Union Workers

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
i was wondering if we have any current or past Union Workers here.

I've recently took a job that will require me to join a Union after 90 days.

To be honest, this makes me nervous. I've been a long time conservative. Conservatives and Unions don't generally go hand and hand. The pay and benefits make the job nearly impossible for me to pas it up tho.

My question is, what are your thoughts? I already see some pros and cons. The supervisor got pissed off and mandated the entire plant to 10 hour days and Saturday. Someone called a Union rep and the next day he had the post taken down. Talk about power. Completely blew my mind.

The cons I've seen is an over abundance of completely worthless bastards that shouldn't have jobs, are being protected by the union.

So let me know, am I getting into something I don't need to?


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
It depends on what's more important to you. For some, job security and benefits are the only thing that matters. It's a totally valid opinion. I can't really describe what I view as the other side without sounding very biased and likely starting a political discussion. Personally I couldn't be in a union, but I understand the draw to it.

I hope you have success with whatever decision you make. Good luck.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
The concept of unions is outdated and should really been taken out to pasture. It doesn't really have anything to do with political party. I can't imagine what unions get away with.

Having said that, if the benefits are that good, keep on. Pretty soon your work will lead you to to better places. Curious, what industry are you in?


May 28, 2011
If the benefits are good and it's a good union (ask around) then it could be worth it.. If the union sucks (for example the grocery store union is largely useless) then it probably wont help.. One of the big issues with unions are higher ups may sell out the new guys during negotiations to get theirs, and then bail.

Above all else, if your job is paying you well and you have benefits then leaving them just because of the union is probably not the best move. I certainly wouldn't let political biases get in the way of my job.. I have coworkers that are super liberal, coworkers that are super conservative (granted there are only 2 of them), and some like me who sit in the middle... I certainly wouldn't let any of that interfere with my work.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 4, 2013
32 years in a Union. Yes the union makes almost impossible to cut dead weight and I hate that. I work hard and many times carry others, but I guess they are the smart ones I do all the work and they still get paid. I pay pretty good union dues every month and sometimes not sure what I am getting out of it. Yes I am blessed to fall into this company and work my way up and its a good wage and pretty good benefits. But boy are they are screwing the retired guys. Sometime I think the company I work for and my union are in bed together.

But with all that said I am probably better off with them. I make way more money than my daughter who is a teacher to middle special ed kids. Doesn't seem right. Always make sure I give to help out her class and kids.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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The concept of unions is outdated and should really been taken out to pasture. It doesn't really have anything to do with political party. I can't imagine what unions get away with.

Having said that, if the benefits are that good, keep on. Pretty soon your work will lead you to to better places. Curious, what industry are you in?

I work for a company owned by First Reserve. We make Power Transformers. I am a sheet metal worker. Mostly running a Brake Press.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I work for a company owned by First Reserve. We make Power Transformers. I am a sheet metal worker. Mostly running a Brake Press.

So shift work? 1st, kudos, that's not easy to do.

And that explains why there is a union. As someone in EHS I'm against unions. You can't fire someone b/c they are something unsafe even after multiple offenses. It's frustrating on the exec side. But eventually what goes around, comes around and if the pros > cons, then keep doing what you do.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
If the benefits are good and it's a good union (ask around) then it could be worth it.. If the union sucks (for example the grocery store union is largely useless) then it probably wont help.. One of the big issues with unions are higher ups may sell out the new guys during negotiations to get theirs, and then bail.

Above all else, if your job is paying you well and you have benefits then leaving them just because of the union is probably not the best move. I certainly wouldn't let political biases get in the way of my job.. I have coworkers that are super liberal, coworkers that are super conservative (granted there are only 2 of them), and some like me who sit in the middle... I certainly wouldn't let any of that interfere with my work.

This is sound advice for sure.

32 years in a Union. Yes the union makes almost impossible to cut dead weight and I hate that. I work hard and many times carry others, but I guess they are the smart ones I do all the work and they still get paid.

In other words you have coworkers who are lazy fucks and are costing the company productivity and money which costs you raises/bonuses and such.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I'm in a union and their politics pisses me off. You don't have to talk politics with your union brothers though. I actually think unions should hold votes as to who they donate political monies. Most unions don't have the teeth they used to have and I often feel stuck in the middle, just paying dues to some fat cats in a city somewhere not doing much for me locally. I wouldn't worry about how union members vote. I think it varies depending on where in the country you live anyways. If the benefits outweigh the union dues, it's a no brainer. I pay about $30 a week in dues but I make about three times the average wage in my area so that works for me. What Union would you be in with the job? I'm in USW ( United Steel Workers)


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Been a union member or official in one union or another most of my life. Until about 5 years ago when I flipped sides. There is a kernel of truth in most of the posts here. Both good and bad. Since you don't seem to have a choice this tells me your union is strong. Will the union be evaluating you at the end of the 30 days? Sometimes the union can nix your hire. Sounds crazy I know. For the most part the union wont effect you. And some day they may come in handy for you. Are your benefits thru the union, insurance en sech? They normally have very nice packages.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #11
Been a union member or official in one union or another most of my life. Until about 5 years ago when I flipped sides. There is a kernel of truth in most of the posts here. Both good and bad. Since you don't seem to have a choice this tells me your union is strong. Will the union be evaluating you at the end of the 30 days? Sometimes the union can nix your hire. Sounds crazy I know. For the most part the union wont effect you. And some day they may come in handy for you. Are your benefits thru the union, insurance en sech? They normally have very nice packages.

Yea, they evaluate at 90 days. They walk a lot of people out in 89 if they aren't working out. I don't feel I have too much to worry about there tho. I was lucky enough to get 1st shift right off the bat. Always nice.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Yea, they evaluate at 90 days. They walk a lot of people out in 89 if they aren't working out. I don't feel I have too much to worry about there tho. I was lucky enough to get 1st shift right off the bat. Always nice.

You wont have any problems then. Just some advise you can take or leave. Should you ever have problems and you don't feel the local reps are representing your best interests. I say this because many times these guys have known each other for years and are friends and drinking buddies. And sometimes they don't put forth the effort for a new hire they would for an old-timer. Call your national rep directly these guys are all about you and not only can they shake the tree they can pull it up by the roots.


Jan 15, 2013
Like others have said, it's a mixed bag. Been on both sides of it and I have seen the benefits of both sides.
Hard to get to rid of deadweight although my current Union does a decent job locally.
It is what it is.
Do me a favor though....don't be one of these guys who bitches about it constantly but enjoys the benefits and better pay. That is just silly. I know people who are not in one and rag on them all the time then complain about how much more the union guys get paid. Stick it. Worse are the ones that complain about the dues but enjoy all the benefits. Where I work you don't have to join. Plenty of people don't pay in but expect full protection. Typical hypocrites.
The thing with people getting all wound up is silly to me. A union gig is like a lot of non Union gigs. Some are cool, some suck, some of the people are great, some are dirtbags. Just like everywhere else.
Do your work, be honest and no one will mess with you.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #14
Like others have said, it's a mixed bag. Been on both sides of it and I have seen the benefits of both sides.
Hard to get to rid of deadweight although my current Union does a decent job locally.
It is what it is.
Do me a favor though....don't be one of these guys who bitches about it constantly but enjoys the benefits and better pay. That is just silly. I know people who are not in one and rag on them all the time then complain about how much more the union guys get paid. Stick it. Worse are the ones that complain about the dues but enjoy all the benefits. Where I work you don't have to join. Plenty of people don't pay in but expect full protection. Typical hypocrites.
The thing with people getting all wound up is silly to me. A union gig is like a lot of non Union gigs. Some are cool, some suck, some of the people are great, some are dirtbags. Just like everywhere else.
Do your work, be honest and no one will mess with you.

I'm defiantly gonna give it a shot. I'm kind of excited about it all to be honest. The perks are great. The insurance is 25% of what I've ever had, cost wise. And the pay is way above any other manufacturer in the county. It's a very demanding job, so they make you work for your money. The thing I'm nervous about is that First Reserve just purchased our company. They take control next week. I'm not protected right now. So if they decide to cut non union members I'm fucked. I left a good job because of the stress so I will be kicking myself in the ass if this falls through for me.


Jan 15, 2013
I'm defiantly gonna give it a shot. I'm kind of excited about it all to be honest. The perks are great. The insurance is 25% of what I've ever had, cost wise. And the pay is way above any other manufacturer in the county. It's a very demanding job, so they make you work for your money. The thing I'm nervous about is that First Reserve just purchased our company. They take control next week. I'm not protected right now. So if they decide to cut non union members I'm freaked. I left a good job because of the stress so I will be kicking myself in the ass if this falls through for me.
Good luck,
those thing can be stressful. No missed days!!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Hey Juggs. I've been on both sides as well. If the union job is providing better compensation overall and the cost of membership doesn't outweigh it, that is a good sign that the union is legit and works for their members. I was a member of the Pipe and Steamfitters union in CA and it was a complete scam. The whole thing was set up so that the big landscape companies could get gov't jobs while they paid shit wages on the rest of the jobs. They could get guys to work for less than the norm because there was the allure of getting on a prevailing wage job every now and then. We would do mass assemblies of swing joints and manifolds in the yard, where we were exempt from the Davis Bacon laws and then they would run skeleton crews on the actual jobs. I was generally put on the job sites but some of my best guys were not so that my area manager could put his worthless buddies on my crew. I then was "demoted" to laborer even though I was still running the job so that they could pay me $7 per hour less. It was hard to get out as I was still making $13 per hour more (including a cash benefit package as our company didn't offer benefits) but I still ended up telling to stick it because the reps from Cal Trans or the various cities kept coming out and reaming me a new asshole for the size of my crew, trying to get away with cheap materials like sawdust instead of mulch, etc.... When I went to the union, they simply told my boss I was making waves.

So my union experience was not a good one. The company I worked for was shady as hell and they were only there to help them remain shady. So that is on the company too but I think it is more shitty on the union because they are supposedly there to represent the workers.

That is not to say all unions are bad - even though I am (as you probably know) conservative as well. I only bring this up to say to you to go in with your eyes open. Are they working for their members or are they just a shell game? If they are legit and representing you, go for it and as @fearsomefour said, don't bitch about paying your dues. If they are not doing much and only enriching themselves, stay away.

All that said, I agree that union members should get to decide on an individual basis where and if their dues get used on politics.

Good luck man and kick some ass at your new job.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
Tim, 30 + years in a union call me if you like.
I haven't heard from you in awhile.
Senioeity no seniority, dues, pension insurance, paid holidays and vacations,
There is a lot to consider. like stu said not all unions are equal but in theory they are the backbone of the middle class.


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
The union I'm in is basicaly legal extortion. But if you get fired for any good reason there is a very good chance the union will get your job back, not anything I've ever needed to worry about. The seniority is pretty cool now that I'm near the top.


Aug 26, 2014
UAW here, started in 2008. Pay and benefits are excellent. Relationship between company and Union workers is decent, but could be better. Seniority means everything here, especially when bidding on other jobs and available OT. We have a 2 tier system in place. Union Dues monthly. In my area, comparable jobs pay $5-$10 less per hour. I'm not a "Union" guy per say, but understand the Pros and Cons. I come to do a job and get compensated accordingly. Oh, we have several "replacement workers" that got re-hired from a 2010 strike. There is still some resentment from pre-2010 workers towards them. I just try to get along with everybody and it works fine. It's just more complex becuse of company and Union politics.

If you're being offered a 1st shift position and the compensation package is superior, contract time isn't right around the corner, I say you should take it. What do you have to lose?