What are your PET PEEVES?

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Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
I sure have my share but I'll start with this one. People that fuck up a stapler and leave it there like nothing happened for me to fix it. So what should be a split second of stapling together a few pieces of paper takes a few mintutes unclogging the stapler. I'm NEVER the guy that just gets to staple. I'm ALWAYS the stapler surgeon.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I hate explaining simple shit more than once. It's the worst part of my job for me. When I hire new employees and they ask the same damn question for three days straight...pisses me of

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Also, when people fuck with my desk. I like my shit just so, and If I come back from a day off, it never fails that someone has moved something

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I too have many... Funny this question is being asked right now though because I was just talking about this. One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing others use cliches. It immediately causes me to want to completely tune the person who's using it out.

The cliche that I currently find most annoying,,, and so many people are using it for everything it seems,,, is "At The End Of The Day". People who use that in my presence have no idea how close they are to being slapped. Now,,, I truly despise the use of cliches period... but that one is currently completely out of control with people.

About a month ago I had to attend a Workforce Development Board meeting. This one particular speaker at the meeting was using the "At The End Of The Day" cliche so often that I was about to lose my mind. In order to remain slightly sane, here's what I started doing during her presentation... I would make a hash mark on the top of my notepad every time she said it. She spoke for about 25 minutes and I was already up to 18 hash marks. The only thing that saved me from insanity was the older lady who happened to be sitting next to me. Towards the end of the speaker's presentation, the lady sitting next to me (a complete stranger btw) leans over to me and whispers this in my ear... "I know what your hash marks are for".

Please... if you have been thoughtlessly using that stupid cliche... fucking stop it right away. It is STUPID and beyond annoying.

Thank you


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
My in-laws make clicking sounds with their mouths and snapping fingers while playing with my 11 week old daughter. While I enjoy them playing with my daughter and helping the wife and I out with her, SHE'S NOT A FUCKING DOG!

If you want her attention, talk to her and ask her questions. She will look at you and stop crying, but making those clicking and snapping noises is how I get my dog's attention.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
About a month ago I had to attend a Workforce Development Board meeting. This one particular speaker at the meeting was using the "At The End Of The Day" cliche so often that I was about to lose my mind. In order to remain slightly sane, here's what I started doing during her presentation... I would make a hash mark on the top of my notepad every time she said it. She spoke for about 25 minutes and I was already up to 18 hash marks. The only thing that saved me from insanity was the older lady who happened to be sitting next to me. Towards the end of the speaker's presentation, the lady sitting next to me (a complete stranger btw) leans over to me and whispers this in my ear... "I know what your hash marks are for".

I used to do this for people who said um and uh during presentations. It's the only thing that kept me paying attention.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
my wifes whole family has this bad habit of just existing....

only kidding

Her whole family, when asked a question, reply with "huh?" and then answer with "yeah, um ............"

They also have a very bad habit of interrupting conversations. That's pretty much my biggest pet peeve is being interrupted while speaking.

thank God my wife doesn't do this

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Phone scammers. :mad:

Being the stubborn ass that I am, I refuse to get a cell phone and so am still using a landline phone. While I have voice mail, I can still hear their stupid messages. "Hello Peter, are you there? Hello, hello."

You low-life, scum-sucking bastard, you bought my unlisted, on the 'Do Not Call list,' phone number from someone and now you have to call me day and night? Thanks government for doing jack squat about this. :mad:

So the other night at 8:55 pm this same dickwad leaves a message and that was it. I ordered a Digitone ProSeries Blocker which allows me to block entire area codes and stores up to a thousand numbers.

I'm not a violent man any longer but sometimes I wish I was a member of the Mafia or worked for the FBI so I could deal with these criminals personally.

Yes, I know some may see this as an over-reaction(my wife for example)...


...too much time at home in retirement is causing me to lose it...





Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
I hate it when my dog peeves on the carpet.

....I'll see myself out....


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
Yeah, sign me up for all driving ones pretty much because lack of courtesy and inflated self-importance of others often shines on the road. But my two top ones right now are:

1. People cleaning their windshield on the freeway with me behind them. How about move over or wait until no one around instead of splashing someone with your sloppy fluids and forcing them to now clean their windshield?

2. People that outright screw me over by breaking the rules, then get furious and want to fight me because I "disrespected" them for calling them out on it.

Example, I was in a left turn lane, light turns green, guy in front of me decides he doesn't want to make a left and instead wants to merge right to go straight. He takes up the entire light due to traffic not letting him in, until it turns yellow, then changes his mind and guns it left thru the red, leaving me stuck for another light cycle.

I of course honk, because I really have nothing else I can do. He proceeds to pull over, waits for my light to turn green, so he can get next to me to yell. To which I "politely" informed him to man up and take responsibility for his actions instead of being a punk.

Look, we all break the rules sometimes when driving, so all that's required is a simple "my bad" wave when you screw me over to acknowledge you know you're not the most important being in the universe who's time is more valuable than mine. But to be 180 degrees away from that sort of mentality to having the gall to be mad at me after you were the selfish cause of it? Ugh.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
People that don't know how to drive. Two main examples are the idiots that don't know how to enter the freeway. Hey Mr/Mrs Dumas you trying to merge with people doing 65 or more mph. Going 35 ain't gonna cut it.

The other big one is merging lanes. It's a very simple concept. One from the left lane one from the right then left then right. It's so simple but some people feel they're more important than every body else and have to screw things up causing more of a traffic jam and or accidents.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
People who sit at a long set of lights at night with their foot on the brake - your brake lights are blinding me you utter wanker.

People who complain that they're always fat or 'being good/on a diet' who then eat chocolate five times a day - no wonder you're not losing any weight you stupid bitch.

People who stop in the middle of the street to have their conversations - get out of my fucking way.

Old people who go shopping at lunchtime... I have five minutes to get a sandwich and you have your whole fucking life to go shopping - get the fuck out my way.

People who queue to get on the plane when there is allocated seating. Sit the fuck down, the plane isn't going anywhere until we are all on it. I deliberately take longer to piss these cretins off.

Misuse/misspelling of there, their and they're. People who say 'pacifically' when they mean 'specifically'. Bad grammar in general. If you're not sure, don't use the big word.

And the absolute fucking worst... people who are late. Your time is not worth more than mine, so fuck off.

Phew. I feel better for sharing.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
1. Staying on topic of cars: people using high beams...DURING THE DAY. Regular beams are fine, but high beams? At 12 pm in the summer? C'mon. And those that have the stupid blue LED ultra bright bullshit high beams. Go away.

2. Obnoxiously loud chip crunchers.

3. People who tell me to "act like an adult" when they find out I like cookies with M&Ms in it (seriously this happened).

4. Those that think they have all the answers on any given subject.

5. People who turn the tv volume up way too loud.


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
The other big one is merging lanes. It's a very simple concept. One from the left lane one from the right then left then right. It's so simple but some people feel they're more important than every body else and have to screw things up causing more of a traffic jam and or accidents.
Aah yeah have to give one more story on this, one time an accident ahead blocked my lane so we had to merge over. Mr. Happy Guy next to me thought he was just too important to obey the one-left-one-right take turns civility, as if it was completely my fault somebody got in an accident in my lane and I was trying to get over on him?? So ended up I had to swerve around the car ahead of me to move over because obviously was not going to let that guy win, of course I looked like the jerk but took the hit for the sake of justice.


Mar 17, 2014
I too have many... Funny this question is being asked right now though because I was just talking about this. One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing others use cliches. It immediately causes me to want to completely tune the person who's using it out.

The cliche that I currently find most annoying,,, and so many people are using it for everything it seems,,, is "At The End Of The Day". People who use that in my presence have no idea how close they are to being slapped. Now,,, I truly despise the use of cliches period... but that one is currently completely out of control with people.

About a month ago I had to attend a Workforce Development Board meeting. This one particular speaker at the meeting was using the "At The End Of The Day" cliche so often that I was about to lose my mind. In order to remain slightly sane, here's what I started doing during her presentation... I would make a hash mark on the top of my notepad every time she said it. She spoke for about 25 minutes and I was already up to 18 hash marks. The only thing that saved me from insanity was the older lady who happened to be sitting next to me. Towards the end of the speaker's presentation, the lady sitting next to me (a complete stranger btw) leans over to me and whispers this in my ear... "I know what your hash marks are for".

Please... if you have been thoughtlessly using that stupid cliche... freaking stop it right away. It is STUPID and beyond annoying.

Thank you
I'm with you on that.
It seems every athlete interviewed uses that cliche multiple times.


Mar 17, 2014
When I'm in a drive through trying to order and they keep cutting you off to push other items on the menu.
Then they get your order wrong.

I can read the fucking menu board. Just take my order, get it right and shut the hell up.