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Nick's Mailbag

Tuesday, August 14


Mike , Canada
1:31 PM ET
HEy Nick, What are the chances of DX playing on Saturday? He just seems to bring an element that we still dont have when he is healthy

WAGONER: Danario will be monitored day to day this week. Too early to say but seems like something of a 50/50 proposition at this point. He definitely needs to get out there sooner than later, though.

Mike, Canada
1:32 PM ET
No panic button here in fact I could care less about Sundays game. I did not see the game so I was wondering when we went deep to Givens a couple of times was he open? Did he get separation and the ball never got there or did we try to stick it in on tight coverage?

WAGONER: There were three deep balls thrown to Givens. Two were underthrown and one was a bit overthrown. Hard to tell what kind of separation there was on the two underthrows. On one of those, he should have made the catch though it would've been a tough play. The other, he drew a pass interference call as he tried to come back to the ball. He had a step or two on the one that was a little long. There was some double coverage there, with safety help over the top as well on two of them. In some sense, Givens was a little too fast which is a timing issue with the QBs that will be worked out as camp goes on

Mike, Canada
1:34 PM ET
Hey Nick, Here is how I see it, Sam is a huge competitor, he says all the right things but I guarantee you he hearing all this stuff about Newton, RG111, Luck and is fired up to show people he is as good as they are if not better. He just needs some time in the pocket. Do you think he is motivated by all that jazz that gets written?

WAGONER: I don't think Sam uses anything from the media for motivation. I think his motivation comes from the fact that he absolutely loves football and he loves to compete. The guy badly wants to win

Mike A, Godfrey IL
1:36 PM ET
Do you think Quick and Givens will get more time with the 1s in the next preseason game? To me it would seem difficult to accurately evaluate them playing against and with the backups.

WAGONER: Yes. In the next two games, I expect the 1s to be on the field longer and for there to be some more mixing and matching at WR

Jacob, Missouri
1:37 PM ET
What should we expect from the second preseason game in terms of playing time for the starters and rookies?

WAGONER: You'll get more time from the starters. Not sure if it will be a whole first half or not but something into the second quarter, most likely. Probably still limited for RB Steven Jackson, though

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
1:38 PM ET
Leave it up to the Rams to make Luck look like a star before the season even starts. In Fishers interview I saw that he mentioned the Rams defenders were held on that play numerous times,was this due to the replacement refs?

WAGONER: Not sure if you can blame it directly on the replacement officials. Holding calls get missed by the regular refs as well. But it should have been obvious, there were mutliple blatant holds on the play

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
1:39 PM ET
Will Wells be back before the season starts? His presence on the Oline will be a difference maker.Also did Cortland F. play in Sundays scrimmage?

WAGONER: The Rams believe that he will be back before the season. Fisher said last week he expects Wells to play in a preseason game at some point. Yes, Finnegan played against the Colts

Kevin, Chicago
1:40 PM ET
How did Matt Conrath play? Did he grade-out well?

WAGONER: He flashed a couple of nice moments. Not sure how coaches graded him

David, Maryland
1:40 PM ET
Hey, Nick. Thanks for all of your hard work. How is Brian Quick coming along? Will he see more action in the second preseason game?

WAGONER: Fisher is happy with how Quick is developing. Remember, this is going to take some time. You can't snap your fingers and learn how to run NFL routes overnight. He'll get worked in with the starters some as the preseason goes on. But I'll continue to preach patience with Quick this year

Ray, New Jersey
1:42 PM ET
Nick: Luck looked like the 3rd year vet, and Bradford looked like the rookie in his first NFL game. Not that Sam was bad by any means, but the command, the zip on the ball, the downfield throws, etc...it looked like one QB passed the eye test and the other did not. How concerned are you?

WAGONER: Not sure where people think Bradford was bad by any means in that game. Did he miss a throw or two? Yep. He wasn't great but he wasn't bad, either. Remember, he still has to get timing down with his wideouts too. Some new faces out there with him

Mike, Iowa
1:43 PM ET
Hello Nick, I know that it is only the first pre season game, and not much should be taken from it. My question is how is the coaching staff feeling about the O-line. I feel that the line did not protect Sam the way it should have, not sacks but hits. Is there any concern there?

WAGONER: Fisher was pleased with how the O line blocked in the run game, not so happy with the pass protection. There is definitely concern there, as there should be until the line gets settled in

David, Maryland
1:44 PM ET
Any thought on who the captains might be this year or is it too early to tell?

WAGONER: I'm not sure how many captains Fisher likes to go with but I'd think Steven Jackson and James Laurinaitis will be at the top of the list. Cortland Finnegan, Chris Long and Sam Bradford would also get some consideration, I'd think

Dean, Kansas City
1:45 PM ET
Hey Nick, Glad to finally see our guys back on the field. However, I didn't hear anything about "Uh-Oh" from the game Sunday even though I'd been hearing some pretty positive things about him through camp. How is the coaching staff feeling about him, and will we possibly see him a bit more as the preseason goes on? Not that I'm complaining that Kendricks is getting some confidence, but I like the idea of these two becoming a force in the passing game.

WAGONER: He didn't catch any passes and I don't remember if he had any thrown his way. I think he'll continue to work his way into the mix throughout the preseason

Joe, Atlantic City
1:46 PM ET
With all I have read and heard about Chris Givens regarding his incredible speed, I was surprised to see that on the two or three deep routes he ran, he couldn't seem to get any separation. Just an observation Nick--your thoughts? Thanks!

WAGONER: I addressed this a little earlier but I don't recall him getting much of a chance to turn on the burners and run down a pass because two of them were underthrown. He did have a step or two on the one that was a little too long

Kevin Bully, Hawaii
1:47 PM ET
Sort of an out of the subject question. . .but do you realize that being a Rams Fan, that i consider them to be Hawaii's team! (although fans here are generally whiners, raiderz and cowboys fans...blech!)...with Greg Salas from U. of Hawaii and Aaron brown, and Big Mike's dad is from Hawaii, and himself Part Hawaiian, just a quick thought!! i'm sure the Rams WILL play much better against the chiefs!! ALOHA!

WAGONER: Good to hear. There are a lot of connections out there. And we have a history of it, too with guys like Pisa Tinoisamoa and Brandon Manumaleuana as well

Joe, Atlantic City
1:47 PM ET
Hey Nick, I liked what I saw from Isaih Pead and Givens. I would have liked to see them go to Quick a few times. But here is what I don't understand. How many coaches have to come to this team before they realize that Craig Dahl cannot cover anyone? I have seen that guy burned so many times in games! Secondly, why is Chase Reynolds returning kicks--he just doesn't have it. I know its only the first preseason game, but that was hard to watch. As always, thanks Nick

WAGONER: Dahl did struggle in coverage. Remember, Darian Stewart did not play because of injury and the Rams are rotating the two players. This coaching staff deserves a chance to see these guys play in person to evaluate them, too. Reynolds was the third string kick returner. They just gave him a chance late, don't see what the problem is

White Buffalo, Ripon, CA
1:49 PM ET
Nick when do the first cuts happen? What is the final cut down date? Thanks.

WAGONER: Cutdown to 80 is on Aug. 28. Cutdown to final 53 is Sept. 2

bob f, pa.
1:50 PM ET
i see jamaar jarrett got a lot of play time against the colts. what do you think of his preformance?

WAGONER: Can't say he did much to stand out to me but I didn't pay super close attention to him, either

Mark, Los Angeles
1:50 PM ET
Well, I know we will have to listen to pre season rhetoric. But there is no hiding the same problems this team has had for 7 years. Forget about the W/L and the score. This team was not prepared to play and their execution was terrible. On defense, there is one huge problem I have been screaming about for years and it is simple, the Rams linebackers are terrible. From the first play with JL55 out of position on a 5 yard pass that goes for 60 and TD, to the end of the game. The OL still has major gaps to fill. What say you Nick? Any plans to go find a stud lineback who can fill the right gap and make a tackle? I must say SJ39 looked great and Cudjo seemed to always be getting up from the pile around the ball carrier.

WAGONER: I understand your concern, Mark but on the play you mentioned, did you see the linebackers being blatantly held? Can they get more than just a quarter of playing before passing judgment on them as terrible? I'm not saying the Rams have a bunch of Pro Bowlers there but kind of unfair to judge them so quickly either way, wouldn't you say? The offensive line concerns are legitimate until proven otherwise

Don Riley , nj
1:53 PM ET
Jeff Fisher is gentleman for sure. That missed neutral zone infraction. Where Jason Smith gets beat on a third down. Was "garbage". He down played that a little. Sure, the usual refs miss calls, also. But, that missed call can't happen in the regular season. That was pitiful. That wasn't close, I mean the official should have seen that for sure. Of course Jeff Fisher is right that calls are missed all the time. But, some of the calls that were missed over the weekend will not be tolerated by fans after the first weekend. The referee situation is much more serious than some of the coaches are stating. Nick, do you anticipate fan remorse over this if it goes into the regular season ? Coach Fisher is a Laid back guy on the sidelines but I truly feel, that he could not believe that non- call that led to the sack. And he was kindly trying to communicate that to the officials. But, I'm thinking it could be real problem when they play for real ? I mean some of these calls are way "over the top".

WAGONER: The missed neutral zone infraction, to me, was just inexcusable. It was so obvious to the naked eye and it put the QB in danger. Big time miss. If the officiating situation remains the same in the regular season and calls like that one and the ridiculous one in the Buffalo/Washington game where they called a touchback when the ball was downed at the 4 just can't happen. Fans are quick to get on officials anyway, calls like that will make it worse

Tommie , Georgia
1:55 PM ET
Hey whats going on ? We need Recievers take look a sports center there seems to be one or two still out there . Please we need the help or its going to be the same as last year .we as a ram nation are tired of lossing get them boys in gear .

WAGONER: I'm watching SportsCenter in my office right now, who is still out there

Mike, Ca
1:56 PM ET
Hey Nick, I know a lot of people had the feeling of "here we go again" after Sunday's game. But I know I came out of it thinking that our starting defensive line looked pretty good and got some great push up the middle and Quinn was flying around everywhere. He looked faster than every one else on the field. But most importantly, I saw some tough catches made by our WR. That's a big plus in my eyes since that unit has been so bad the last couple of years. Keep up all the hard work!!

WAGONER: Good points on both. The receivers did make some tough grabs. Namely Pettis, who has made a nice push for himself in the past week

Mike, Canada
1:56 PM ET
Hey Nick, Didn't the Raiders turn Gallery in to a pro bowl guard once they determined he could not play tackle. I think that is Smith's only hope. Your thoughts

WAGONER: I don't know if that's something that will be looked at. Fisher says it's still a competition at RT but if Smith continues to work as a backup, that's something that could be revisited

Luis, Orland, FL
1:57 PM ET
Hey Nick Im curios to why in almost every session I ask a question my question doesnt get answered... Im always reading two to three questions from other rams fans that I feel they are posting questions just to do it. where Im trying to just get one question answered... Anyways my question to you what are your thoughts of our first preseason game they where just awful..your thoughts...

WAGONER: I strongly doubt I just ignore your questions on purpose but if it doesn't get answered, it's probably because someone else asked the same thing and I already addressed it. I try not to answer the same questions over and over. Obviously, the result was not good and there were some alarming things such as the pass protection (or lack of) and some silly penalties and things like that. There were some good things as well, things that have already been brought up like run blocking, Steven Jackson's work and the wideouts making tough catches. But remember above all else that this was as vanilla as you're going to see a team be. Indianapolis was, well, not vanilla. Much like with practices, making any sweeping judgments about how teams are going to be based on a preseason game is a worthless exercise. I'll just remind you that last year at this time, in this very chat, we were talking about the Rams mauling the Colts 33-10. We saw what happened from there

Lloyd, Louisiana
2:01 PM ET
Hey Nick, I heard Chris Williams, the OT from the Bears is on the tarding block. Are the Rams interested eventhough he has an injury history? He can play OG as well.

WAGONER: Haven't heard of any interest but the Rams are always keeping all options open to bolster the roster

Mike , Canada
2:02 PM ET
Hey Nick, I see that the Olympic sprinter who was a running back at Florida wants to play in the NFL now. Runs a 4.2 , has to be worth a look dont you think, even for kick offs and punt returns

WAGONER: Are you talking about Jeff Demps? I hadn't heard that he was looking to play but he'd be intriguing to take a look at because of his outrageous speed

John, Mount Airy Maryland
2:02 PM ET
Hello Nick, I sure hope this wasn't a warm up to allowing the big play again this year? How do you think the defense performed?

WAGONER: It was awfully hard to judge the defense based on how simple they were. I mean, they didn't do anything coverage wise, disguising anything, no different looking fronts or blitzes. You'd like to see some better tackling and some better coverage on the back end of course but hard to take much from it. Put it this way, we see a lot more in practice than in that game

dominic, highland.il
2:04 PM ET
Hey Nick: Im ok with losing sunday for it allows the coaching to fix our issues. However,their is one specific issue that occurs over and over,and thats Craig Dahls play and always losing coverage for big plays and touchdowns. 1)Isnt there a better player on the roster to replace him? 2)Why not just cut him and let another player with upside do thge mistakes he does but learn from them? 3)I see needed depth at safety,ot and defensive line.What say you.... Thanx

WAGONER: Dahl is competing with Stewart for the job there. Both will get a look this preseason, you have to let the coaching staff see its players and evaluate them first. I think the depth is fine on the D line..

Joseph Devito, New York
2:05 PM ET
Nick, I know its way too early for negativity but unless this organization stars focusing on rebuilding the OL, we are not going to see any significant progress. It doesnt matter who the coaches are, you need talent and we dont have it. The only moves we made were to switch centers of equal talent and draft a seventh round tackle.

WAGONER: When did they draft a seventh round center? And you're telling me that trading out Jason Brown for Scott Wells was an equal switch? Come on, Joseph, I think your concern about the OL is fair because work needs to be done there but at least be honest about it. Using that logic, Brown was a Pro Bowl talent. Wells is working back from injury but he's a significant upgrade to anything the Rams had at center last year. And they drafted a guard in the fifth

Joseph Devito, New Year
2:08 PM ET
Nick, I don't want to prematurely sound the alarm but I really think we will be looking for a QB next year. Bradford just doesnt elevate this team, like even a rookie ( Andrew Luck) can.

WAGONER: You gathered that from one game? And if you don't want to prematurely sound the alarm, why did you do it anyway

Chris , Lancaster SC
2:09 PM ET
in St Louis' search for a WR do you think they will pick up Chad Johnson now that he has been released from miami?

WAGONER: No. And I'm going to say this once and not address this question again: Do you think the Dolphins would have released Johnson if he was still an elite caliber wideout? I'm telling you right now the answer to that question is no. He hasn't been an impact wideout or even really much of a contributor in a long time. What sense would it make to bring him in at the expense of reps for young guys who need those chances to develop

Jack Fenton, Windsor, Canada
2:11 PM ET
Hey Nick, I watched the game and was disappointed like all other Rams fans. But although he looked good, I did not expect to see Pettis starting the game. Is he really one of the best in training camp? I expected to see Givens or Quick out there trying to get some chemistry with Bradford. Thoughts? Thanks

WAGONER: He did not start. He was coming in for three receiver packages. With Gibson out, the Rams had to adjust. And I will say this, Pettis has been really good the last week or so, including in the game. As the preseason goes on, you'll get more of Givens/Quick with Bradford

sw, co
2:12 PM ET
Wow! We look horrible as usual. The offensive line is extremely concerning. Can't open holes, can't provide any protection in the passing game, do you think it would be the right move to make a trade for an offensive lineman?

WAGONER: There has to be someone out there available first

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:12 PM ET
I thought our defense would be much improved in terms of tackling, so what happened on the first play of Indys first drive? I dont like how shotty is trying to use Pead as a power back, because he is not. Sending him up the middle 3 times with a 1yd gain on his 1st 4 attempts. As soon as they let him run it to the outside he was much more effective. I know your going to tell everyone not to hit the panic button and its only preseason, but im ready to hit it because this is not a good sign. These rookies are going to need some confidence going into the regular season and winning a couple preseason games might help. Just saying.

WAGONER: About five missed holding penalties is what happened

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:13 PM ET
Pead is listed at a 198 lbs, with that said why are they trying to run him up the middle? I noticed when he ran it to the outside he was much more effective, also some screen passes to Pead would work well i think. I just dont think giving Pead the ball up the gut is a wise decision, if Shotty continues to use him in that way u can expect him to cough up the ball a lot more.

WAGONER: Pead is going to have to be able to run it to all parts of the field. But remember, this was very vanilla offense so the Rams aren't going to be doing a lot of crazy stuff with Pead in the opening preseason game. Pead runs up the middle just fine and he runs to the outside just fine. And, I might add, when Pead coughed up the ball, it didn't happen up the middle

Nophel, Ballwin
2:14 PM ET
Hey Nick! First ever question on here. How's the competition with Pead and Jackson? Has pead accepted the back up role? Or is he striving to get that eventual starting role? And we all know how difficult that will be with Jackson number 1. Thanks!

WAGONER: Yes, Pead is the backup and that is not changing. Of course, he's working to learn as much as possible but it's Jackson's job

Mark, NC
2:15 PM ET
I think we should all take a deep breath. Fisher did not seemed to concerned about the loss, each team went about the game differently. We should worry when the season starts.

WAGONER: A voice of reason emerges

Mike, Canada
2:16 PM ET
Hey Nick, Looks like Smith is struggling some at RT and is now with the 2nd team. Any chance of moving him to LG? He is a good run blocker, and it seems he would have more support as a guard than a tackle. Don't we have to try him as a guard before we demote him to the 2nd team? 2nd overall pick here, we need to exhaust all options with him I would think

WAGONER: He hasn't been demoted, yet though. It's a competition. Don't be surprised if he gets work with the ones at RT again this week. I do agree with you though that if he does lose out on the RT job, it might be worth at least taking a look at guard

Rams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:17 PM ET
Hey Nick, if we win our next preseason game against the chiefs 38-10 do you think all of us fans will be praising the players and the coaching staff? Do you think we will be talking super bowl aspirations? Its just how we are as fans, we want to win every game no matter how insignifigant, even Im was ready to hit the panic button, but after reading Fishers comments, i dont feel so bad about the loss. I remember the year we won the super bowl we lost every preseason game.

WAGONER: I do think that and don't get me wrong here, I completely understand. You fans are great and part of the deal of being a fan is you are ALLOWED to overreact, heck it's almost your duty to overreact. The preseason is what it is and it simply means nothing in terms of real success. To put it in perspective, the Rams were 10-2 the past three years in the preseason. If that meant anything, then surely they'd have been much better than 10-38 in the ensuing regular seasons, right

Lloyd, Louisiana
2:19 PM ET
Any chances of Rodney McCleod making the team. I was impressed with his play in Sunday's game?

WAGONER: I think he's definitely got a shot. The Rams have some openings at safety and need some depth. If he continues to fare well, he's got a chance

kyle, wasington tws MI
2:20 PM ET
what strategies do you think Calvin Johnson will use for this season?

WAGONER: You mean, what will the Rams do? TOo early to say but whatever it is, I'm sure it will involve multiple defensive backs. That guy is just amazing to watch. What a player and what a challenge for anyone trying to cover him

doug c., paducah,ky
2:21 PM ET
i know its just pre season but it would be nice to see the rams compete.i wouldnt be surprised if randy moss,t.o, braylon edwards and plaxico(if he gets picked up) have better numbers than any receiver the rams have this year.do you think the rams made the right decisions when it comes to wr?

WAGONER: I'd be willing to take that bet. Of that group, only Plaxico has been even remotely productive in the league at any point in the past two years or so

Julian Felice, Gibraltar
2:22 PM ET
Hi Nick Have you been watching any of the Olympics? And if so has it made you any more excited about coming over to London?

WAGONER: I'm excited to come to London anyway. The Olympics didn't really change that. But yes, I watched when I could. I always enjoy the hoops but track and swimming are favorites as well

2:23 PM ET
Hi Nick.Good job as usual.I just read about Pead and iam excited about his addition on the team. With 2 backs like SJ and Pead do you think that SHOTi might put in a few 2 back plays on offense?

WAGONER: I think that's a safe bet

Don Riley , New Jersey
2:24 PM ET
Hey, why not. I like to think of myself as a bit of an Isiah Pead, expert.....why not. I watched him quite a few times in the Big East. And he will not Knock you out right away. Just when you think he can't do something he'll later do just that thing in a big way. I'm really sure that if there is any possibility that Isiah Pead can succeed ---- He will succeed. He's got that. I saw games where he'd carry for a yard, then caught a pass for two yards. Then all of sudden he erupts and takes the ball across the field laterally and outruns the secondary down the sideline with incredible moves. You have to be patient with that guy. He's a Winner. Only way he fails - is if he just doesn't have the talent and can't build the talent, he's going to give you everything he has. I really hope he becomes a player. He will out work everybody on the team.

WAGONER: Thanks for the thoughts, Don

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:24 PM ET
I like the Illinoise Mike, but with all his injuries and all the competition at TE I can see the Rams parting ways with him

WAGONER: Lots of competition at TE. When healthy, he's a real talent. He'll be right in the mix through camp

Lloyd, Louisiana
2:25 PM ET
I know you said for us fans to keep our eyes open for a couple of players to be signed or brought in for a tryout but the team will more than likely wait til roster cuts before they sign anyone else?

WAGONER: Most likely

Joseph Devito, New York
2:25 PM ET
Nick, how in the world do we give up 38 points to a bad team and ominously (like last year fail to score a TD)? Even though its a preseason game, it is an extremely depressing start. Maybe Fischer shouldn't have focused so much on cornerbacks. Don't you think building the lines, is where you should start to rebuild a team?

WAGONER: I know you watched the team last year and since you did, I'd think you'd have zero questions about the value placed on upgrading at corner. That was a no brainer

Don Riley , New Jersey
2:27 PM ET
Robert Quinn was impressive. I thought he played well. He had some pressures and he seemed to get off the ball quickly. I felt he was the Player of The Game for Rams. What do you think, Nick ? He didn't get a sack, but pressures are important.

WAGONER: Yeah, he's definitely showing the raw skills to be a great pass rusher and he did so a few times against Indy. One thing he'll have to work on though is his awareness for things like misdirections and screens. Indy seemed to run a lot of that type of stuff in his direction

doug c., paducah, ky
2:30 PM ET
name one receiver the rams have had since sam has been here thats has been productive. besides brandon lyod

WAGONER: Danny Amendola

alex, los angeles
2:31 PM ET
hey nick,how did you rate the play of brockers.

WAGONER: I put the binoculars on him a few times and he had some really good moments, especially against the run. On the Colts' second drive, there was a play where the Rams dropped Donald Brown for a loss of 5 yards. On that play, Brockers and Kendall Langford absolutely caved in the middle of the Colts line. It was a thing of beauty and something we haven't seen in a while. The potential is certainly there, still a lot of polishing to do, though

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:32 PM ET
How did Brockers, Jenkins and Trumaine look?

WAGONER: See previous response on Brockers. I didn't get much of a look at Johnson. I thought Jenkins was pretty good but he missed out on a prime interception opportunity on the Colts' second scoring drive. He made a great break on the ball but just didn't catch it. If he had, it was six points going the other way and the game might have had a different look

Ryan Williams, Youngstown, Ohio
2:33 PM ET
Hey Nick How are you doing today? I dont wanna be overracting or anything but whats your view on our Lb and how you think Daniels played in the game?

WAGONER: Daniels didn't stand out. McLeod looked more comfortable

Ryan Williams, Youngstown, Ohio
2:34 PM ET
Do you see the rams making any addition since we have that extra space?

WAGONER: Again, there's not much out there right now but they will continue to look for ways to bolster the roster, especially when cuts are made

MikeRams4Life, Rialto,Ca
2:35 PM ET
I was real,y impressed with Lance K. He is such a great TE, and what people dont realize is hes almost as fast as a WR at almost 260 lbs. This guy will be a huge part of our offense.

WAGONER: It was nice to see him make a couple of catches with no hitches in the game. Hope it helps him continue to gain confidence

Lloyd, Louisiana
2:36 PM ET
Nick, just to help you out and lil bit and clear some things up for our fellow fans, Fisher and the staff only ran a few plays and didn't open up the playbooks to see how some players would play. With that being said, does that mean the team isn't ready to open up the playbook til everyone is back in action along the OL and on defense or am I reading too much into that statement that I read on a website?

WAGONER: It's just part of the preseason, you don't want to give your real opponents too much film on what you're trying to do at this time of year. The Rams will gradually do more in each of the next two preseason games before dialing it down for the finale

Don Riley , Madison N.J
2:39 PM ET

I really believe Rokevious Watkins will be a player for the Rams. Yeah, he got a little winded a couple of times and he played against second guys. But he punishes people. He's not a finesse player, he's a pounder. I'd love to see him get a shot with the first unit (even at right tackle). Also I thought Bryan Mattison is probably good enough to start. My question is on Barry Richardson - is it possible he could be the starting right tackle ? I mean I'm not real high on that. He looked only passable to me in Sunday's game. I know he started for awhile for the Chiefs but he's a back up. And if Barry Richardson can beat out Jason Smith. Does Smith make the team. Actually I thought Smith played Ok, against the Colts seconds. I don't know. I think right tackle is big ?.......?.....Is it possible Smith gets released if Richardson beats him out ?

WAGONER: Richardson and Smith is a legitimate competition. As it stands, the winner will be the starter. As it stands. Let me say this for Richardson: I was told that a lot of his issues in KC were correctable, technique related things. Paul Boudreau is a specialist in that stuff, emphasizes the details. I'm not saying he magically turns Richardson into Orlando Pace but this is a big kid with a lot of raw talent

Ryan Williams, Youngstown, Ohio
2:41 PM ET
Burning question we were suppose to look out for Conrath but once he got into the game got pushed around do you see a PS for him this season?

WAGONER: Way too early to say that

Lloyd, Louisiana
2:42 PM ET
I had alot of questions today Nick. Sorry to keep you so busy but Johnny Hekker was booming punts in Sunday's game. Do you think he will more than likely make the team because I know once before you mentioned the Rams could bring in a veteran punter to challenge him?

WAGONER: It was an excellent start for Hekker. No question he's the favorite for that job right now

JD, Sikeston, MO
2:42 PM ET
Nick; Have heard that most of the defense was already installed thru OTA's and camp. How is it then that if it was already installed that they didn't try to implement it in this game?

WAGONER: It is mostly installed. The explanation to your question is simple: Preseason games do not count for anything. What purpose would it serve to show future opponents in games that actually count what you plan to do defensively

Mark, New York
2:43 PM ET
Is there any of the undrafted FA that played OL that you personally think stand out as well as do you think they will add Rok at the LG in practise this week now since he is caught up?. Whats your view on this whole dahl thing that everyone wants his head for? I personally think he played alright we just gotta take it time by time.

WAGONER: None of the undrafted FA O linemen seem likely to make the final roster. There are some practice squad candidates there, though. Not sure if Watkins will get more looks at LG this week. I actually thought Ojinnaka played well when he was in there.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
Ugh. Reading that was more depressing than watching the game. Some people shouldn't be allowed near keyboards. Appreciate you posting it though, Nick has some good insights hidden amongst the stupid questions.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
lol. You just KNEW the Chad Johnson question was going to come up.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Thanks man. I gotta wonder how many sky is falling questions he decided not to answer. First thing I thought when I saw your post was, "Oh god.... here comes the torch and pitchfork crew." Not you but the usual cast of suspects from the PD. Of course I read it anyway. :7up: