobbers and hooks. Scavenge the water for clams to use as catfish bait. Catch minnows for the bass. There was a golf course right next to the river. We used to hunt golf balls and sell them to the pro shop for candy money. Ahh, those were the days.


Go Hurricanes...
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 12, 2020
Danger Zone
Growing up in a small town outside of Fresno during the 60's and early 70's, we were about a mile away from the San Joaquin river. There was so much to do at that river during the summer. We were there every day. We would swing off this rope into the water. Climb trees to retrieve fishing stuff like lures, bobbers and hooks. Scavenge the water for clams to use as catfish bait. Catch minnows for the bass. There was a golf course right next to the river. We used to hunt golf balls and sell them to the pro shop for candy money. Ahh, those were the days.
Man o man ,posting about fishing. That was my haven between 12 and like 16 17.

Lived right on Snake creek,use to walk out the back door and walk to the canal that flowed from 1 side of Florida to the other.

Caught Snook Tarpon and most of all Large mouth Bass. Happiest times I can remember.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Did you also have the noisy neighbor who called the cops on you when you did this? I did. We hated her ass
Of course. And we pranked her pretty good one day because of it.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm still a kid.

Just last night... the wife and I did our best to try and embarrass our kids. We drank tequila at the restaurant.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
We used to jump on the trampoline ALL DAY. Now, 5 minutes and I'm winded. We also used to put the sprinkler under the tramp, and it would basically double-bounce you on it's own.


Jul 6, 2018
I group up in suburban St. Louis and our house backed up to a middle school. It was a sweet setup since the middle school included about 100 acres of grounds for football and soccer fields and also bordered a creek. Basically from about 8 years on I was allowed to pretty much run wild. As long as I was home for dinner and then after I was 13 or so before Johnny Carson's monologue was over, I could do whatever I wanted - and I did.

This was the late 70s and the general area was full of kids roughly my age who mostly had the same freedoms I had. About 2 weeks before and 1 week after Independence day, there were a ton of firecrackers and bottle rockets going off in the neighborhoods and in and around the middle school grounds. A couple of friends and I would go out and launch bottle rockets on the school grounds trying to hit various parts of the school, etc.

The best part was when we would see another group doing the same thing. It was usually dark by this time and we couldn't actually see them but could see where their bottle rockets were coming from and they ours. This only meant one thing and was the best part of summer - bottle rocket fights. We devised all sorts of hand-held launchers for direct attacks or ways to time the fuse just right to through it up in the air and for it to ignite at just the right time and angle to attack from above.

My buds and I were the champs at this since we actually practiced during the day so we could see where they were going. We practiced maneuvering behind trees to get close before launching and giving away our positions. These fights would generally start with nobody coming close to hitting the other side. But once a few came close, the attacked would retreat.