TRANSCRIPT: Fisher, Schottenheimer, Bradford, Walton

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Rams Head Coach Jeff Fisher – Post-Practice – September 24, 2013

(On what problems RB Frank Gore presents and if he expects to see a lot of him)
“I would expect to see more than a lot of him based on, I think he had 11 touches last weekend in a loss. He’s an outstanding back. He’s very strong, physical, tough, smart, plays very well without the football. He’s a tough guy to get down. So, he puts a lot of pressure on the defense.”

(On if the 49ers are running a lot of read option with QB Colin Kaepernick)
“They’re a very well-coached, sophisticated offense and they do a little bit of everything. You have to be prepared for everything.”

(On if there are any signs of a hangover from the loss to Dallas)
“No. They had a great practice today. Good meetings, great practice. They’re excited to play just like we expected.”

(On what challenges WR Anquan Boldin presents)
“He’s experienced. He’s physical. He’s very smart. He gets open. He uses his body very well, especially in possession situations to get to the sticks and body-up a defender and uncover. And he’s an outstanding blocker. He plays, he just plays. He plays the whole game and he really is an asset not only in their passing game but also in their run game as a blocker.”

(On what he sees from TE Vance McDonald)
“He’s very athletic. Had an outstanding combine for who remembers his combine. Has a great future. He’s strong. He runs very well. He’s going to get better. He’s going to be a solid tight end for them. He’ll create problems for us in the future.”

(On if the 49ers’ offensive line is as physical as anybody’s in the league)
“Yeah, that’s been their M.O. That’s how they are. Week-in and week-out, they line up and they just play. They’re great down the field. Again, I keep saying how well-coached they are. A lot of different run schemes, concepts. They do a create job adjusting. It’s a veteran group and they play like it.”

(On if he is concerned about former Rams S Craig Dahl knowing the team’s defense)
“Not concerned about it. Players change teams all the team, and I’m not concerned about it.”

(On if he is caught up in the Rams-49ers rivalry)
“I think, with respect to a rivalry, it’s something that, as you say, ‘Gone on over the years,’ it really hasn’t. We’ve been on the losing end of a lot of games, this organization has. Now last year, we got our feet back on the map, but I don’t think there’s a rivalry yet. It’s a division opponent. It’s a big challenge for us on a short week, but I don’t necessarily see it as a rivalry yet. Hopefully, we’ll become one.”

(On if the 49ers are still a dangerous team despite injuries to key players)
“They’re a good football team. What they did last year is indicative of that. You don’t get to where they got last year without being able to overcome adversity. They were a few plays away from winning the world championship last year. We’ve got our hands full. Regardless of who’s coming or who’s not, they’re going to be ready to play.”

(On his thoughts about Ty Nsekhe’s comments on Twitter about the military)
“Yeah, I have thoughts about it. I just heard about it just prior to coming out to practice. I guess it’s sad that anybody, regardless of profession, that they’re in this country, would take a shot at our military. Without necessarily taking a shot at Ty, Ty’s not here and doesn’t have a job in the National Football League right now because he’s not necessarily a deep thinker. Again, he’s not part of our organization. The respect we have for our military, as does the National Football League, as well as the country, is so strong. I’m just disappointed that anybody for that matter would take a shot at them like that.”

Rams Offensive Coordinator Brian Schottenheimer – Post-Practice – September 24, 2013

(On 49ers DT Justin Smith)
“Obviously, veteran team. Justin Smith, one of the best defensive tackles in the league, if not the best. High motor, obviously Missouri guy coming home – just a great challenge for us. He does a great job – just a veteran group. Obviously, (Lcool smiley Aldon’s (Smith) not there, they’ve got guys that will step up. It’s a veteran group and quite a challenge for us.”

(On how San Francisco will try to compensate for not having Aldon Smith)
“I think, short week, they don’t have much reason to change. Historically they’ve been so good. This year, a few things here and there that they’d like to have back, but maybe move Justin Smith around a little bit. Let him play some defensive end. Again, I know they like the kid coming out of Auburn, (LB Corey) Lemonier, and so I think next man up with him. Veteran team and there’s a lot of good players on that defense that can make plays.”

(On if they’re catching the 49ers at a good time with the absence of LB Patrick Willis)
“I think them coming off a tough loss is never a good time. Again, we’ve had some great battles with them. I think it will be fun. I know we feel like we’re ready to get back out and play after last week, and so we’ll see who lines up against us and we’ll dial our plays and hopefully execute.”

(On if their success last year against the 49ers gives them confidence)
“I think so, sure. Again, we played them for basically 10 quarters last year and moved the ball pretty well, were able to capitalize on some things. But, again, some new pieces there. The safety out of LSU (Eric Reid) is a good player, (LB NaVorro) Bowman’s playing at a high level. And again, you go back to the defensive line, that’s obviously been a strength of their team regardless of who’s in there.”

(On how the receivers are meshing)
“I think they’re doing a good job. Again, I think there’s some things with catching the football that we would like to get better with, but we know there’s going to be some growing pains. I spoke a couple weeks ago, (WR) Tavon (Austin) had a couple drops against Atlanta but made a couple great catches for touchdowns. You’ve got to take the good with the bad. Again, we have a lot of weapons. When teams want to play us man-to-man, we expect to win most of those battles.”

(On the offensive line giving up six sacks against Dallas)
“I think nobody saw that coming. I think you’ve got to give them a lot of credit. We’ve moved past that, certainly, because we’ve got another challenge this week, but I think going four (games) straight in this league without a sack is pretty dog gone good against some good pass rush teams – Seattle and Tampa Bay going back to last year. This year with Atlanta and guys like that, so again, we know our guys up front are mentally strong. They’re competitive. They’ve got a lot of pride and they’ll bounce back this week.”

(On the importance of getting the running game going)
“Obviously, it’s very important. I think you look at both games last year against them, we ran the ball pretty well. We were able to get some chunk runs early in the game, kind of help us with field position and that sets up a lot. It’s never an easy task against them. They are big and physical and the good thing is we’re going to know where they’re going to be. They’re not real complicated – never have been. They play with great fundamentals and technique, but we need to get the running game going. Again, I think schematically we know where they’re going to be. The big thing for us is just kind of handling some of the movements and things they’ll do up front.”

(On the importance of getting off to a fast start)
“I think so, no question. I think a lot of that comes down to our ability to get ahead of the sticks on first down, give ourselves third-and-manageable (distances). We’ve put ourselves in the bind in the first couple games just on third down. Early in the game, you’re putting yourself up against a bind and it’s hard converting third-and-8, 9, 10 in this league. So, again, if we can get ahead of the sticks a little bit and then you have the whole playbook at your disposal, that certainly helps.”

Rams Defensive Coordinator Tim Walton – Post-Practice – September 24, 2013

(On improving on third down)
“We’ve just got to keep working on it each week. It’s an ever growing challenge. Each week we’ve got to make sure we take a step forward of getting that better and all facets of the game – stopping the run, getting off the field on third down, just playing better overall defense.”

(On what he sees in TE Vance McDonald)
“A good solid football player. But, what we have to do is really about what we have to do. We have to do all of our little things correct, and then read our keys and do the little things that we need to to get better.”

(On if they concentrated too much on stopping WR Dez Bryant last week against the Cowboys)
“No. We’ve just got to go play fundamental football. That’s what we have to do. We’ve got to go line up and play sound fundamental football, and we’ll get back to that. We’ll get back to that this week. It’s a short week, so we’re going to put it behind us. We’re going to move on to this week and we’ll try to go out and make sure we have all our stuff corrected this week.”

(On if he expects the 49ers to run the ball more than they have in previous weeks)
“Yeah, they’re going to try to run the ball. They’ve primarily been a running team since (Head Coach Jim) Harbaugh got there. So, they’re going to try to run the football. We’ve got to go out and stop the run, obviously. That’s something that showed up on our plate, now we’ve got to go put that fire out.”

Rams QB Sam Bradford – Post-Practice – September 24, 2013

(On how his body feels)
“Good. For a Tuesday, it actually feels really good, to be honest with you. It’s kind of like a Friday, I guess, since we play in a couple days, but it feels good, ready to roll.”

(On if it is important to get off to a strong start)
“Yeah, absolutely. I think the past two weeks we’ve seen what it’s like playing from behind, and it’s really not a whole lot of fun. I think it would help, not only ourselves out, but it would help the defense out if we could come out and start fast and play with a lead.”

(On how to establish the running game)
“When you fall behind like we have the past two weeks, it makes it tough to run the ball. So, I think starting fast and being able to stay more balanced with the run game and the pass game is something that we’re looking to do this week.”

(On what they need to do in order to get off to a fast start)
“I’m not really sure. We’re still kind of looking for that answer. We’re trying to figure that formula out ourselves. If we knew it, I think we would have done it the past couple weeks, but I think there is some importance to doing what you do well and trying to get everyone in a rhythm and then go from there.”

(On if this game comes down to who is more determined)
“Absolutely. I think, obviously, both of us are disappointed being at 1-2 after the first three weeks, and I think it’s a very important divisional game. So, I think both teams are going to come out swinging, and, like you said, the hungriest team is going to win.”

(On his appreciation for the rivalry with the 49ers)
“We respect everyone in our division, and since I’ve been here, we’ve had a lot of really good games within our division, especially with these guys last year. Obviously, going to overtime and getting a tie in San Francisco and then almost getting another tie at home last year, so I think we have a lot of respect for them. But, at the same time we’re going to come out and give them our best shot and try to put this thing away a little quicker than last year.”

(On if the games against the 49ers were fun or exhausting)
“Both. Obviously, there was a lot of excitement in both of those games. It’s fun to be a part of really good games like that, but at the same time the game in San Francisco was just really weird in the fact that I don’t think anyone in this locker room probably ever had a tie before. Obviously, the game here was much better in the fact that we came out with the win, but I would say for the most part they were pretty fun.”

(On if 49ers S Craig Dahl’s knowledge of the Rams’ offense could help them)
“Not really. I think they see everything that we do on tape. It’s not like he has some secret knowledge of stuff that he remembers from last year, so I’m really not too worried about that.”

(On if they have to be careful of the 49ers coming in with a banged up roster and desperate for a win)
“Absolutely. You’ve always got to be careful when you’re playing San Francisco. They’re a very good football team. I don’t think we’re sleeping on them one bit. I don’t think anyone should let their record tell you about how good they are because I think they’re much better than 1-2 to be honest with you. And even though they are banged up and they’ve got some guys out, I think that’s all the more reason they’re going to come in here and give us their best shot. So, we’re expecting them to play very well on Thursday and we’re expecting to get their best shot.”

(On the division rivalry and knowledge of each other’s teams)
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone in this locker room expects this game to be anything other than a battle for four quarters. I think this thing’s going to be 60 minutes of all-out, everything you’ve got football.”

(On if their success against the 49ers last year gives their team a confidence boost going into Thursday)
“Yeah, I think so. Obviously, our record last year in our division – I think that gives us a lot of confidence and especially going 1-0-1 against these guys. I think that we know that it’s just going to take us going out there and playing our game. It’s not going to take anything crazy. We’re not going to have to try to do anything extra. We’re just going to play very sound football for four quarters.”

(On what he sees from the 49ers defense)
“They’re still really good on defense. I know that a lot of people have been talking about them, but their front seven is really good. We’re going to have to be prepared for all the different games they run, the line stunts that they run and then some of their different blitz packages on third down. It being a short week, I think it’s important that we spend a lot of time here tonight and tomorrow making sure that everyone’s on the same page so we can pick those things up and take advantage of some of the match-ups on the outside.”


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #2

I know for a FACT that these reporters asking these questions read forums. They know what our grievances are, and yet they ask questions that either mean very little to fans, or they let coachspeak responses go unchecked. Honestly, I really really really want to have press credentials. I'd use the shit out of those for the one day they let me have them.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
Anyone that thinks the Rams and 49ers aren't rivals since long before and into the present era lives in a bubble.


Jun 4, 2013
"(On what they need to do in order to get off to a fast start)

“I’m not really sure. We’re still kind of looking for that answer. We’re trying to figure that formula out ourselves. If we knew it, I think we would have done it the past couple weeks, but I think there is some importance to doing what you do well and trying to get everyone in a rhythm and then go from there.”"

A) Now, that's not good to hear.

B) I know what you do well. The entire NFL viewing public and institution knows what you do well.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
My biggest problem was with Walton's responses. I think the guy may have potential as a DC but I just feel Fish needs to do some hands on mentoring there. Right now, the game and all the youth on our team might be a little beyond Walton - as it would many young coaches. Nothing wrong with that. In fact it maybe should be kind of expected. Fish has some very good defensive minds at his disposal. Sure hope it shows on Thursday.