The Different Age Groups have even less in Common

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
I have a part time job on the weekends and so I hang out with a 25 year old friend for a few hours on the weekend. I normally would never get a chance to pick his brain about about different things. He's big into vaping wax tips. I'm a square in that I didn't know what that was until he told me. He doesn't have regular tv, which I don't know what that means anymore, anyway. He plays Playstation interactive video games online, he uses Hulu (as do I starting this year), and Netflix.

He and I hate CGI in movies. Looking at the original "Alien" and the way they created movie magic back in the 70's and 80's was more creative, real, and scary in a way than what they do in the Marvel movies, isn't (Our opinion, you don't have to share it). I bring it up because of all the great movies made before 1999, and he knows nothing about them, and I bet his freinds know nothing about them, unless he caught one like "Alien" by chance. I am not joking in that I could list 20 movies that were considered good-great-and even better before 1999...and nothing. The magic of now, is that I can show him clips of these movies on YouTube, most of which will inspire him to watch them.

It's not just about entertainment, it's the lack of connection between generations. Cable TV has split us all into 100 plus channels of crap (that is, if we have tv service at all.), and the weak networks have mostly bad tv shows on. In the 70's and 80's, we all watched the same shows on the three networks. There was a movie channel or two (or on the networks) and so I knew movies from the 30's to present. Today with all of the special effects/CGI, I think kids will just not sit down and watch a black and white Alfred Hitchcock movie, or the original twilight zone, or a comedy like Taxi. I watched the first couple of episodes of Taxi on Hulu (comes full circle, eh?) I forgot how really good that show was....Tony Danza, Judd Hirsch, Danny Devito, Marilou Henner, and Andy Kaufman. It was so good that people talked about it the next day when it was first run....There is nothing like that today really, where the generations all saw something they enjoyed simultaneously. Maybe sports are the only opportunity for a communal experience anymore. I'm gonna continue to watch Taxi and shows that were good like it, but few of the younger generations, ever will. It's depressing.
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Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
I have a part time job on the weekends and so I hang out with a 25 year old friend for a few hours on the weekend. I normally would never get a chance to pick his brain about about different things. He's big into vaping wax tips. I'm a square in that I didn't know what that was until he told me. He doesn't have regular tv, which I don't know what that means anymore, anyway. He plays Playstation interactive video games online, he uses Hulu (as do I starting this year), and Netflix.

He and I hate CGI in movies. Looking at the original "Alien" and the way they created movie magic back in the 70's and 80's was more creative, real, and scary in a way than what they do in the Marvel movies, isn't (Our opinion, you don't have to share it). I bring it up because of all the great movies made before 1999, and he knows nothing about them, and I bet his freinds know nothing about them, unless he caught one like "Alien" by chance. I am not joking in that I could list 20 movies that were considered good-great-and even better before 1999...and nothing. The magic of now, is that I can show him clips of these movies on YouTube, most of which will inspire him to watch them.

It's not just about entertainment, it's the lack of connection between generations. Cable TV has split us all into 100 plus channels of crap (that is, if we have tv service at all.), and the weak networks have mostly bad tv shows on. In the 70's and 80's, we all watched the same shows on the three networks. There was a movie channel or two (or on the networks) and so I knew movies from the 30's to present. Today with all of the special effects/CGI, I think kids will just not sit down and watch a black and white Alfred Hitchcock movie, or the original twilight zone, or a comedy like Taxi. I watched the first couple of episodes of Taxi on Hulu (comes full circle, eh?) I forgot how really good that show was....Tony Danza, Judd Hirsch, Danny Devito, Marilou Henner, and Andy Kaufman. It was so good that people talked about it the next day when it was first run....There is nothing like that today really, where the generations all saw something they enjoyed simultaneously. Maybe sports are the only opportunity for a communal experience anymore. I'm gonna continue to watch Taxi and shows that were good like it, but few of the younger generations, ever will. It's depressing.
Interesting thought provoking post. Thanks. For the past hour I've been looking at ice house construction which is another generational disconnect these days. Progress in our every day lives used to be at a snails pace but that began to accelerate with the industrial revolution for the workplace and eventually into the home. I'm your age and in my lifetime I remember the icebox and all that went with it. I remember when people would sit on their porch in the early evening talking to neighbors and having a beer listening to the ballgame when most homes didn't have central AC and many didn't have a window unit. I remember getting packs of cigarettes for my parents from the confectionary or neighborhood market, think bodega without alcohol, and in a house in which a family lived in the back rooms. I remember party line phones, push cart tradesmen on neighborhood streets, jarts, adding machines, radio and TV tube testers, indulging in fireworks "science":giggle:, pocket knives, slingshots and bb guns in school, and various WW2 stuff including ordnance brought in for show and tell. I remember paddling at school which was nothing compared to what was waiting for you at home if the school called your parents. I remember passenger train service not called Amtrak. I remember walking into a plane from the car with no delay of any kind, having to only hand the ticket to the attendant at the cockpit door.

So many other things but that should make the point. We take for granted so much today that were expensive luxuries not that long ago. For those younger than us these things will never compute until done without but even then their expectation will be the having of these "luxuries". Your post was about TV during the days in which only the larger cities had all three network stations and perhaps an independent or two. Compared to today we really lacked choice. Thus if a show was successful most people watched it or heard about it. The last TV shows I can remember that had such followings the next day were Cheers and later Fraser and certainly Seinfeld. I think George living under his desk was the last hurrah of big three cultural saturation. There's still been shows since that have had their success but with all the choices you mentioned it really isn't the same.

Today people are more connected by "technology" such as the smart phone and internet. It's certainly not all bad, definitely different compared to the $200 per month long distance charges my wife would routinely rack up throughout the '90s.:palm: The internet sure has its good points unless you're an encyclopedia salesman but it is getting stale or in a rut, not that wow factor it used to have. I wonder what will be next? No, I'm not thinking about 5G. Something different. Something new. I hope I like it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #4
Fricking old people.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
This kinda ties in with this thread and the weed thread. Does anyone remember the old Burger Chef hamburger chain? The concept was they made burgers and fries like everyone else but they didn't put anything on the burgers expect cheese if you wanted it. Instead they had this huge salad bar with everything under the sun in it. So you built your own burger. In the 70s my buddies and I would go out and get totally ripped, go to Burger Chef and for a few bucks get a drink some fries and a couple of burgers that we would build into these huge Dagwood sandwiches and just pig out. While the girls behind the counter laughed at us cuz we were so high. It was a poor business model I guess but we loved that place.
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Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
More to the point of this thread. There is a huge disconnect between the generations. Without meaning to lump everyone into the same barrel. Which truly is unfair. I will give you some examples, these are all work related and that I see or deal with on a daily basis. A young man was hired that I liked very much. He was bright really everything you would want it seemed in an employee. After 2 weeks he quit. Why? Because he had not been promoted to upper management. I was shocked. I sat him down and tried to reason with him explaining that some of the jobs were trades that took years to learn. He had been hired off the streets with no experience and it was going to be awhile before he would even be considered for advancement. In so many words he told me I was full of crap and could stuff the job. A young lady was hired to do a specific job. The first day she disappeared. Could not be found she was finally located in a different Dept. doing a job she was not hired to do. When confronted she simply said " Yeah I dont like that job. I want to do this." Again people tried to reason with her explaining everything over and over. She was having none of it if she could not do what she wanted she quit. And she did on the spot. Another young man was recently hired he was given a schedule which he ignored and started working his own schedule. When confronted he said. "Yeah that schedule really doesn't work for me." Upon being told he had to work when he was needed not when he wanted. He too quit on the spot. Now these stories sound outrageous I know but they are true and there are many more. Life is hard enough as it is and I hope these people are able to find the jobs that let them do what they want when they want. I never could.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
This kinda ties in with this thread and the weed thread. Does anyone remember the old Burger Chef hamburger chain? The concept was they made burgers and fries like everyone else but they didn't put anything on the burgers expect cheese if you wanted it. Instead they had this huge salad bar with everything under the sun in it. So you built your own burger. In the 70s my buddies and I would go out and get totally ripped, go to Burger Chef and for a few bucks get a drink some fries and a couple of burgers that we would build into these huge Dagwood sandwiches and just pig out. While the girls behind the counter laughed at us cuz we were so high. It was a poor business model I guess but we loved that place.
Fuddruckers does that. Got one down the street from me now.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
This kinda ties in with this thread and the weed thread. Does anyone remember the old Burger Chef hamburger chain? The concept was they made burgers and fries like everyone else but they didn't put anything on the burgers expect cheese if you wanted it. Instead they had this huge salad bar with everything under the sun in it. So you built your own burger. In the 70s my buddies and I would go out and get totally ripped, go to Burger Chef and for a few bucks get a drink some fries and a couple of burgers that we would build into these huge Dagwood sandwiches and just pig out. While the girls behind the counter laughed at us cuz we were so high. It was a poor business model I guess but we loved that place.
I'm your age and I remember Burger Chef before they had a salad bar or indoor seating. You must have lived on the right side of the railroad tracks!


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
More to the point of this thread. There is a huge disconnect between the generations. Without meaning to lump everyone into the same barrel. Which truly is unfair. I will give you some examples, these are all work related and that I see or deal with on a daily basis. A young man was hired that I liked very much. He was bright really everything you would want it seemed in an employee. After 2 weeks he quit. Why? Because he had not been promoted to upper management. I was shocked. I sat him down and tried to reason with him explaining that some of the jobs were trades that took years to learn. He had been hired off the streets with no experience and it was going to be awhile before he would even be considered for advancement. In so many words he told me I was full of crap and could stuff the job. A young lady was hired to do a specific job. The first day she disappeared. Could not be found she was finally located in a different Dept. doing a job she was not hired to do. When confronted she simply said " Yeah I dont like that job. I want to do this." Again people tried to reason with her explaining everything over and over. She was having none of it if she could not do what she wanted she quit. And she did on the spot. Another young man was recently hired he was given a schedule which he ignored and started working his own schedule. When confronted he said. "Yeah that schedule really doesn't work for me." Upon being told he had to work when he was needed not when he wanted. He too quit on the spot. Now these stories sound outrageous I know but they are true and there are many more. Life is hard enough as it is and I hope these people are able to find the jobs that let them do what they want when they want. I never could.
I hope you don't do the hiring!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Fuddruckers does that. Got one down the street from me now.
The Ruddfuckers in Oregon had a ribeye sandwich that was killer. I would order that and load up with the lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and mayo. I need to hit the one here in town now - see if they have that ribeye.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #14
Fuddruckers does that. Got one down the street from me now.
SONOFA, you beat me to the punch!..I was just about to mention Fuddruckers...


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
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  • #15
The Ruddfuckers in Oregon had a ribeye sandwich that was killer. I would order that and load up with the lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and mayo. I need to hit the one here in town now - see if they have that ribeye.
Unless you have a teriyaki chicken sandwich, don't YOU PUT PINEAPPLE on it ya heathen!:hatin:


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Fuddruckers does that. Got one down the street from me now.

Hell, yeah, Fuddricker's is the absolute shit! I don't go there often, but when I do, I get elk burgers.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
I bring it up because of all the great movies made before 1999, and he knows nothing about them, and I bet his freinds know nothing about them, unless he caught one like "Alien" by chance. I am not joking in that I could list 20 movies that were considered good-great-and even better before 1999...and nothing. The magic of now, is that I can show him clips of these movies on YouTube, most of which will inspire him to watch them.

I personally have a hard time identifying with things like this, and my generation in general, because I don't have this experience at all. I'm a millennial, technically :mad:, but my mother raised me listening to classic rock, oldies (Elvis, the Temptations, Frankie Valli, etc), and watching old movies. An education in the classics is what she called it. I find that the nerdier the people around me are, the more they share that same love and understanding of the classics.

Long story short, nerds are awesome. Regular people are terrible.

The internet sure has its good points unless you're an encyclopedia salesman but it is getting stale or in a rut, not that wow factor it used to have. I wonder what will be next? No, I'm not thinking about 5G. Something different. Something new. I hope I like it.
I think the next fundamental shift that we can see from where we are would be augmented reality, powered by edge computing and 5 (or more) G. Everything else will just still be the Internet. Augmented reality would be your life in the Internet


Pro Bowler
Apr 4, 2013
No offense to anyone but.

What I like to do is stand by a clock with a millennial and ask what time it is. And they pull out their phone. :palm:


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
I think the next fundamental shift that we can see from where we are would be augmented reality, powered by edge computing and 5 (or more) G. Everything else will just still be the Internet. Augmented reality would be your life in the Internet
No not talking about enhancing anything with the internet. I was thinking something like space elevators, gravity trains, portable fusion generators, force field climate control, adapting warm weather crops to grow in winter cold, agricultural mining, curing disease without drugs or surgery, etc. Real game changers for human kind.


Hall of Fame
Aug 10, 2013
No not talking about enhancing anything with the internet. I was thinking something like space elevators, gravity trains, portable fusion generators, force field climate control, adapting warm weather crops to grow in winter cold, agricultural mining, curing disease without drugs or surgery, etc. Real game changers for human kind.
Gene editing with CRSPR? It's going to be a game changer. I don't think we'll like the new game, but it will change for sure.