TRR: Bashers vs. Critics

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Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
This is a piece I did for another board. The recent thread about whether talking about this year being Bradford's last chance or not reminded me of it, so I thought I would repost it here for giggles.

(TRR = Tangentially Rams Related)
There are two kinds of people with negative opinions towards certain personnel employed by the Rams on Rams boards. We do have critics of various aspects of the team, and that's natural and healthy. A basher is board poison. A critic prompts interesting discussion. At the end of the day, the critic is still a Rams fan. The basher... well....

These are the ten telltale factors in telling a basher from a critic in my humble opinion. Now a lot of this will probably get a reaction of "Well, duh!" from a lot of people, but I feel that it's important to keep the distinction between basher and critic in mind. And perhaps if people start seeing themselves slip into the basher mentality, they can be saved from it.

1. It's personal. Deeply so. In the mind of a basher, their target is worthless and probably evil. And if you defend their target, so are you. Whenever you out-argue a basher, the personal insults are sure to come out. In the basher's mind, you deserve it for daring to defend this worthless person who is the cause of all the Rams' issues. Extreme bashers can even develop quirks such as referring to the target as a female (showing severe issues with women on the basher's part) or refusal to properly capitalize the target's name. Mind you, bashers tend to focus on a single target so it can be almost entertaining when you get bashers with different targets together and they each try to sweep the blame towards their personal target. Critics on the other hand can recognize positive qualities in who they are criticizing, and hope they are wrong at the end of the day.

2. All blame on the target, all credit elsewhere. Did the Rams lose? It must be all the target's fault. Did the Rams win? It must be completely in spite of the target. The idea that football is a team sport is rejected by the basher, as is the silly notion that the target could have done anything good outside of a fluke week. On the other hand, the critic can acknowledge that there are other issues with a team besides the person he is criticizing.

3. Attempts to polarize debate. The basher will do everything he can to make the debate into one where since the basher thinks the target is worthless, you arguing with the basher must mean you think the target is perfect. Since we're debating human beings, there's no such thing as someone who is perfect. Even our Hall of Famers had flaws in their game. But, it's hard to maintain your balanced perspective if you are debunking irrational claims from the basher, and the basher will take any criticism of their target as an agreement that they are right. The critic will conversely be able to acknowledge good things about the target as well (though some bashers will pay brief lip service then quickly move on.)

4. Joy in a Rams loss. Did the Rams just lose? Oh man, the basher is just foaming at the mouth to post now! He told you so! Why didn't any of you sheep believe him? You owe him an apology for how right he was. The joy is downright palpable! This one isn't necessarily cut and dried, because a critic will lash out in anger sometimes after a bad loss, especially at high profile targets like QBs and coaches. The real difference comes when the team wins. The critic will be right there happy about the win and admitting that for this week at least, he was wrong about the person he was criticizing. The basher will either go strangely quiet, or try to find a way to knock the target anyway despite the win.

5. Bashers refuse to recognize impossible situations. Critics and sane fans will recognize that some situations are beyond someone's control. No coach is going to win with horiffic injury situations or just plain untalented players. No QB is going to succeed without at least some blocking ability from their line, running ability from their running backs and talent from their wide receivers. Any attempts to have them point out just who would succeed under those conditions is going to be ignored. The only way these arguments will be acknowledged is by their distortion into straw men. The arguments mentioned in this paragraph will typically get distorted into saying that the coach needs absolutely no injuries or that the QB needs absolutely perfect play from the rest of the offense.

6. "Excuses!" This is by far the basher's favorite word. ANY argument that lack of success is anything but completely the target's fault is brushed off by this label. Why? Because calling something an excuse has an implication that it's not a valid excuse. And thus calling "excuse!" is far easier than actually refuting arguments. The critic might brush some arguments off as excuses but will explain why he thinks they're not valid, rather than treating the word as a magical "Get Out of Compelling Argument Free" card.

7. Implies shame in being a fan. In the mind of the basher, actually liking the target and being a fan of him is the worst possible thing you can be. So, expect insult rants about you wearing the target's jersey or having some other form of memorabilia of the target that makes it sound dirty and shameful to own such. The critic will realize that fans might have merchandise of many different players and that this is a complete non-issue.

8. Moves goalposts. If there's more than one way to look at a game or season, the basher will always choose the one that makes the target look bad. In one infamous example, during week 8 of the 2009 season, the Rams played the Detroit Lions. QB Marc Bulger's stats were terrible, but the Rams won. The bashers immediately claimed that the win was in spite of Bulger and he's terrible. In week 10, the next game after the bye week, the Rams played the eventual Super Bowl champion New Orleans Saints and lost, but Bulger's stats were great. Without a hint of irony, the same bashers immediately claimed that it isn't about stats, it's about winning the game, and thus Bulger was terrible. Critics, of course, maintain one set of of standards as to whether a player played well or not.

9. Will never admit they are wrong. In a lot of ways, arguing with a basher is an exercise in futility. As previously stated, it's a very personal vendetta against the target with them (and may in fact have nothing to do with the reasons they state). So expect a lot of personal insults and ignored arguments when you logically trump them. Another favorite fallback of their's is "It's my opinion!" since everyone has a right to said opinions. There is, however, such a thing as an uninformed opinion. If I think Jeff Fisher is a space alien bent on world domination, "it's my opinion" isn't going to protect me much. A critic and a fan on the other hand will be all too happy to admit they are wrong.

10. Multiple threads. Remember, in the basher's opinion, his war against his target is the most important subject possible in Rams fandom. So expect multiple threads saying the same thing, attempts to derail other threads to being about his target, and multiple articles saying the exact same thing. The basher is happiest when every single thread on Page 1 of the forum is about his target. That whole thing about having a right to your opinion? That's only for the basher. The rest of you get no right to your opinion and no respite from the same played out war. The critic, of course, only makes new threads when necessary or presenting truly new information.

As a bonus, the difference between a fan of a particular person and an "apologist": There is no difference. This is just the typical basher attempt to flip an argument against you. "Homer" gets bandied about a lot too. Note that an apologist, by definition, means simply someone who defends something. Bashers like the word because it sounds vaguely dirty and they assume (wrongly) that it has something to do with apologizing.

Apply this ten prong test in your online Rams discussion. If someone matches with at least 5 of these criteria, they're likely not worth responding to.

And if you have any further tests to suggest, while not naming names of course, feel free to post.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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Basher=Troll? :cool:
Typically, yeah.

There are a few that can otherwise be great posters but for whatever reason have gotten fixated on one guy. They tend to be the exception in the basher camp though.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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Sounds like the Post Dispatch to me. What a nightmare.
Yeah... these types are what turned Rams Talk into Ram Stalk.

But hopefully I've illustrated that even though I'm not a critic often myself, one CAN be a critic and not be a basher.


Dec 31, 2013
Sounds like the Post Dispatch to me. What a nightmare.

You said it man... Glad to say this is my new home to talk Rams! I think people here know how to treat one another with respect, that's what I love about this forum! Why treat someone any differently then you want to be treated (even if you don't know anyone personally)? And it's exactly like @PhxRam said in another post, there's a difference between being critical of someone and trashing them. This forum seems to know the difference between the two, STLtoday though doesn't. It's a shame but that's life. Can't help everyone...

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Actually, the Basher has a vested interest in the argument. The troll typically does not; he's mostly interested in the blowback from his post.

Ah, I see. The Warner/Bulger war must then have been a mixture of bashers and trolls making for the perfect storm of idiocy from which the PD has never recovered.

It's not that I'm not as passionate as the next Rams fan, I love the Rams players, coaches, and organization and desperately want them to win each game, but not enough to purposely piss people off on the internet or in person. Notice the word "purposely." :cool:

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
A lot of it boils down to simple maturity as well. Its usually not too hard to spot new posters who's message board balls haven't dropped yet...and they come in here trashing a player they don't like without including a single shred of context or rationale.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
Now that's funny. :snicker:
Funny? Funny how?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Ah, I see. The Warner/Bulger war must then have been a mixture of bashers and trolls making for the perfect storm of idiocy from which the PD has never recovered.

It's not that I'm not as passionate as the next Rams fan, I love the Rams players, coaches, and organization and desperately want them to win each game, but not enough to purposely pee pee people off on the internet or in person. Notice the word "purposely." :cool:

yeah but there were a couple of very good trolls mixed in with the junk back then. sure they were over the top but they were masters of their craft and were quite interesting to read on occasions. then it all went to shit a couple of years later, 100% junk.



Oct 22, 2013
"9. Will never admit they are wrong. In a lot of ways, arguing with a basher is an exercise in futility. As previously stated, it's a very personal vendetta against the target with them (and may in fact have nothing to do with the reasons they state). So expect a lot of personal insults and ignored arguments when you logically trump them. Another favorite fallback of their's is "It's my opinion!" since everyone has a right to said opinions. There is, however, such a thing as an uninformed opinion. If I think Jeff Fisher is a space alien bent on world domination, "it's my opinion" isn't going to protect me much. A critic and a fan on the other hand will be all too happy to admit they are wrong."

This statement is "wrong" on so many levels. I'll not go into detail except to say that the effort to "prove" someone is "wrong" using "superior" logic is the cause of 50% of the strife in discussions that go south.

Why does someone need to "admit they are wrong"? If your objective is to prove you're "right" about an issue, then you're not having a friendly discussion anymore, you're trying to "win" an argument. People may be wrong when they give a stat but they're never wrong when they disagree with your position no matter what "brilliant" and "totally obvious to anyone who isn't an idiot" logic you've brought to bear against them. I'll pass on this kind of thinking.

9. Will never admit they are not right but merely hold a different opinion.
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As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean
Aug 22, 2013
Nice work Boffo. I enjoyed that. A lot of what you've written is very true. I see it all the time on another forum I go on for fans of my football (soccer) team.

What makes me laugh is that a lot (not all) of these people are otherwise intelligent, rational individuals. However, when it comes to their favourite sports team, all of that goes out the window.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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"9. Will never admit they are wrong. In a lot of ways, arguing with a basher is an exercise in futility. As previously stated, it's a very personal vendetta against the target with them (and may in fact have nothing to do with the reasons they state). So expect a lot of personal insults and ignored arguments when you logically trump them. Another favorite fallback of their's is "It's my opinion!" since everyone has a right to said opinions. There is, however, such a thing as an uninformed opinion. If I think Jeff Fisher is a space alien bent on world domination, "it's my opinion" isn't going to protect me much. A critic and a fan on the other hand will be all too happy to admit they are wrong."

This statement is "wrong" on so many levels. I'll not go into detail except to say that the effort to "prove" someone is "wrong" using "superior" logic is the cause of 50% of the strife in discussions that go south.

Why does someone need to "admit they are wrong"? If your objective is to prove you're "right" about an issue, then you're not having a friendly discussion anymore, you're trying to "win" an argument. People may be wrong when they give a stat but they're never wrong when they disagree with your position no matter what "brilliant" and "totally obvious to anyone who isn't an idiot" logic you've brought to bear against them. I'll pass on this kind of thinking.

9. Will never admit they are not right but merely hold a different opinion.
I see what you're saying, and there are arguments where it's entirely possible to have a valid opinion on either side (The EWBD sticks out to me here).

There's also times when an argument gets so shot full of holes that any rational person would say "Huh, you know, that's a good point." Look at some of X's skewering of Anti-Bradford arguments for that.

When that does happen, a critic can admit he was wrong, a basher can't. Ever.

Now admittedly, it can be a fine line as to when someone SHOULD do that. But a rational person has at least the capacity to do so.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
I see what you're saying, and there are arguments where it's entirely possible to have a valid opinion on either side (The EWBD sticks out to me here).

There's also times when an argument gets so shot full of holes that any rational person would say "Huh, you know, that's a good point." Look at some of X's skewering of Anti-Bradford arguments for that.

When that does happen, a critic can admit he was wrong, a basher can't. Ever.

Now admittedly, it can be a fine line as to when someone SHOULD do that. But a rational person has at least the capacity to do so.
When pinned into a corner by unrelenting logic, the basher will most likely not respond at all to that poster.


Still legal in 17 states!
Feb 10, 2014
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When pinned into a corner by unrelenting logic, the basher will most likely not respond at all to that poster.
Or just start with either personal insults (which is another form of non response when you think about it), or hide behind "It's my opinion." which is exactly what I was getting at in point #9.

Now if they have not been pinned into such a corner, and it's just a matter of two people with valid opinions, of course neither side should have to admit they are wrong, and if both sides in such a case are going after that, of course it's going to get ugly. But that's not what I was talking about.