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Nick's Mailbag
Tuesday, August 28.


LMU93, Boston, MA
3:12 PM ET
Nick, do you think it's inevitable that Watkins surpasses Ojinnaka as the starting LG? And if so, do you see that on opening day? In 3 weeks? 6 weeks?

WAGONER: I do think eventually Watkins will become a starter. I don't know how fast it will happen but he's getting more looks with the 1s right now with Dahl not practicing. I'd think sooner than later but I don't have any specific timeframe in mind.

Philip, Denmark
3:14 PM ET
Hi Nick. Looking at the preseason stats our receiving leaders are Kendricks and Amendola with five catches each. Is spreading the ball around a cautious decision by the coaching staff? I would think giving Givens or Quick some momentum heading into the season would benefit them and their confidence.

WAGONER: I think you're going to see an offense that spreads the ball around. With no Calvin Johnsons on the team, that's how the offense needs to operate. But I think the Rams will try to get Quick and Givens more involved on Thursday night, maybe some reps with the first team, too.

Ryan Williams, Youngstown, Ohio
3:15 PM ET
Just saw that chris cooley got released do you believe he is a guy worth taking a look at?

WAGONER: Not sure what his health status is but he's worth checking into. Remember, though, he has only been healthy one season of the past three.

Russ, in Phoenix
3:16 PM ET
Hey Nick! I'm sure this ia a hot topic; but I gotta ask. What is it that the Rams see in Hunter that we didn't have already in Smith? How much faith is being put into Coach Boudreau's instruction to turn a 9yr vet around like Hunter. Thanks!

WAGONER: It's pretty simple, really: neither guy was getting the job done in their current situations. It's a fresh start in a new environment for both of them. Hunter has the advantage of knowing this offense and he'll be the swing tackle here. Less pressure, no NYC media, maybe he can be a nice backup here. The Rams aren't expecting him to be Orlando Pace here.

Mark, LA
3:17 PM ET
With Watkins do you still feel there is some disappointment in the fact that he came to camp overweight he might just serve as a backup going forward?

WAGONER: Like I said, I think he'll be a starter at some point this season, possibly sooner than later. I don't think anyone is worried about what happened at the start of camp right now. The idea is to continue to get him up to speed so he can help the team.

Ryan Williams, Youngstown, Ohio
3:18 PM ET
I mention it a week back that we still lack depth at DE but what do you believe was the main reason Carter was not signed?

WAGONER: It's simple: he's not healthy yet. When and if he is and he gets his burst back and can have a full workout in which he shows it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Rams revisit that. Carter and D line coach Mike Waufle go way back, to their days at Cal.

Philip, Denmark
3:19 PM ET
Thanks for taking the time Nick. Have you seen any interesting players for the Rams cut by other teams? If not any specific players then what positions could we be looking for?

WAGONER: Not in the first round, really. I expect the Rams to be active in searching on Friday and over the weekend though when final cuts are made. I'd say tackle, safety, defensive tackle would be spots certainly worth looking into.

Philip, Denmark
3:21 PM ET
Hi Nick. What are your thoughts on the J. Gordy trade? We were slim at CB last year and now we're relying on two rookies, two coming back from injuries, and Finnegan.

WAGONER: I don't think you can go into a season worrying about getting crushed by injuries at CB again. The Rams like the 5 CBs they have. Gordy wasn't the best tackler and didn't have great recovery speed. Jeff Fisher wants corners who can tackle (I realize the irony of that after what we saw in Dallas) but this was a matter of Gordy probably wasn't going to make the roster and they managed to get something in return.

John, Iowa
3:23 PM ET
When is the team going to sign JL to a long term deal.

WAGONER: Still being worked on, to my knowledge. Don't fret about it, it will get done.

John , Mount Airy,Maryland
3:23 PM ET
One more question, I didn't see the stats from the Dallas game. Do you think we did a good job stopping the run? and how did we do against the big play?

WAGONER: I thought the run defense was good up the middle but struggled on the edge, particularly on the side where Robert Quinn roams. Quinn is chock full of potential and looks dynamic as a pass rusher but he can still get overzealous and get out of position on run plays. The Cowboys averaged 4.4 yards per carry but the top backs - Murray and Felix Jones - were 11 carries for 60 yards, just under 6 per attempt. That's not good enough.

John , Mount Airy,Maryland
3:25 PM ET
Hey Nick, my question is, do you think our inability to move the ball down the field is more from not being able to protect Sam, or that we just don't have any seperation from the receivers?

WAGONER: It was combination of things, including those two, in Dallas. Neither of those was much of an issue the week before. Of course, neither of those things really matters much since it's still the preseason and everything is vanilla and not game planned.

Tony Kantor, Hawaii
3:26 PM ET
How does the dept look on the defensive line after the latest cuts?

WAGONER: Still thin right now because of injuries. I still expect it to be Long, Quinn, Hayes and Sims at DE and Langford, Brockers, Conrath and Cudjo at DT. Don't be shocked if a player is added somewhere in there, though, particularly at DT.

[/i]WAGONER: Still thin right now because of injuries. I still expect it to be Long, Quinn, Hayes and Sims at DE and Langford, Brockers, Conrath and Cudjo at DT. Don't be shocked if a player is added somewhere in there, though, particularly at DT.

Paul, Utah
3:28 PM ET
Hey Nick, Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. In the Ram's last game, the tackling was not very good on several occasions. I've noticed the same problem on a number of team where players make a big hit, but don't wrap up and the ballcarrier gets away for extra yards or scores. What does the team do to address this issue from one week to the next?

WAGONER: Yeah, it was surprising to see some guys who are normally excellent tacklers missing so frequently. FIsher said there were 13 missed tackles in the game by his team. The only way to address it really is to emphasize it, make sure guys are working on fundamentals in practice and taking it to the field. You can't really tackle live in practice right now.

Ken, Anaheim
3:30 PM ET
Nick The one guy that showed the most and or came from no where to make the team.

WAGONER: Well, the roster isn't set yet. But my prediction of the biggest surprise (from what we knew going into training camp, I mean) will be two Virginia Cavaliers: DT Matt Conrath and S Rodney McLeod.

Philip, Denmark
3:30 PM ET
Hi Nick. How do you feel about about the tackle situation now that Hunter is the backup?

WAGONER: It's not much different than it was before. Saffold is doing just fine at LT. RT is still a wait and see and the final cuts will likely be scanned for more possible help. Hunter should be fine in a swing role and I'm told he's actually pretty good playing the third tackle (extra blocker role) near the goal line.

Mike, Ca
3:33 PM ET
Hey Nick. Looks like the Rams finally cut their losses and got rid of Jason Smith. It's about time. I feel bad for the guy, but his inability to play is compunded by the fact that the guy just can't stay healthy. Speaking of draft busts, how has Gholston looked? I didn't see the pre-season game so I don't even know if he played or not. I don't expect him to be the next Reggie White or anything, but it would be a nice surprise if he becomes a servicable linemen to move into the rotation. Or is he just an extra body to add depth during pre-season that we plan on cutting on Friday? Thanks for all your work Nick!

WAGONER: Gholston is mostly an extra body for now with Jamaar Jarrett and Eugene Sims battling injuries. He played a bit in the Dallas game but was non-descript. If he played and had a big performance against the Ravens on Thursday, maybe he could turn some heads but it seems unlikely.

Mike, Riverside,Ca
3:34 PM ET
Hi Nick! I saw the Seahawks released Deuce Lutui. Any chance the Rams bring him in for a workout?

WAGONER: I believe the Rams had some interest in him back in the spring but did not sign him at the time. I don't know that he'll get a look here but I suppose it's not impossible.

Derek P., Edwardsville, IL
3:36 PM ET
Nick, How are you going to spin this Jason Smith fiasco? This team can't keep drafting busts this high!!! Donnie Avery was the first player taken in the 2nd round. Where is he now? Mardy Gilliard was the first player taken in the 4th round. Where is he now? If you plan on using the draft to build the foundation of your team, you can't simply miss on these picks!!!!!

WAGONER: Spin it? What are you talking about? There's no question that drafting Smith at No. 2 was a whiff. It's no secret that the Rams' prior drafting problems have been the reason for this team's performance. Nobody is breaking new ground in saying that. It didn't work out. He deserved a fair chance to show what he could do before being labeled a bust. He couldn't stay healthy and he simply didn't produce when he was. I wish him the best in New York.

Julian Felice, Gibraltar
3:38 PM ET
One last one Nick..... With Jason Smith gone, we say goodbye to yet another first round pick who hasn't worked out. Who would you say was the most disappointing Rams first round bust from the last 10 years? You do have a lot to choose from.....

WAGONER: It has to be Smith because he was taken No. 2 overall. Still, the thing about that draft is there was no real alternative to taking him there and many of the players in that top 10 after Stafford haven't exactly been stars.

Julian Felice, Gibraltar
3:39 PM ET
Hi Nick Very impressed with what Scott Wells and his wife have done. I must confess I found the news about his off-season injury rather vague, and there seemed to be little information about his return. I suspect this was down to the secrecy required during the adoption process. Was he really injured? And did you know about what he was really up to?

WAGONER: It's a great story and I'm glad you asked about it because I insisted OVER AND OVER all summer in these chats that nothing nefarious was going on there. Nobody was hiding some devastating injury. I wrote that in this very chat multiple times. Glad we finally got to tell the story and even happier that everything worked out for Scott and his family. The adoption agency in Uganda required absolute anonymity. It was very important to keep it a secret and that's why I couldn't let you all in on what was happening. Yes, he had a knee scope as I wrote in the story but it wasn't a major surgery and he's fine now. He'll start opening week in Detroit as planned all along.

3:42 PM ET
Assuming the vanilla pre-season and play calling, this is a pass first league. I'm a 35 year RAMS (LA) fan and diehard. When will the play calling and DB's come up to 2012 standards? A DB can't stay 8-10 yards off these WR's and survive any game! Lock Down corners and a passing attack..DOWN FIELD, in addition to SJack is the only way to WIN...How can noone see this? It's been too long ('99-'01) since we could really be proud...so..LET'S GET IT IN GEAR !!

WAGONER: I'm not sure what you mean. You answered your own question. The play calling is vanilla. The coverages are vanilla as well. There are a lot of Cover 2 principles in this defense but Jenkins and Finnegan are physical corner, they'll be up near the line of scrimmage more than they have been when the real games start.

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
3:45 PM ET
Nick I see Gholston made the first cut you think he will make the second cut? With Laws not working out are we short on DT now. Anybody in the radar like that guy what's name Albert Hanworths. Thanks

WAGONER: See earlier response on Gholston. I don't know of any DTs on the radar now but it's definitely not out of the question the Rams will add someone there after final cuts.

Joseph Devito, New York
3:45 PM ET
Nick, the OL looks like a weakness still. It doesn't seem we can fix it within. Wayne Hunter is not the answer. Any chance we pick up someone from the waiver wire? Is there anyone worth picking up?

WAGONER: Nobody out there right now. But yes, I think the waiver wire will be closely examined come final cuts on Friday.

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
3:46 PM ET
Nick if a player goes to the practice squad they can be signed to any team. The Rams can match the offer and keep the player but they have to put them on the active roster right. Having said that if a player liked the team he is on could he tell the other team he does not want to go because he thinks his chances would be better to stay on his current team practice squad.

WAGONER: Yes, the player can choose to stay in his situation if he thinks it's better long term. BUT, let me add this caveat: when guys are released on Friday, if a team claims a player off waivers, he goes to that team, there's no choice. Once the guy is on the practice squad, though, it is technically his choice and up to his current team if it wants to promote him.

Jake, Southern California
3:47 PM ET
Hey whats up Nick, Hope you're doing ok. Anyway i just have a quick question. Do you think Daryl Richardson can pass up Isaiah Pead for that number two RB spot? I know Pead was a second round pick but the play of Richardson has been pretty good. Thank you

WAGONER: It's definitely more of a competition now than it was two weeks ago. I think Pead is going to be the primary kick returner so he'll be active on game day, that might sway things some depending on how the Rams allocate spots for game day actives.

Nick, House
3:49 PM ET
Hey Nick, I just heard the news about the Smith trade, and I have to admit I am very dissappointed by how the Rams handled the whole situation. I know Smith has not been consistent, but he has shown potential. At the very least he should have been given a chance at guard. The offensive line seems to be a mess right now. Quinn Ojinnaka should not be starting; he got bowled over at least thrice by my accounts in the dallas game. To me the best line-up opening day would be to use the 1.5 million we saved with Smith, cut Hunter and go get a solid guard like Jake Scott or Vernon Carey to start left guard. Move Dahl over to RT where he played excellent last year and make Rok the starting RG. What do you think?

WAGONER: Don't you think at some point it's worth cutting your losses and trying something new? I do think moving Dahl to RT and Rok to RG is an intriguing idea, though. Dahl played well at RT last year. But I think the Rams are hesitant to shuffle the decks even more right now without at least seeing what they have in a real game.

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
3:51 PM ET
Hey Nick, Jason Smith for Wayne Hunter? Seems pointless considering Smith was younger and tho he struggled has more potential. I know Schotty might wanna use Hunter as a swing TE to help Richardson, but I think there is more to it. I think the decision happened because we would be freeing up a little over 1.5M in cap this year. Do you think the team pulled the trigger to make space for an addition? Maybe after cuts?

WAGONER: I think the Rams will examine the waiver wire, yes but I don't think this trade was motivated by money. Nice to have the extra cap space, yes. But it's clear neither team thought they could get Smith or Hunter going so why not give them a fresh start. I know he was the No. 2 overall pick so I understand the curiosity about wanting to salvage things but at this point, we're talking about backup tackles.

Russ, in Phoenix
3:53 PM ET
Still the 1996 was easily the worst draft overall in hindsight. Although, at the time, I knew it was bad. 1a. Lawrence Phillips over Eddie George 1b. Eddie Kennison over Marvin Harrison (Rams already had Isaac Bruce) 2. Tony Banks QB over anyone other than a QB that year.

WAGONER: That's pretty bad but there are others in there as well. The 2006 draft really hurt because the Rams had five picks in the first three rounds: Tye Hill, Joe Klopfenstein, Claude Wroten, Jon Alston and Dominique Byrd. Yeah.

Scott, Los Angeles
3:55 PM ET
Hi Nick, Great article about Scott & Julie Wells decision to adopt and add to their family. Appreciate you sharing it with us. I'm sure I speak for many Ram fans in sending our admiration to them for this generous decision.

WAGONER: Thanks for the kind words, Scott. Wells seems like a great guy and his wife sounds like an incredibly strong woman. Really neat what they've done and what a beautiful family they have.

Mike Dimick, Idaho Falls, ID
3:56 PM ET
Nick do you think we keep 3 QB's. I am worried if Austin Davis is cut he wont make it to our practice team, and we lose a potential good back up QB.

WAGONER: I still think that decision is up in the air but I've come around to ultimately believe yes, they keep all three. Just a gut feeling, though.

Dylan, Salt lake City
3:56 PM ET
Hey nick I was wondering of you could explain the reasoning behind the Smith/Hunter trade. Why trade one bad tackle just to receive another one? We would be saving 1.55$ in cap space but wouldn't it me more logical to give a younger guy a shot rather than giving someone who has had many chances to be successful and failed? Why didnt they just cut Smith Or try and get a draft pick out of him? Thanks Nick!

WAGONER: Hunter knows the offense and has played for Schottenheimer before. What's the harm in making the deal? You weren't going to get a pick for Smith. This was it. You at least get someone who knows the offense and has experience as a swing tackle.

Joe, Atlantic City
3:57 PM ET
Hey Nick, Sorry Nick, but I have to say that was one sorry performance against the Cowboys! The Cowboys not only completed almost every pass in the game, but there was never a Ram within 10 yards every time. When the Cowboys rushed only three, they put pressure on Sam. We couldn't stop the run, we have no pass defense at all, and all of our guys were walking around with their heads down. I get that it is only preseason, but we have to start spreading the ball around and using some of these receivers we have. The thing that scares me the most is our corners and safeties just look lost out there. I know you are going to strongly disagree with this, but it looks like we are sorely missing a good defensive coordinator. Thanks Nick!

WAGONER: I don't necessarily disagree that the Rams had a bad performance in Dallas, particularly the first unit. Heck, QB Sam Bradford said it was the team's worst performance in this preseason. But the key is, yes, it's the preseason. Sorry, everyone was all fired up after the Chiefs game last week and then back down in the dregs this week. The truth is that neither game means much. Do the Rams have a ways to go to get better? Yes, coach Jeff Fisher has said as much.

Dylan, Iowa
4:00 PM ET
Nick I saw that Vince Young was released! We better go get him and reunite Jeff with his good pal!! Hahaha, not.

WAGONER: Dylan, you had me going there for a second.

4:00 PM ET
Hello Nick, coming out to ST.Louis this week, wandering if the Rams or holding any events for the public? If not cool if so it's all the same. Thanks.

WAGONER: There's a preseason game Thursday night against Baltimore at the Edward Jones Dome.

frankj, So Cali
4:01 PM ET
I liked DX, i would've liked him to stick around because he's very dangerous when healthy and i'm not even from Missou. I'm sure he'll recover from a hamstring, right? Possible to put him in practice squad?

WAGONER: He's not eligible for the practice squad. Will he recover from the hamstring injury? Yes. But how long before the next injury? Unfortunately, he just can't stay on the field. At some point, you just can't keep a guy around who can never be on the field. Trust me, I really like Danario and I think he's a talented guy and he's a Mizzou guy but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen for him on a consistent basis. Hope it does.

Nick, Philly
4:03 PM ET
Who do you see the rams keeping at FB?

WAGONER: I'm of the belief the Rams keep both Miller and Mughelli. If they keep just one, I'm not sure which way they go.

Lloyd, Louisiana
4:04 PM ET
Hey Nick, Wayne Hunter is more than likely going to be the backup for the team at OT but do you see a roster move being made at safety and Craig Dahl being released?

WAGONER: I don't think Craig Dahl is released, no. I think he'll likely start, actually. Hunter is a backup, yes.

frankj, So Cali
4:05 PM ET
Hi Nick - This might be a stupid question but i don't know the answer... who is practice squad eligible? I know a team can have 8 players in the practice squad, right? Can it be any 8 players regardless of position?

WAGONER: Anyone that hasn't played more than a half season in terms of games (so 9) is eligible for the practice squad so long as they haven't spent three seasons on one already. Yes, 8 players regardless of position can be on the PS.

Scott, Los Angeles
4:06 PM ET
Hi Nick, how are you today. A change of pace in a question for today. When you were growing up, who were your sports hero's? For me, my walls were plastered with posters of Roberto Clemente, Jerry West and Joe Namath. Care to share who you followed? As usual, thanks for answering our questions and your daily articles.

WAGONER: Gladly take something other than the great backup tackle debate right now. When I was a kid, my two absolute favorite athletes were John Elway and Charles Barkley. I liked Michael Jordan, too but everyone loved him so Barkely was my guy. I also was a big Grant Hill fan and had a bunch of baseball Cardinals I loved including Ozzie Smith, Terry Pendleton, Willie McGee, etc.

Jeffrey , Nashville, Tn
4:07 PM ET
Nick, Are you afraid Sam Bradford will be a bust? He seems to still have trouble sensing the pass rush and getting the ball out quickly with accuracy. Bernie M. wrote a blog about this problem. What do you think?

WAGONER: I think it's completely unfair to judge him right now. He hasn't had a settled O line, he's on his third OC in three years, he hasn't had many weapons to work with. And oh yeah, it's the preseason. Let's at least let him play this season out and see how he does before making any sweeping judgments.

frankj, So Cali
4:09 PM ET
Hi Nick - so what's the difference from being cut to being waived/injured? I see DX was waived/injured...what does that mean? He still gets paid or he still has a spot if he's healthy? Or is it just to tell all of the other teams that he's injured? Wouldn't that hurt his chances landing somewhere else rather than just being cut?

WAGONER: Waived/injured means there was a settlement. You can't cut a guy who is hurt without one.

frankj, So Cali
4:10 PM ET
How did Gholston look during the game? Did he get some play time? Any chance he makes the 53?

WAGONER: See earlier response. Long shot.

frankj, So Cali
4:10 PM ET
Hello Nick, There were some obvious blown calls during the game especially the 2 that were reviewed on replay - Salas TD and Jeff Fisher's challenge. I heard the Instant Replay refs are regular NFL refs, is that true? How serious is the NFL about having the season with replacement officials?

WAGONER: Not sure on the replay officials. But yes, the officiating has been brutal and was particularly brutal the other night. Right now, it seems the replacements are in. Hopefully the sides can work something out. It's been tough to watch all the way around.

Roy, PA
4:11 PM ET
Nick, your thoughts on the 7th. round pick Aaron Brown, will he make the cut?

WAGONER: I think he will. Nobody is talking much about him but the Rams have been very happy with his work on special teams. And, if you haven't noticed, the special teams units have been quite good in the preseason. Brown is a big reason why.

Jim L, Granite City, IL
4:12 PM ET
Nick, Many of the internet boards have been very critical of Sam Bradford recently. It seems that Sam has been regressing in his play for well over a year. His pocket awareness is off kilter and he seems very "jumpy" when rushed, throwing wildly to try to get rid of the ball anyway possible. The great QB's such as Aaron Rodgers have a feel for the rush and can sidestep it and still throw accurately. Sam is really lacking in this area. He really hasn't imporved at all. Myself and others now believe it was a mistake for the Rams not to draft RG III and go with a battered QB who lacks confidence to lead this team. What are you thoughts????

WAGONER: I think he struggled against Dallas, no question about it. He called it the offense's worst game. But I also think it's only fair to judge him off what happens in real games. Can we at least give him some time in the regular season with an offensive line that has a semblance of continuity and his workhorse running back with him before we judge him?

Joseph devito, New York
4:14 PM ET
Nick, in your estimation which of the two rookie WR's has made more of an impression in the preseason? Do you think either will have a significant role in the offense?

WAGONER: They've both had some nice moments in their own ways. I don't know about significant in terms of starting. I said from the day he was drafted that Brian Quick will probably take a little while to be the guy everyone wants him to be. Patience will be required there. As for Givens, I believe there will be things in the offense for him because of his home run ability. He'll come along as well. But, as with most rookie receivers, it's going to take some time for them to be every down players who can consistently stress a defense.

Russ , in Phoenix
4:15 PM ET
Is the city of St. Louis bracing for hurricane remnants? Last projection has the center of the storm over StL on Saturday... Should be some late drought relief.

WAGONER: Hadn't heard that but more rain would be welcome. We've been getting some here lately so more would be nice. Speaking of this, best to everyone who is in Isaac's way. Hope that it doesn't cause too much damage.

Joseph Devito, New York
4:16 PM ET
Nick, looking at it objectively Bradford has not had a good preseason. He has not been particularly effective in any of the three games. Is there any concern the ankle injury is still an issue?

WAGONER: That's not looking at it objectively at all, Joseph. I know it doesn't help drive your agenda but if you want to look at it objectively: Bradford was OK against Indianapolis, good to very good against Kansas City and not so good against Dallas (he said it himself). He's not concerned with the ankle. When he is or if it becomes a problem, we'll write about it.

Jordan, Nashville,IL
4:17 PM ET
Hey Nick I know everyone is saying all this bad stuff about the offensive line play last week, But how do you think the starters did last week. Saffold Richardson Wells.

WAGONER: Some definite rough spots. I would remind to keep in mind that Dallas threw some exotic blitzes the Rams way that they weren't prepared for but the pass protection overall wasn't where you want it. Saffold was solid, as he has been through most of the preseason. Wells was also fine in his time though he didn't play as long as the rest. Richardson was OK as well, though he was partially fooled on one of the aforementioned blitzes.

Don Riley , New Jersey
4:19 PM ET
I hope Harvey Dahl comes back soon. He's the heart of the offensive line. Will he back soon ? He seemed to be helping Richardson in the first two games. I hope he doesn't miss the first game, that would be horrible..

WAGONER: Right now, there's no reason to think he won't be ready for the first week.

justin, pa
4:19 PM ET
You really don't think Alexander has a chance to make the team? He a big guy with pretty good hands. His health hasn't been great but if we cut him and another team picks up and stays healthy he's going to be good, even great. Id be pretty disappointed, I really hope the team gives him a chance.. Your thoughts please? Thanks.

WAGONER: I guess this question has been answered. Again, nobody every questioned his talent. He just hasn't been on the field.

justin, pa
4:20 PM ET
What really happened with Donnie Avery? You a lot you thought he could thrive in McDaniel's system and the brief time I seen him with Bradford it seemed to be a great combo, but then he was suddenly cut and I didn't really see an explanation for it. Thanks for your time.

WAGONER: WHat really happened? He couldn't stay healthy and when he was he didn't give you much besides some straight line speed. He couldn't go up and win jump balls. It was explained last year. And if you'll notice, he hasn't done much since he left St. Louis, either.

Lloyd, Louisiana
4:21 PM ET
Nick, is it just me or do you also see alot of hitting instead of wrap tackling by the team so far this preseason? The art of tackling is seeming to constantly be going away in the league today because so many people are going for the big hit and alolowing big gains because they want to knock a guy out. It's ok to go for the big hit but it shouldn't be on every tackle though

WAGONER: I've definitely seen some of that, some of it is guys trying too hard to make an impression but I think in general fundamentals are lacking around the league.

Don Riley , New Jersey
4:21 PM ET
Thank you for taking the many questions. College Football. Who wins the Michigan - Alabama game ? Also, can you pick few college players who you really like ? I like Ray Graham of Pitt to come back and be Super, Marcus Martin the second year guard at USC and I think Denard Robinson has a big year for Michigan. Who do you like ?

WAGONER: I have to go with Alabama. I'm now officially an SEC guy and I just think Bama is too strong top to bottom for MIchigan. Some college guys I really like: South Carolina RB Marcus Lattimore might be my favorite player in college football. I like his teammate DE Jadeveon Clowney as well. Also hard not to like/be impressed with NC State CB David Amerson. And as a Mizzou honk, I have to say I'm really excited to see how freshman WR Dorial Green-Beckham fares in his freshman season and issue fair warning to teams that have to try to block DT Shelden Richardson. I think he has a breakout season.

Russ, in Phoenix
4:24 PM ET
I truly believe at some point soon, this Off. Line will gel and be very very effective. Then, we'll see SJax running and play-action passing out of running formations. And the Rams winning against stout teams. Even on the ROAD!!!

WAGONER: I hope you're right.

Ramonoodle, Indiana
4:24 PM ET
Hi Nick. I noticed in your prediction for the cuts/53 man roster that you don't predict Mattison to be retained. He was the one selected to fill in for H. Dahl last night and seemed to do a solid job. He also had a reasonable amount of time at center with the Ravens that should provide some extra flexibility at the LG, RG, and center positions. With these thoughts in mind, I was just wondering what leads you to the thought that he wouldn't be a logical OL man to be kept?

WAGONER: Well, I think if the Rams keep 9 OL, which is entirely possible, that Mattison makes it. BUT, if they keep 8, the logic is pretty simple. You keep Robert Turner as your inside swing man capable of playing center or guard. Then you have Wayne Hunter as your swing tackle for either spot. Then you keep the guy you want most regardless of position. I think Watkins is becoming that guy and I'm not sure you keep two true guards who don't play other positions (Watkins can play tackle in a pinch, I suppose).

Lloyd, Louisiana
4:26 PM ET
One more question for you Nick.....Do you see the Rams making a so called "blockbuster" trade like Jim Irsay called his trade for Vontae Davis?


Jordan, Nashville,IL
4:26 PM ET
Hey Nick How is Stewart Looking health wise i know he prob wont start week one. Do you see the rams try and play both safteys up close to the line since they really dont have a FS.

WAGONER: You can't really play both safeties up near the line. You have to have somebody in center field in this system. Stewart won't play this week most likely, but should be OK for week 1. We'll see how it goes from there though I expect Dahl to start the first week.

Jordan, Nashville,IL
4:27 PM ET
Hey Nick do you think Quick will be used more then he has been in the previous games. I believe that he is the best WR on the rams talent wise and just needs a chance to show it off and time to grow.

WAGONER: He does need time to grow but yes, he'll be worked in against Baltimore.

Russ, in Phoenix
4:28 PM ET
Hey Nick! Just read your response to a Gholston question. What is it that is lacking for him? He's expected to be a 3rd down pass rusher right? Is he not showing the burst needed?

WAGONER: I can't judge him because I've really only seen him a couple times. He's only had three practices and played at the tail end of the preseason game. He was signed to help at a position of need to get through the preseason.

David, Maryland
4:29 PM ET
I thought Michael Brockers looked good in the last game against Dallas. Is he ready to be a major contributor once the season starts?

WAGONER: I think he's well on his way. He's doing a nice job against the run as expected and his pass rush is still a work in progress. No doubt he'll start and help right away, particularly on running downs.

Dave, St. Louis
4:30 PM ET
Everything is vanilla is the excuse now but what happen later on when we start losing what will be the issue then? I believe a starting OL the includes saffold,mattison, wells, watkins and dahl is the best out there right now. And our WR can not get open is more than being vanilla but more about the WR themselves. Come on there is more things deeper than that.

WAGONER: Nobody said it was just being vanilla. You can just read the parts you want to help fit what you want to think but I've written multiple times that the pass protection must get a lot better, that receivers need to get open, etc. Did I not say it was a combination of things. But it's also still the preseason so it's important to keep that in mind. Nobody had a single complaint after the Kansas City game.

Don Riley , New Jersey
4:31 PM ET
I like what Brockers has done so far. My question is on Janoris Jenkins. It almost appeared like the Cowboys were forcing Jenkins to be physical. He made two tackles early in the game. Then he missed one or two. And finally on the last Touchdown run. Where he and Dahl were unable to make a tackle on the sideline. It looked like he wanted no part of the tackle. He didn't post up and didn't touch the ball carrier at all. . He just folded. I'd like to be clear, I think Jenkins is an excellent player and will become a fine player. But, are the Rams asking too much for him at this stage ? And can he be physical enough to be the starting Corner ? Considering the Rams don't have an enforcer type safety to help him out. .

WAGONER: I don't think they're asking too much and he's been a willing and solid tackler but certainly had some rough moments in the last game. I will add this: I think some of the expectations that are out there for him are a little overboard, especially for his rookie season. He's going to have some ups and downs in his first season, that's part of the deal. He'll learn and get better from the downs but it's unfair that some people have him pegged for the Pro Bowl in year one. Does he have Pro Bowl talent? Yes. Will it take a little to reach that level? Yes.

Jordan, Nashville,IL
4:34 PM ET
I know everyone wants the two TE threat like the Pats have but is it more realistic to think the rams will leave a Te to block while using there other TE Kendricks to recieve

WAGONER: They will use a lot of two tight end stuff in the offense, yes.

Don Riley , New Jersey
4:34 PM ET
Do you feel that Robert Quinn got the best of Rookie Sensation (last year) Tyron Smith ? In last week's game. Although Smith played right tackle last year. Also, do you feel that in the first three preseason games and practices ( Ok, they are not regular season games). Quinn is showing that he is becoming more consistent and truly becoming a good player ?

WAGONER: Yes, when pass rushing. Smith had success on run plays but Quinn dominated him in the pass rush and were it not for a lack of holding calls, it would have been more obvious just how much success he had. Like I said earlier, Quinn looks like he's ready to be a dynamic pass rusher. He still has work to do to be a well rounded end, though.

Robert, Highlands Ranch, CO
4:36 PM ET
Hey Nick, Austin Davis continues to look great. What are the odds that he comes out ahead of Clemons when all is said and done?

WAGONER: Not very likely.

Robert , Highlands Ranch, CO
4:36 PM ET
Nick, I know it's only preseason and it doesn't mean much, but come on, our first units are not giving us fans much to be excited about.

WAGONER: Were you excited after the KC game? Plenty to like from that one. I understand your frustration, I do. Yes, the Rams have much to improve. But things will change a lot in the regular season. The preseason isn't about exciting anyone. It's about getting work for the starters and evaluating players. I know that doesn't create much excitement but it is what it is.

Jordan, Nashville,IL
4:38 PM ET
hey nick who do you see as our punt returner. I hope it is not Amendola he is good but most of the time he refuses to fair catch the ball and i would hate for him to get hurt returning

WAGONER: Still to be determined. I think Jenkins might get first crack but Amendola is the "safe" option.

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
4:38 PM ET
Hey Nick, I think McLeod has locked down his spot by now with the way he has played this preseason. Any chance he starts opposite of Mikell? Dahl has looked brutal this preseason and Stewart is still hurting. Thoughts? Thanks

WAGONER: I don't think he'll start but I do agree that he seems to be in good shape to make the roster. He does run the best of any of the safeties but probably not ready to start.


Cudjo Makes His Case

Cudjo Makes His Case
http://www.stlouisrams.com/news-and-eve ... 0acfeb3595
Nick Wagoner
Senior Writer

aaRead Discuss Comments:
As he watched his team struggle together from afar for the entire 2011 NFL season, Rams defensive tackle Jermelle Cudjo sunk lower and lower into the depths of despair.

Only a year removed from becoming one of the team’s Cinderella stars, who had gone from training camp long shot from tiny Central Oklahoma to a contributor on a NFL roster as a rookie, Cudjo was feeling the weight of the world on his surgically repaired back and, by extension, his mind.

Cudjo had undergone surgery to repair a herniated disc in his back, a surgery that left him essentially immobile for six weeks and led to a six month rehab.

“That was my first surgery ever and it was serious,” Cudjo said. “I was way down. I had to deal with it. I prayed a lot about it, went to church, changed my life around and did the best to become a person that can show the Rams I can help this organization.”

With one preseason game to go, Cudjo has done plenty to help the organization but also to help his chances of again making the roster.

In the first three preseason games, Cudjo has consistently provided a pass rush from his three-technique position (though he wasn’t thrilled with his effort against Dallas) and his efforts have not gone overlooked by coach Jeff Fisher and his staff.

“’Cudj’ has done a nice job,” assistant head coach Dave McGinnis said. “You’ve seen him in practice and he’s been productive in the games, also. That’s a big, big plus for us because we need guys to be able to rotate in on that defensive line. ‘Cudj’ has been healthy and again, as I say, he’s taken to really the type of techniques and what Mike Waufle has brought to his game. Especially in the last couple of weeks, you’ve seen him kind of come up.”

Landing a spot on the Rams final 53-man roster would be quite a turnaround for Cudjo considering what he was going through last year at this time.

The back issue first grabbed Cudjo in last year’s training camp, derailing what to that point had been one of the team’s quiet surprises from the 2010 season after he earned a roster spot as an undrafted free agent.

Cudjo dealt with a lot of pain as the herniated disc led to a pinched nerve down his leg. Although he didn’t want to risk his chance to again make the roster, Cudjo had no choice but to undergo the surgery.

“I was pretty much out for six months,” Cudjo said. “No twisting, no bending, stuff like that. It was really hard mentally and physically. I could do everything myself but I had to be careful of what I did as far as bending over or twisting because the scar tissue had to heal right.”

After a six-week wait in which Cudjo couldn’t do much more than get plenty of bed rest, he finally was able to begin his rehabilitation. But getting back to work wasn’t as easy as it might have seemed.

Sure, Cudjo was eager to get back on the field but he also had a bit of a depression to snap out of before he could attack his workouts. He did what many in his position would do and turned to an unexplored spiritual side to help him get going.

“It was very frustrating,” Cudjo said. “I was in a little slump. I found God and he helped me get back to where I know best and I tried to stay around and help the team as much as I can.”

Upon getting back into rehab, Cudjo started slow, working mostly on leg exercises before he was able to start twisting and bending and working on core muscles. Slowly but surely, more and more exercises were added to Cudjo’s rehab and he took to the workouts well.

At 6’2, 311 pounds, Cudjo appears trimmer than he’s been at any point in his young career and has added some muscle to better hold up against the run.

Cudjo found himself recalibrating his outlook from where he was in 2011.

“I had big expectations last year,” Cudjo said. “I came in shape and was ready to play and then I got hurt and just crashed. It was hard. I tried to bounce back as quick as I could. I am blessed to be back in training camp and now I am doing good and trying to make this team.”

For a player like Cudjo who sneaked his way on to the roster as a rookie in 2010, the prospect of impressing a new coaching staff that has no loyalty or investment in him can be a daunting one.

But Fisher and Co. apparently liked Cudjo enough to re-sign him as an exclusive rights free agent and so far Cudjo has thoroughly enjoyed working with Fisher, McGinnis and defensive line coach Mike Waufle.

“I know we have got a new staff but just like my first year I have to prove to them I am hungry enough to make this team and help out,” Cudjo said. “I like the coaching staff here so I am glad they gave me an opportunity to showcase my skills.”

Cudjo said he’s developed a strong bond with Waufle, who is widely regarded as one of the league’s savviest defensive line coaches.

It’s also helped Cudjo’s cause that adjusting to the defensive scheme brought by Fisher and McGinnis isn’t one that is too complicated.

In the previous system, defensive tackles were often viewed as interchangeable but there’s a clear distinction between three technique and nose tackles in this scheme. But what’s not so difficult to understand is what’s being asked of them, regardless of where they line up.

“This defense is much easier for us actually,” Cudjo said. “It’s basically just attacking. There’s no reading, just get off the ball and react to whatever happens. It is fun. It’s either A gap or B gap and everything else is just attack and get to the ball.”

Cudjo has been doing plenty of that attacking in this training camp. With Michael Brockers and Kendall Langford locked in as starters, Cudjo find himself in a battle for a spot in the rotation for what will likely be four tackles on the final roster.

Veteran addition Trevor Laws missed most of camp with a knee injury and was placed on injured reserve Monday and Darell Scott has missed much of the past two weeks with a leg injury. That’s left plenty of opportunity for Cudjo behind the starters and he’s taken advantage of those chances.

In the preseason games, in particular Cudjo has jumped off the screen with the backups.

“The preseason games are important,” Cudjo said. “It’s not only the Rams but 31 other teams are looking at you so I just try to go as hard as I can every day and make plays when those games come.

“I feel like if I buy in, which I am doing, and take coaching like I should, I have a good chance to make this team.”


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
I think Cudjo is a solid lock to make the roster. He's been playing very good, and really bolsters a talented defensive line.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
DR RAM said:
I think Cudjo is a solid lock to make the roster. He's been playing very good, and really bolsters a talented defensive line.

Definitely agree. The fact that he provides a pass-rush from the middle makes him worth keeping. Same with Sims.