The truth about vaccines

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Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
Agreed totally with these articles. People are way to quick to believe the internet about everything. People are just looking for a place to hang their hat because autism is on the "rise".

What people fail to do most of the time is research and realize. Yes more people today are being diagnosed with autism then before for a myriad of reasons.
1. Up until recently stuff like this just wasn't covered because we didn't have a 24/7 media lifestyle or the unregulated internet to read anybodys opinion be it right or wrong.
2. Nobody wants to fault themselves or there genetics. Its easier and more comfortable to blame another source. Autism can be family genetics or damage passed down from drugs and alcohol.
3. We didnt have the funding and or the technology to study autism so just in this fact alone we will see a spike in diagnoses.
4. Then there are the doctor who want to feed their families off your insurance plan. No im not saying all doctors are bad but they are out there see adhd.
5. Mob mentality unfortunately thrives in social networking its seen everday one person post something about some easly disproved yet everyone buys in likes and shares it and it goes viral. See all the recent celebrity "deaths"
6. Going back to the media. The people who run these organizations want you scared, if you buy into their scare tactics they control you and profit off you. The media outlet is just one peice of the pie they own.

All in all it has to come down to YOU doing your own digging into the science behind stuff like this and asking very pointed questions to the professionals to build your own comfort level with whatever it is your doing not just these shots. This could go twords depression pills pain pills and all things surrounding you. To often anymore society has quit asking questions and just started believing whats been said by a single source.

Sorry for long reply.


May 28, 2011
People seem really willing to ignore science in pretty much every way possible, it's just silly in my opinion.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Vaccines are essential due to some of the lethal diseases that are out there now, but I think people rely too much on medication for other maladies that can be cured with just a healthy diet and exercise. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, various skin disorders, joint pain, fatigue, etc. Don't get me wrong... sometimes people HAVE to take medication to get that under control, but it's not as effective or long-term as a healthy lifestyle can be.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Rabid Ram said:
Agreed totally with these articles. People are way to quick to believe the internet about everything. People are just looking for a place to hang their hat because autism is on the "rise".

What people fail to do most of the time is research and realize. Yes more people today are being diagnosed with autism then before for a myriad of reasons.
1. Up until recently stuff like this just wasn't covered because we didn't have a 24/7 media lifestyle or the unregulated internet to read anybodys opinion be it right or wrong.
2. Nobody wants to fault themselves or there genetics. Its easier and more comfortable to blame another source. Autism can be family genetics or damage passed down from drugs and alcohol.
3. We didnt have the funding and or the technology to study autism so just in this fact alone we will see a spike in diagnoses.
4. Then there are the doctor who want to feed their families off your insurance plan. No im not saying all doctors are bad but they are out there see adhd.
5. Mob mentality unfortunately thrives in social networking its seen everday one person post something about some easly disproved yet everyone buys in likes and shares it and it goes viral. See all the recent celebrity "deaths"
6. Going back to the media. The people who run these organizations want you scared, if you buy into their scare tactics they control you and profit off you. The media outlet is just one peice of the pie they own.

All in all it has to come down to YOU doing your own digging into the science behind stuff like this and asking very pointed questions to the professionals to build your own comfort level with whatever it is your doing not just these shots. This could go twords depression pills pain pills and all things surrounding you. To often anymore society has quit asking questions and just started believing whats been said by a single source.

Sorry for long reply.

That was a good reply, not too long at all.

It's odd and it's mostly an American thing. Like fibromyalgia, which Docs love because it's a cash cow. Even though no other nations, first second or third world, really have any cases of it, we have zillions of people here in the USA with it going to "docs" in "pain clinics" who supposedly specialize in treating it.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
People seem really willing to ignore science in pretty much every way possible, it's just silly in my opinion.
What really surprises me is that people want to apply politics-type logic to science. Can you imagine the Ram Stalk statistic bozos "proving" a scientific point with their IMO logic?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
I lol'd at the "hybrid car community" comment.

I'll admit a couple years ago I refused to take aspirins for that reason of not wanting chemicals in my body. Then I realized...they're here for our benefit, only idiots who abuse them get into trouble. Same w/ flu shots. Although that was more laziness of having to get one than anything else.

Of course I've had all my shots.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
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My mom got polio. She was 9 months old and back then the vaccine had just come out and they didn't give it to anyone under 2. My mother never really could walk well and could never run. She could barely use her right leg. Now she's in a wheelchair.

It pisses me off when I see parents purposely not give their children a vaccine. It's akin to child abuse in my book. The kid doesn't really have a choice and the parent uses dubious medical "evidence" to stop their kid from being vaccinated.

It simply pisses me off.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
We should be far more concerned about all of the fluoride, bromide, chlorine, hexane in our childrens diet/environment.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Stranger said:
We should be far more concerned about all of the fluoride, bromide, chlorine, hexane in our childrens diet/environment.

The biggest thing is hexchrome...for both children and adults. That shit is scary.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Angry Ram said:
Stranger said:
We should be far more concerned about all of the fluoride, bromide, chlorine, hexane in our childrens diet/environment.

The biggest thing is hexchrome...for both children and adults. That shit is scary.
Hexane is a petroleum derivative that's in all the products that they sell with DHA/RHA... you know, the stuff they market as being really good for your brain. Well, actually, it is good for your brain if it didn't have petroleum byproducts in it, like Hexane, which actually attacks the part of your brain that controls appetite. Just about all the baby foods have it in them now. Now wonder the adult population is obese, most never had a chance.

Don't know about hexchrome. What's that one?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Stranger said:
Angry Ram said:
Stranger said:
We should be far more concerned about all of the fluoride, bromide, chlorine, hexane in our childrens diet/environment.

The biggest thing is hexchrome...for both children and adults. That shit is scary.
Hexane is a petroleum derivative that's in all the products that they sell with DHA/RHA... you know, the stuff they market as being really good for your brain. Well, actually, it is good for your brain if it didn't have petroleum byproducts in it, like Hexane, which actually attacks the part of your brain that controls appetite. Just about all the baby foods have it in them now. Now wonder the adult population is obese, most never had a chance.

Don't know about hexchrome. What's that one?

Hexavalent chromium is a chemical used in industry and when spilled or leaked into the soil can contaminate ground water. The problem is that it dissolves really really fast (like Kool-Aid) in ground water...well guess who uses ground water? It's a toxic carcinogen.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Angry Ram said:
Hexavalent chromium is a chemical used in industry and when spilled or leaked into the soil can contaminate ground water. The problem is that it dissolves really really fast (like Kool-Aid) in ground water...well guess who uses ground water? It's a toxic carcinogen.
Oh, lovely...

Probable carcinogen hexavalent chromium found in drinking water of 31 U.S. cities
By Lyndsey Layton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 19, 2010; 12:02 AM
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 02810.html</a>

An environmental group that analyzed the drinking water in 35 cities across the United States, including Bethesda and Washington, found that most contained hexavalent chromium, a probable carcinogen that was made famous by the film "Erin Brockovich."
The new study found hexavalent chromium in the tap water of 31 out of 35 cities sampled. Of those, 25 had levels that exceeded the goal proposed in California.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Yeah my parents dint believe in the Polio vaccine and as a result my middle leg is barely half as long as the other two


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
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Thordaddy said:
Yeah my parents dint believe in the Polio vaccine and as a result my middle leg is barely half as long as the other two


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
I guess I have mixed feelings on this because although I received all the vaccines growing up and so have my kids, the flu shot will never be among them again. It just doesn't make sense to take a shot that only protects you from a small percentage of the flu yet you may get to experience the side effects of the vaccine. I'm done with that one.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
I haven't had a flu shot since '94
I'm at peace with that decision. :ww:


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
mojorizen7 said:
I haven't had a flu shot since '94
I'm at peace with that decision. :ww:
I don't think I've ever had a flu shot.

Had the flu twice in my life.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
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X said:
mojorizen7 said:
I haven't had a flu shot since '94
I'm at peace with that decision. :ww:
I don't think I've ever had a flu shot.

Had the flu twice in my life.
I get the flu shot every year. But I work in a hospital doing inpatient work. I still got the flu, twice, bad despite the shot, but I will get the shot because I know for a fact that I've been exposed to the flu every year for the past 12 years and only twice have I gotten it.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
brokeu91 said:
X said:
mojorizen7 said:
I haven't had a flu shot since '94
I'm at peace with that decision. :ww:
I don't think I've ever had a flu shot.

Had the flu twice in my life.
I get the flu shot every year. But I work in a hospital doing inpatient work. I still got the flu, twice, bad despite the shot, but I will get the shot because I know for a fact that I've been exposed to the flu every year for the past 12 years and only twice have I gotten it.
Yeah, if I had to work in an environment where people had to go to a hospital *because* of the flu... then I might get the shot too. Anytime I see anyone with the sniffles, I get the fuck away from that person. The two times I had it, it was the most awful thing I had to endure. Once, it escalated to pneumonia; so that might have some bearing on how I feel about it.