Wagoner mailbag (belated)

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Joe , Atlantic City
12:30 PM CT
Hey Nick, I know three first round draft picks are great. But over three years--with so many these days believing this is a win now league, don't you think it would have been better to take the two first round picks from Cleveland? At least that way, we would have had a chance at a playmaker. What do you think Nick? Thanks!

I don't think it was all that important to get that second No. 1 from Cleveland this year. In fact, I'd rather have the future ones. When Jeff Fisher took this job, he and the Rams talked about building a team that can sustain success over the long haul. Also, I'm not convinced the player you would have got at 22 will be all that much better, if at all, than the one you'll get at No. 39.

doug c., paducah,ky
12:31 PM CT
got one more question for you nick.i read that the browns were offering close to the deal we got from the redskins.if thats true,wouldnt moveing to 4 instead of 6 and haveing 2 1st round picks this year have more value?if we end up with the 3rd or 4th best receiver in this draft and it doesnt look like theres goin to be many options to really help in free agency so our receivers wont be any better than what we have had the last few years.i figured they learned something from mike sims walker

Close isn't the same as the same. The Browns offer wasn't as good as Washington's, plain and simple. Let me present it to you like this: Let's just, for the sake of fairness, say that Washington finishes right in the middle of the pack the next two years. Would you rather have the No. 16 pick in the next two years in addition to your own pick or would you rather have No. 22 this year? This draft just isn't deep enough that the No. 22 pick will have value close to what those two first rounders could have. From scouts I've talked to, when you get in the 20-40 range of players, the talent level is about the same.

Steve, Stranded in Chicago
12:35 PM CT
Hey Nick! Thanks again for taking time with us, especially as busy as it's about to get around the NFL. Question is: do you think we'll have to wait for Peyton Manning to sign somewhere before anyone else starts to putting pen to paper? It's been said Wayne and Garcon will wait to see where he goes. Many others may also wait to play with Manning. Matt Flynn almost certainly will have to wait. And then many guys may wait simply because the Manning losers will have money to toss around. Do you see this happening?

I don't think Manning will hold up the entire free agent market but there are certain guys who will likely wait to see where he lands. That includes former Colts teammates and other QBs available for sure. But it won't make much difference for the defensive players out there.

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:36 PM CT
I still think the Rams should have taken the Cleveland offer of 2 firsts this year at a minimum. The Rams would have a 4 and 22, not 6 and 39. Yes they would have a 1st in 2013 and 2014, but who knows what else the Browns would have offered. If we don’t get either Blackmon or Claiborn, Ram fans will look at this trade as a failure.

Actually, the Rams know what else the Browns would have offered. It wasn't as much as Washington. And you're wrong. If the Rams don't get either Blackmon or Claiborne but they get a player as good or better, no way you can view it as a failure. That's a pretty short sighted way to view it, Lee.

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:37 PM CT
Nick, Looks like the Rams are really gutting the team. Did they make a real serious effort to resign Lloyd? Do they think they can pick someone up with his skills for less than the tag value? I don’t think so, and I think Ram fans are going to be very disappointed by this. Looks like we are going backwards. Your thoughts?

Look, Lloyd did a nice job in his time with the Rams. But he made it very clear that he was interested in sticking with Josh McDaniels. And why wouldn't he? Has he ever had any major NFL success without McDaniels? From the Rams perspective, McDaniels isn't here anymore so is the value of Lloyd really what you are making it out to be?

Brett, Spokane, WA
12:39 PM CT
Hi Nick. If you had to make one free agency signing prediction, who would it be?

DT Jason Jones.

Mike, Iowa
12:39 PM CT
Hello Nick. I know you feel strong about drafting Blackmon, but with the FA/WR available do you feel it might be best to get someone that way? Then we can trade down a little and get one of the OT in the draft. I feel the most important thing is to keep Sam off the IR list.

I think the Rams will look to add a veteran WR, yes. I am an advocate of getting a WR in free agency AND getting a top WR in the draft. Play makers, play makers, play makers.

Mark, Wisconsin
12:40 PM CT
nick, Would it make sense to bring London fletcher back to fill some LB needs. I know he is closer to the end than the beginning of his career, but still a solid presence none the less, or is the price tag a bit too high. My wife would really like to wear her Rams fletcher jersey again....LOL

I love London Fletcher and I understand why your wife wants to bring the jersey back out. But no, it doesn't make sense. He's a MLB and the Rams are set there.

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
12:40 PM CT
Hey Nick, I was wondering if the Rams truly did good with the trade we got first rounds in 2013 & 2014 plus a second round this year, besides us swapping first rounds this year. I felt that we should've held out for one of their two young running backs. Now if Richardson falls into lap then great because I don't see Blackmon falling to 6th after his pro day. Though I wasn't really on his bandwagon to begin with. What are your thoughts on the trade and how it effects the draft?

The Rams did better than good. They are now power brokers in the next three NFL Drafts. They can pretty much do anything they want in those drafts now and have the ammo to get the players they want almost regardless of where they finish. As for the draft, I've been pretty consistent in my thoughts. There are six players above the rest in terms of talent, according to scouts and from what my eyes tell me. If the Rams pick at 6, they can get one of those players.

fred , boise
12:42 PM CT
hey nick! with three high picks this year and four over the next two years are the Rams going to be able to afford this luxury? I know it puts the team in the driver seat for other options. any thought on these lines? thanks nick

I'm assuming you mean from a money perspective? Under the new CBA, the money won't be an issue.

Pam, Boise
12:42 PM CT
Hello Nick! So sorry to see James Hall released, I hope Chris Long isn't too upset, I know they were close. Could he be brought back on a different contract? He filled in very well after Little's retirement, and has played exceptionally well lately. Go Rams!! thanks and you have a nice day!

Tough to hear of Hall's release but it's understandable in the sense that his replacement is already here and Hall's cap number was relatively high. I'd never say it's impossible he could be brought back but my guess is he'll end up in New Orleans.

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
12:43 PM CT
Merry Christmas Nick! Ok it's not actually Christmas but sure is gunna seem like it to quite a few people involved in the NFL today. I for one would like to see some good things happen for us in FA. I saw a tweet from John Clayton saying we released a few players the other day. It also said we cleared $10mil of cap space, so where does that put us cap wise now? Thanks Nick!

For those that didn't see it, the Rams released DE James Hall, CB Ron Bartell, C Jason Brown, DT Fred Robbins and DT Justin Bannan. The Rams actually saved closer to $20 million in the process. With that money and a few other things, I believe the Rams have in excess of $30 million in cap space available going into the market.

Lee, Huntington Beach
12:44 PM CT
Nick, Yes, maybe the value is not exactly the same, but did you see the catches Lloyd made. We haven't had someone like that for a very long time. I just afraid we are not going to end up with Blackmon or any real threat like Lloyd. Guys like that have to be paid.

I did see the catches he made. I also saw some easy drops. Let's not play chicken little here. I respect your takes, Lee, don't get me wrong. But let's wait to see how it plays out before panicking about losing a receiver who clearly prefers to play for a certain coach and has only performed well for said coach, especially since that coach is no longer here.

fred, boise
12:46 PM CT
hi Nick exciting weekend! but today is the start of free agency. do you think Haynesworth has any chance of becoming a Ram. the guy has all the money he needs, and your going to give hims more for being there. could Fisher inspire him enough to play every down. thank you and the Redskins.

I do think there's a chance Haynesworth will become a Ram. However, I would suggest that nothing would happen on that front until after the draft.

Mike A, Godfrey IL
12:47 PM CT
Am I the only one who finds it insane and idiotic that people are projecting the Rams to pick M. Ingram with the 6th pick? DE is the last place we need to add talent or depth...I would loose faith quickly in this front office if this is the decision they make. Your thoughts?

Haven't seen that but yes, I don't see that one happening.

Mike A, Godfrey IL
12:47 PM CT
Do you think the Rams are more likely to pick a few top tier FAs (C. Finnegan, M. Colston, J. Jones...etc) and fill in the rest of the roster with draft picks and undrafted FAs or do you think they will go the value route and sign more from the second tier of FAs but fill more overall needs?

I think they'll do both. With the cap space available, I think the Rams can afford to sign two, maybe three, of the more big ticket type free agents and then find some good values to help fill needs. To be more specific, I'd have to think defensive help will be the main objective in free agency based on what's available and where the Rams can find value.

Russ, in Phoenix
12:49 PM CT
Hey Nick! With the roster cuts yesterday, this is shaping up to be a very active Free Agency season for the Rams. Can you shed any light on the direction? Thanks!

See the previous answer. But I think the Rams can add a couple of really good free agents and find some nice values to complement it. I don't expect them to be major players for all of the top guys but I think they could maybe go for one.

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
12:50 PM CT
Nick don,t get me wrong I like the trade and the picks we got from the Skins. My concern is we are out of the running for Blackmon at number six. How do you feel about things shaking out for us this year. Us Rams fans have been waiting a long time to turn things around.

Let me put it this way: I think there's a very real chance Blackmon is still on the board at No. 6.

White Buffalo, Ripon, Ca
12:50 PM CT
Hi Nick now that we have 30 million under the cap what about Sam helping us lower the Rams cap some more. I heard we can,t because of the three year rule. But I also read that Suh did a new contract. Also any word on Long getting a new deal this year are they working on that. Thanks

Nothing can be done with Bradford. All has been quiet on an extension for Long but that doesn't mean it won't happen. That could save the Rams a nice chunk of change and lock up one of the cornerstones.

Justin, Joplin, MO
12:51 PM CT
Hey Nick, so the Rams have the #6 pick. I was wondering do they keep it and draft the top player or do the Rams get another trade? A team like Kansas City or Cincinnati who would want to draft Richardson could want to trade up and get him. I think the Rams should stay at 6 but it would be interesting.

I wouldn't rule out another trade but if I had to bet on it, I'd say they keep it. The Rams need to add as many good players as possible but they also need some great ones. If they move out of six, you lessen the chances you can get a great one.

Steve, Long Island NY
12:52 PM CT
Nick what a trade the team made. We finaly have a great GM and coach. Who know what they are doing. the Only thing that I don't like, It looks like we will not be getting Blackmon who I feel we really need bad. But I really like that we get the # one picks in 2013 & 2014. Great job. Go Rams.

It's the type of trade that can really set you up for the long term.

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
1:03 PM CT
Hey Nick, all I have to say is...BRING BACK ATOGWE. The skins released him, we can have a solid safety duo. Thanks

Strongly doubt it happens, sorry Jack.

Chip, Charlotte
1:04 PM CT
With most of the cuts that happened, it seems like we may have to go heavy on defense in the draft and free agency, did cutting Hall or Bannon suprise you? Rams are defintely rebuilding (again).

I was mildly surprised by Bannan, not so much with any of the other cuts. Your point about defense makes sense. Given what's available in free agency, it might make some sense to allocate many of the dollars toward free agents and focus on the offense in the draft. Teams generally don't operate that way and I don't expect the Rams to but it certainly might just fall that way given what's available.

Dave, LOZ
1:05 PM CT
Now that we know our draft spot is six we can get a better idea of what the rams will do. I feel that it's possible to get Blackmon at the number six spot. If he's there we should take him. If he's not it looks like Trent Richardson ? Claiborne? Or are the rams even willing to trade down an get more picks ? After free agency begins we will b able to get a more clear idea of our plans.

I'm with you on Blackmon, I do think there's a legit chance he's there at 6. If he's not, Claiborne and Richardson would be outstanding picks. Like I said earlier, a trade down wouldn't be out of the question. Teams might covet one of the above players or someone might fall in love with Ryan Tannehill.

Matt , So Cal
1:06 PM CT
hey nick, read a report today that said the pats have intrest in Danny A. for the 2nd round tender any truth in that? also do the new coaches have enough trust in Salas to not match the deal? thanks

Hadn't heard that but it's an interesting question. My guess is the Rams wouldn't let Amendola escape unless the offer that came was just way over the top. Salas did show some potential but hard to evaluate him on such a small sample size.

Bruce Do, Springfield, Missouri
1:08 PM CT
Hi Nick this is my first time posting anything though I read your mailbag every week. My question is, since the Rams are releasing so many people, who do you see them targeting in free agency? Thanks for your time.

Some names to know: DT Jason Jones, CB Tracy Porter, CB Carlos Rogers, LB Erin Henderson. Needs include DT, OLB, CB, WR, OL and a TE.

Walker, Rochester
1:11 PM CT
Hey who would the rams most likely target at 6 if Claiborne blakmon and kalil are gone?

Hard to say but Trent Richardson would be difficult to say no to.

Walker, Rochester mn
1:12 PM CT
Hey nick, from what I understand we have around 10 million in cap room. Are we planning on restructuring Ron bartell's and Jason smith's contracts along with a few other players? This could save us a lot of money and potentially make room for j. Jones (6 mil a yr) and finnegan or colstan at 8-9 mil. What do you think?

Assume you saw the cuts from yesterday. Rams have about three times that available under the cap now. I don't expect Finnegan to sign here unless he takes less than what it sounds like his target price is now. On second thought, that might just happen.

mike, montreal
1:13 PM CT
I guess we now have to sign fineggan after cutting bartell, he is an elite shutdown corner, why cut him, was he still injured? Also I agree with my fellow canuck, bring back the juice Atogwe

Let me just say how much I like and respect Ron Bartell. This is the hard part of the business. But he's making more than $6 million/year and coming off a very serious injury. That's tough to reconcile when you need the cap space to help the team in so many places.

Justin, Joplin, MO
1:14 PM CT
So Nick, brackets are set, I have already filled three out, with Kentucky winning each time. Who you got winning it all, I'm pretty sure I know. And it looks like you will be heading out west rather than staying in St. Louis.

As much as I'd love to pick my Tigers, I can't do it. As most of you know, I'm something of a hoops junkie so I've done a lot of research on my bracket. I still believe there are eight teams better than the rest of the country (seven, really). My Final 4 looks like this: UK vs. Mizzou, Ohio State vs. UNC. I'm taking Kentucky over Carolina in the final though I reserve the right to change my mind on UNC if John Henson's wrist injury proves to be a long term detriment. Quick stat for you all: Six of the past seven national champions have finished first or second in Ken Pomeroy's advanced offensive efficiency rankins. This year, Mizzou was No. 1 and Kentucky was No. 2. Would serve you well to pick one of them to win the national title.

Jacob, CA
1:17 PM CT
Nick, If Blackmon is not there at 6. i woundn`t mind if we go with T. Richardson. He and Jackson for the next 3 yrs. would be great. Do you think the Rams would trade down a few more spots if Blackmon or some else that thay high on thier board is not there? Thanks

Like I said, I think a trade down would be possible. But not probable.

Tim, So-Cal
1:18 PM CT
Nick: What is your thoughts in finalyzing the trade now instead of right before or during draft day? Do you think we might have received more for the pick had we waited?

I think now was the time to get the trade done. If the value was already this high, the only place it could go is down. What if RG3 had struggled at his pro day? What if, God forbid, he was hurt? What if Washington and Cleveland had found other ways to fill their QB needs? I just don't think there's much of a chance the Rams could ever have gotten more than they did in this trade.

Mel Stone, Clinton Utah
1:19 PM CT
I like local guy and free agent DT Pual Soliai who do you like as a not so big name FA?And how come when people talk about the rams needs they say DE is a need? it seems like they still don't give Long any credit and Quinn going to be a beast to so are they talking about depth?

The Rams need some depth at DE now, certainly but they definitely don't need another starter. Some lesser known FA's that I'd like to see the Rams target: OT Anthony Collins, TE Joel Dreessen, OLB Erin Henderson (if he counts).

Julio C, Sacramento, CA
1:21 PM CT
Now with all these cuts, do you think the Rams have enough cap space to attract big names in free agency?

Again, they can land one or two "big names" but they aren't going to spend just for the sake of spending.

Mike , canada
1:24 PM CT
hey Nick, I dont understand this salary cap issue that the Redskins and Cowboys are in. If the league said it was a year with no Salary Cap then it seems to me that using it to your advantage makes all the sense in the world. Dumping salary into that year to alleviate future years would have been smart. Goodel kind of having his cake and eating it too here. Your thoughts

Essentially, there was a "gentlemen's agreement" that the teams wouldn't take such shortcuts because it provided an unfair advantage to the big market teams that could afford to pay so much money in an uncapped year.

Steve, NJ
1:25 PM CT
I think youhave to admire the integrity Of the Rams new Gm Mr. Snead. He kept his word and took the best deal. He did not go back to Cleveland and tell them what washington offered. I know others would have done that and they mave have gotten more , but you have to respect that and that act may payofff in dealing with teams in the future.

Agreed. And too much is made of this anyway. The mandate to those teams was "give us your best offer." If those teams truly made their best offer, then he got the maximum he could get anyway. And if it wasn't their best offer, then those teams weren't showing the same integrity you mention.

Mike D., Clifton N.J.
1:25 PM CT
Hey Nick,how are you? Things are starting to get interesting there in St.Louis.What a great trade for us,very impressive start for Les Snead and Jeff Fisher.Not so much for Greg Williams.I know everyone is going to ask you who the Rams are going to take at #6 but lets see what free agents we sign 1st.I want to ask you if you think we can trade back into the 1st round and get another player we covet? We have a lot of leverage with all our extra picks and I have a feeling we aren't finished yet. Thanks Nick as always Go Rams

If the Rams have a player they covet in the first round, they certainly have the ammo to move back in and get it. THat's the beauty of the trade.

Lee, Huntington Beach
1:26 PM CT
Nick, Do you think the Rams draft Richardson if Blackmon and Claiborn are taken? If you had your choice, it sounds like you would pick Blackmon.

I think that would get strong consideration. Personally, I think Trent Richardson would be an outstanding choice.

Eric, Phoenix, AZ
1:27 PM CT
Kurt Warner and Peyton Manning are easily and equally my favorite players of all time! Now yet again one of them could very well be playing against my Rams twice a year. SCARY! With that said, if Peyton lands in the desert how would the Rams draft plans be effected. If Claiborne is still there do we still draft him? No matter how talented he may be, Manning will pick apart that rookie with ease especially with Fitz going up for the ball. Az's line is good and Manning can take the pressure so would a D-line man still be a good pick? Blackmon will most likely be gone at #2 so who do we go for? The goal is to take the division. With Manning possibly behind the center in AZ and the 9ers fierce defense...we most definitely need a play maker. I'm glad I live in Phoenix...tailgating and the Rams game here should be quite fun this year!

The Rams would certainly be interested in Claiborne if he's still there but it has nothing to do with Manning. The Rams aren't going to adjust what they are looking to do based on what other teams do. The goal is to build the best team. If you let other teams dictate which players you add, you probably aren't building the best team possible.

Mike , Canada
1:28 PM CT
What are your thoughts on Garcon ( WR)and Jones ( DT) as free agents . Both guys only 25 and exactly what we need. Would fit into the future to go along with draft picks in the next 3 years

Love Jones, think he'll be a great fit. Garcon not as much. Talented player but he turned down a hefty contract offer from Indy and not sure if he's proved worthy of that type of deal.

Mike , Canada
1:29 PM CT
Hey Nick, Great trade !! Now we need to target a high end receiver in Free Agency. Question is can we go over salary cap and make adjustments later like Cutting guys or redoing existing contracts for Smith, Long and even Bradford to free up more space or does that have to be done prior to signing FAs ?

No need to worry about that now.

Russ , in Phoenix
1:29 PM CT
In reply to your question/answer with Justin in Joplin: If the Rams trade down further, it's probably for DeCastro OG, Floyd WR, one of the DTs or Richardson RB. Richardson COULD slide, but not far. Signing a Carl Nicks at OG and drafting an OG like DeCastro could be very powerful for the Rams OL.

I don't think there's any way that Trent Richardson drops out of the top 10. Based on the evaluations I've heard from a few teams' scouts, I think he's a top 5 or so player on most boards. While your idea is nice, I'd be surprised if the Rams spent that kind of money on a guard and a high pick on an OL. That just hasn't been the M.O. of Fisher teams.

Paul, Medford, Oregon
1:30 PM CT
Hi Nick, Thank GOD we got this trade down now. Great job by the front office. It looks like for the 1st time in a while that the front office on down are working together with a common goal. I have a couple questions. Have you heard anything about the status of Coach Williams and the NFL? Does the trade with Wasington mean the following? This years draft for us: #6 - #33 and what number is the Washington Pick we have in the 2nd round? Thanks Nick

Something will probably be decided this week. The Rams now own Picks 6, 33 and 39 in this year's draft.

ks, macomb
1:45 PM CT
thanx for the primer..too many of us are un/mis informed on FA! R The Rams coming back to Macomb for training camp?

Sorry, not happening. Rams are training in STL this year.

Russ , in Phoenix
1:46 PM CT
Hello, Nick! Happy New NFL Year to you! Any thoughts that the Rams could move down a 2nd time Assuming that Blackmon, Claiborne and Kalil are off the Board by marketing the 6th pick as a spot where Tannehill QB Texas A&M could be chosen in front of Miami to perhaps Kansas City/Buffalo? And still be able to pick a Richardson or DeCastro or Floyd... ?? Great job by the Front Office!

If someone falls in love with Tannehill, that would be a possibility. And I wouldn't rule it out. Jake Locker went No. 8 last year. I've heard many comparisons between the two.

stuart, scotland
1:55 PM CT
nick,first off great trade by rams.lots of talk about not getting blackmon at 6,do you think there is any chance we trade back up for kalil or blackmon?

Strongly, strongly doubt it.

doug c. , paducah,ky
1:56 PM CT
the question i was asking earlier was if the browns where offering close to the same as the redskins and you could move to 4 instead of 6 and get a better player this year why wouldnt you do that?with the defense the redskins those picks could be 22nd or later and it could take years to develop the players we draft with those picks.by then fisher or snead wont be around because this team is that bad

I guess I'm not understanding your point. Are you saying the difference between getting the fourth and sixth player is enough that you don't think adding the future picks is worth it?

Russ, in Phoenix
1:56 PM CT
Hello, Nick! This may sound counter to everything speculated about the 1st and 2nd round picks; but, drafting the top OLs would not be a bad idea here given that this is a need area, a foundation for the offense and something that could make the best/value for the picks. Drafting a DeCastro OG in the 1st (preferrably after a 2nd trade down), a Center and another OG/OT in the 2nd could solidify the OL for the next 7-8 years. They aren't glamorous picks by any means, but the benefits could be very strong for the future. Your thoughts?

I think the Rams will definitely add linemen in the draft. I wouldn't expect it before round 2, though unless for some reason Kalil slipped. It hasn't been the M.O. of Jeff Fisher to use valuable high picks on O linemen.

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
1:57 PM CT
Nick if we don,t get Sam any help this year he is going to get killed again. If we don,t have money to surround him with talent why not trade him to Cleveland pick upl two more number ones and another second and lets do this right now!


Aaron, Phoenix, OR
1:58 PM CT
Hi Nick I was curious if you know if there has been any research or analysis on the NFL draft. Every year we get prognostications for the talent and see the draft unfold. The players are drafted in order from loosely "best" to "worse" as accorded by the collective decisions of the NFL clubs - however as these players move on to play their careers, we see busts and semi-busts, surprise stars and unexpected starters - and unfortunately injuries that limit the potential of these young players - so of course the prognostications and draft order are never accurate. No one has a crystal ball. However the data exists that would show how well a team drafts - as hind sight is 20/20. I think that if such data were produced, we might see our team as historically not so strong in our accuracy when compared to the top teams - we've had too many underproductive picks, and it has really hurt our franchise. However I feel really confident that our new HC will really get these these picks right. Perhaps the data (if it were compiled) would back up my claim, and show that Fisher has picked well historically. What say ye?

I don't know about specific analysis of drafts over the years but I do know that we don't need to see it to know the Rams haven't drafted well enough in the eight to 10 years. It's the single biggest reason the Rams are in the position they're in right now. I don't think that's breaking any new ground.

Andy Logan, Portsmouth, UK
2:01 PM CT
Hi Nick, trust you're well. There's no doubt that the Redskins trade has the potential to really help turn the franchise around - I've seen a lot of comparisons to the Walker trade from Dallas to Minny many years ago, and the smart way Dallas were able to use their bounty to build a dynasty. With the Rams falling to 6th in the draft, Justin Blackmon may very well not be available by that point - Cleveland look like a good fit for him, judging by Pat Shurmur's love of the passing game. I know you're a big advocate of taking the best player on the board in each round of the draft where you can, and assuming that Trent Richardson is the last of the so-called "elite six" left when the Rams go on the clock, would you take him? Or would you look to address a positional need instead, bearing in mind that the Rams still have a healthy beast of a running back in SJax? I think the two 2nd round picks we now have are perfect for getting players for positional needs, so I'd say go and get the best player you can with the 6th pick.

I would take Richardson and I'd be thrilled about it. Kid is the best RB prospect since Adrian Peterson.

Keith, Dublin, Ca
2:01 PM CT
Great trade for both teams involved. I think the Rams will take the best player available with the #6 pick (I'm hoping for Blackmon), but who do you think the Rams should target with their two picks in the second round?

Hard to say without knowing who they land in FA first.

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca.
2:02 PM CT
Hi again Nick. Just wanted to get your opinion on WRs Michael Floyd and Stephen Hill. I like Blackmon, but I dont think we will get him. Blackmon is listed at 220lbs but only weighed 207lbs at the combine. Hill is the closest thing to Randy Moss in appearance and speed.

Hill is intriguing because of his physical tools but he has some bust potential because you just don't know how he'll perform with the lights on because he didn't get many chances in Georgia Tech's offense.

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca.
2:02 PM CT
Hi Nick. Are the Rams going to resign Lloyd? I think they would be nuts not to. your thoughts?

Doesn't look like it.

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca.
2:02 PM CT
Hi again Nick, lots to be hopeful about this year. Since Fischer has ties with Finnegan, is there any chance we can get him in FA for a decent price? I like his style, he plays hard and is a pesky defender who at times frustrates WRs, hes not a shut down corner but he doesnt have to be, we just need a solid CB.

I had heard some things indicating he might not be a fit cost wise but in the past hour or so I've heard this is a realistic possibility. We'll have to wait and see but it sounds like he could be a Ram.

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca.
2:03 PM CT
How many years does Ben Taint have on his contract in Houston? That guy is a stud who happens to be playing behind another stud RB Foster. Taint would be a great compliment to Jax and possibly even pick up the reins when its time for him to retire.

Not sure but I know he's not available this year.

John Walker, Springfield
2:04 PM CT
I am looking at last years draft and just besides Quinn not impressed. The fan base was split but I am curious a year later on what you think?

I think it's too early to pass judgment on any rookies from last year, especially since this is the first time they're going to get a full offseason in a NFL program.

Russ, in Phoenix
2:04 PM CT
Looks like WR Colston just re-signed with N.O....

He did. Not a huge surprise. And the market for Vincent Jackson just went through the roof along with it.

Jim, Granite City, IL
2:05 PM CT
Nick, Now that we have the 6th pick, I've been reading several blogs that the Rams are interested in T. Richardson. If both Claiborne and Blackmon are gone by #6 would you take him, even though RB is not a high priority? I understand this guy is one of the top players in this draft, and I would definitely take him. We need difference makers no matter the position. Love to read your thoughts.

See above. I think Richardson would be an outstanding pick.

Rams/Habs Fan, Montreal, Canada
2:05 PM CT
Many mock drafts are predicting that the Bucs will pick M. Claiborne with the 5th pick because of their need for a corner. The Rams may also be interested in him if he falls to 6th. Is he suited to the Bucs cover 2 or have they changed their defence with the new coaches?

I think Claiborne is more suited to a man cover team but he can do both. Not sure if Tampa will play Cover 2 still anyway but I'd think landing in Tampa would still be a realistic option.

Rams/Habs Fan, Montreal, Canada
2:06 PM CT
You rate DT Michael Brockers from LSU as your 8th ranked player after a very pedestrian combine. I have seen him ranked lower by other sources. Is he a viable selection for the Rams at number 6? While I have read that he compares to Richard Seymour I wonder if he could become a more coachable version of Albert Haynesworth who was drafted 15th overall by Fisher in Tennessee some years ago.

I think Brockers would certainly be a guy in play at 6 assuming the Rams haven't already filled DT needs in free agency.

Tyler , STL
2:08 PM CT
Hey Nick how is it going? Free agency starts Tuesday! I was wondering how interested the Rams were in wide reciever Pierre Garcon from the Colts. I think he is a very underated reciever in the NFL. He is a true deep threat and he would pair up great with Blackmon. That is if we get these two guys. I think Blackmon and Garcon would be a great duo for Bradford. So I am asking what is the buzz with Garcon at Rams Park. I don't think he will demand the money that Vincent Jackson or Brandon Lloyd would demand. Thanks for your answer!

Haven't heard much about Garcon but I know he turned down a huge offer from Indy early in the offseason. He's also had some issues with drops and concentration in his career. Not ruling him out completely but he's not the value you make him out to be here. How about Robert Meachem as a similar and less costly alternative?

Russ , in Phoenix
2:09 PM CT
so it sounds like if Luck, RG III, Kalil, Blackmon, and Claiborne are the first five picks, that you being the GM would simply select the Best Player Available in Trent Richardson RB Alabama. Boom! RB by committee will come to Rams Park. Right?

If it was my call, yes, that's how I'd go. Unless I was blown away by some sort of trade down scenario.

Richard Lyon, Chico, CA.
2:10 PM CT
Hey Nick, I was wondering if Michael Floyd would be a realistic pick at No. 6? I know many question his character, but lets face it, Justin Blackmon was suspended in 2010 for a DUI as well. Floyd graduated from Notre Dame a semester early, and has broken every record at the school for receiving. His combine performance was maniacal. He jumps higher, runs faster, and is taller/bigger than Blackmon. It isn't often you see a guy this big and fast with the hands that he possesses. Am I off base?

Probably too high at 6 but if there was a trade down, he'd be very interesting. And while your point on the off field issues is valid, Floyd has more questions because it's been a recurring issue and not a one off.

steve, oklahoma
2:11 PM CT
Do you think Sam Bradford Will get confidence back? I am big OU fan and been Rams fan for 40 years. But seemed to me that Sam got down after first game against the Eagles last year?

I firmly believe that with a revamped line and added weapons, Sam Bradford will be just fine.

Tom P., Kenilworth NJ
2:11 PM CT
I hope we can get Kalil and Blackmon w/ these new picks...is this possible???


Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
2:11 PM CT
Hey Nick, the Colts cut Dallas Clark. He is one of the best TE's in the league. Do you think the Rams will have any interest in bringing him in? Thanks

I don't see Clark playing for anyone that doesn't also employ Peyton Manning.

Pam , Boise
2:12 PM CT
Hello Nick! It sound like you would take Richardson, what do you do with Jackson? As though I'm not Jackson's biggest fan by far, aren't you leaving another hole unplugged. With the increases we expect in the draft and free agency we need to fill as many holes as possible! Thanks and you have a nice day!

I'm keeping both of them and I have the best backfield in the league. Look, Jackson still has plenty of gas in the tank but if you have a chance to get the guy who could be the next Adrian Peterson, would you pass on it? Richardson would handle it with class (he's already been the young stud behind an older stud with Mark Ingram at Bama and it wasn't a problem) and Jackson would be fine having someone who can give him a breather without the talent level suffering too much. You simply don't draft based on needs. If one player is blatanly obvious to stand above the rest, you don't pass on him for a lesser guy because you have a "need" to fill. And I think we'd all agree that another back is a need, anyway.

Glenn, Orange, Ca.
2:14 PM CT
Nick..what do you think our changes are of getting both OLB'sLawson (Cin) and Henderson (Min). I think that would give us a pretty good set of Linebackers.

I doubt both would be options. But I wouldn't be shocked if the Rams landed one. I think Henderson would be a really nice fit on the weak side though I'm not sure what he'll command in terms of a contract.

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
2:15 PM CT
Hey Nick, Could the Rams be looking at getting Kevin Boss to help out at TE?

They need a veteran TE, so he could potentially be in play if the price is right.

John Walker, Springfield, Mo
2:15 PM CT
While I hope for a big improvement next year-looking at the free agent market and our needs- we maybe shouldn't expect too much. What do you think? Seems like bad previous drafts and free agent choices have really hampered us. I believe we to really build through the draft and this year with so many needs maybe look at taking the highest rated player each pick since we do have so many needs-What do you think?

THe Rams will certainly build through the draft but I do expect them to attack in free agency as well.

Joey P, Raleigh, NC
2:16 PM CT
I became a Ram fan because of Torry Holt (alumni) and the GSOT. Are the Packers and Saints the closest things to the GSOT we'll ever see?

No. I just don't think either of those teams compare. Honestly, I haven't seen an offense like the GSOT ever. And the reason is simple: none of those teams and you can throw the 07 Patriots in this mix too, had a Hall of Fame all time great RB to go with their passing games.

DeMarcus , Louisville, Ky
2:17 PM CT
Comparing LaMichael James and Chris Rainey Better change of pace back? Better kick returner? Better NFL slot receiver? Better fit for the Rams? I find they are eerily similiar but ask you to answer those questions please. P.S. you can't wash them all.

James is a much better all around player. He's a better back, he's a better fit. Rainey is a speed marchant certainly but he has some major question marks. I think James goes in round two or three, Rainey in five or six.

doug c, paducah,ky
2:21 PM CT
colston signed with saints so like you just price for vj goin through the roof and were more than likely goin to miss out on blackmon, are we goin to be able to get a elite wide receiver?we need more than 1

Let's wait and see.

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
2:21 PM CT
Hey Nick, Why won't the Rams work on restructuring that aweful contract they gave to Bradford? He hasn't and won't truly earn any of that contract so why not get some more cap space?

You can't re-structure a NFL contract until a player has been in the league for three years.

Russ, in Phoenix
2:22 PM CT
Who would you guess-timate would be the 4th and 5th picks? Cleveland RB or WR Tampa Bay CB or RB . I recall that TB has a new secondary coach from LSU: Secondary coach Ron Cooper this year... >>> Claiborne?

My guess is that Cleveland takes Richardson and Tampa takes Claiborne.

doug c, paducah, ky
2:27 PM CT
you dont answer my question because you know im right.the rams receivers have been terrible for years and will again next year.and a few more years of takeing a beating sam will be like bulger.

No, I'm just not answering because you want to start the sky is falling act now before free agency even begins. I said wait and see because we should wait and see. I've been advocating using resources on top play makers this whole offseason so obviously I know the Rams need to add them. But why cry over milk that hasn't spilled yet?

Russ, in Phoenix
2:28 PM CT
Do the Rams select a punter in the draft? With Anger from Cal and Butler from Georgia in the draft, perhaps a 6th or 7th rounder?

If Donnie Jones departs, it's certainly a possibility. They have Tom Malone under contract but this is actually a good year to draft a punter, believe it or not

Randy Smith, Eugene, OR
2:33 PM CT
Hey Nick, Does this year's first round pick have to be given up to tender if we tried to get Mike Wallace or could we use one of next year's first rounders?

It would have to be this year's.

OK. That's gonna do it for me for today. That was a marathon. Anyway, it's almost time to dive into free agency. Stay tuned for more as the week goes along and enjoy the Madness on the court and off the field in the NFL's hot stove.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
If we don’t get either Blackmon or Claiborn, Ram fans will look at this trade as a failure.

You know, sometimes I wanna punch this fan-base right in the mouth. But then I realize, this person is just a dope. And punching dopes in the mouth, in some states, is a hate crime. Plus, if this cat is so enamored with Claiborne, you'd think he'd at least know how to spell his name.


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
X said:
If we don’t get either Blackmon or Claiborn, Ram fans will look at this trade as a failure.

You know, sometimes I wanna punch this fan-base right in the mouth. But then I realize, this person is just a dope. And punching dopes in the mouth, in some states, is a hate crime. Plus, if this cat is so enamored with Claiborne, you'd think he'd at least know how to spell his name.

And to top it off, Blackborn is a much better pick than Claimone anyway.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Tom P., Kenilworth NJ
2:11 PM CT
I hope we can get Kalil and Blackmon w/ these new picks...is this possible???




Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
zn said:
X said:
If we don’t get either Blackmon or Claiborn, Ram fans will look at this trade as a failure.

You know, sometimes I wanna punch this fan-base right in the mouth. But then I realize, this person is just a dope. And punching dopes in the mouth, in some states, is a hate crime. Plus, if this cat is so enamored with Claiborne, you'd think he'd at least know how to spell his name.

And to top it off, Blackborn is a much better pick than Claimone anyway.
Clearly you haven't even seen Claimone throw a pass before. You don't even watch football, do you.


  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
X said:
zn said:
X said:
If we don’t get either Blackmon or Claiborn, Ram fans will look at this trade as a failure.

You know, sometimes I wanna punch this fan-base right in the mouth. But then I realize, this person is just a dope. And punching dopes in the mouth, in some states, is a hate crime. Plus, if this cat is so enamored with Claiborne, you'd think he'd at least know how to spell his name.

And to top it off, Blackborn is a much better pick than Claimone anyway.
Clearly you haven't even seen Claimone throw a pass before. You don't even watch football, do you.

Of course I do.

Nothing excites me more in this universe than to see a Rams receiver throw a homerun.