So I got a new job offer....

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Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Figured I would put this out to my Rams family as I have discussed it at length with my actual family as well as friends. I have been a network engineer for a little over 20 years. I have been at my current employer for the past 8 years ,and have been MISERABLE for the vast majority of that time. The main reason for this is the culture. For whatever reason, senior management feels as though they need to motivate staff by way of fear. They are condescending at best, diabolical at worst. This has been perpetuated through multiple iterations of senior staff, and it is infuriating to me. The fact that my office is across the street from me is the only thing that has kept me there.

So recently, I was approached by a former boss (who was unceremoniously let go from my current employer) about a position at his new gig. He told me about how great the culture is and how happy he has been since joining this company. I applied to a job in a different area of the company from where he works, but after 4 rounds and at least 6 hrs worth of interviews, I came away impressed with the team I interviewed with. They must have liked me as well, because they have offered me the position.

The new position does not have a senior title as my current one does, but the pay is the same, so it would be a lateral move. What I like is that I would be part of a TEAM. In my current position, I am the SOLE network engineer responsible for supporting almost 1000 users. I have asked for help more times than I can count, and they finally hired another senior guy this summer, only to terminate him after 2 months because they "screwed up the budget and had no $". That's a crock of shit, as we have 6 or more system engineers and 4 security admins (who do nothing but make work for me). They literally took 50% of my team...and left just me....again.

I have verbally accepted the new position, but as is typical for me, I have been second guessing myself at every turn. I keep telling myself that things might get better, but I have been telling myself that for years. My wife has basically told me it is time to bounce on the devil and not to look back, but I have to admit it is a nerve wracking life change....for sure. I am just an anxious mess when it comes to this stuff. I shouldn't be, as I have a skill set that is in high demand, especially in my area (DC Metro). Also, I have saved enough $ that we are not in danger if I decided to take an extended break to look for another job in the event that this one doesn't work out.

Anyway, I should get the official offer letter tomorrow, and will have to tell my current employer the news next week. I am curious if any of you have been through this type of situation and how it turned out. Not going to lie, I am kind of hoping that some of you will tell me to just do the damn thing and stop fussing about it. I'm pathetic and appreciate positive re-enforcement like that ;-)

Sorry for the long post, I have just been stressing myself out over what should be a great opportunity with a cool company. I mean, they are a AAA video game company (that was just bought by Microsoft), so the culture should be kinda cool. All thoughts are welcome....


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Leave respectfully as you never want to burn a bridge, but take that job and don’t waste a minute thinking twice.
environment is important.


Mild-mannered Rams fan
Jul 8, 2014
they are a AAA video game company (that was just bought by Microsoft)

Sounds like Bethesda. Congrats on the gig, you may call it a lateral move but going from a senior position to a junior one with the same pay offers more upside and would consider it an upgrade.

Feel free to leak some details on the Elder Scrolls VI if it is Bethesda ;)


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
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Sounds like Bethesda. Congrats on the gig, you may call it a lateral move but going from a senior position to a junior one with the same pay offers more upside and would consider it an upgrade.

Feel free to leak some details on the Elder Scrolls VI if it is Bethesda ;)
Indeed sir. Good call. I would be working for Zenimax, the parent company, but supporting Bethesda, ZOS, id and the other studios.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
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Leave respectfully as you never want to burn a bridge, but take that job and don’t waste a minute thinking twice.
environment is important.
Appreciate the thoughts. Totally agree. I am going to give my current company 3 weeks and also offer to help with knowledge transfer after I'm gone, but it will be on my time. There is a LOT for them to digest. Their fault for not having redundancy at my position.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I am just an anxious mess when it comes to this stuff. I shouldn't be

Sounds smart to me. Sounds like you’ve made a lot of smart decisions. So congratulations on putting yourself in position for the opportunity.

And... reading that, I was halfway through and all I thought was “it sounds awesome“.

Culture is important to me too. Thats worth a lot!

Wooo! :fistbump:


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
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Also, apparently they have amazing company parties... So there's that.... When things get back to normal.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I think it sounds great for you.

I managed a retail company for over ten years and fucking hated the place. Liked the work, hated the company and culture.

After making a bit of a name for myself in the industry I began getting occasional offers. Finally after years of saying "no". I said yes.

The company I was at was pissed and let me go before my two weeks was up. Pissed me off beyond comprehension.

After about 4 months with the new place, I was miserable. Nothing was the way that I liked it. Everything seemed backwards and I believed I was more qualified to be my bosses boss than anyone around me.

The devil you know sometimes, is truly better than the one you don't. But I know that is case by case.

I really hope this move pans out terrifically and you find yourself in a better place personally, financially and spiritually. Its amazing how a company can suck the soul right out of you.

Good luck, brother!


Mar 29, 2020
You may want to read the post above by a poster with the handle Faceplant.

That guy makes a compelling argument for you (him) to take the new job offer.

Seriously, don’t settle for being unhappy. Try something new and run the risk of being happy.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 13, 2018
Don't over think it. You said you are MISERABLE at current job. This is life, 1 in the hand or the 2 in the bush. I have been where you are and took the new job. Best decision I ever made, but it was a tough one to make.


Pro Bowler
Nov 3, 2015
Never second guess your decisions in the job market. When you leave, leave. Do what's best for you, because the company would do what's best for them in the long run. This is a business decision. Treat it as such.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
If you hate where you currently work, put in your notice and don't look back. It sounds like you're moving to a better situation. Just try not to burn the bridge where you are. Gotta look out for yourself. Change can be intimidating, but it is often good. And worst case scenario, if it doesn't work out, you have an in-demand skillset and will land on your feet. Don't sweat it.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 3, 2020
Leave respectfully as you never want to burn a bridge, but take that job and don’t waste a minute thinking twice.
environment is important.
Ditto what @dieterbrock advised you. I would add, you’ve earned the level of comfort at work. After 20 years, 8 miserable, it makes absolute sense to put yourself in the best possible work environment for yourself and your family.


And don't call me Shirley
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 23, 2018
Leave respectfully as you never want to burn a bridge, but take that job and don’t waste a minute thinking twice.
environment is important.

Two of the best pieces of advice I got early in life that has paid off in spades:

If you do not like where you are at, change it. Don't expect it to change for you. And....

Always try and leave any relationship on a positive note no matter how bad it is. It may not always work at the time, but will later.

Worked for me.

On that note, I love this place but going to an anonymous forum for life advice may not be the best of moves. You know the answer. Trust your gut.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 27, 2013
When it comes to work and employment you have to look after yourself. It’s all well and good that companies tell you they'll do this and that but invariably it doesn’t happen. If you are unhappy then get out, what’s to lose (you've basically already said that yourself). In my experience companies will have no qualms about ditching people when they want to, fair or unfair. Do what’s best for you. In terms of burning bridges, makes sense but when I left my last job the boss was such a wanker I couldn’t give a fuck that he knows I think he’s a tosser. That’s just me though.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Change is always scary.... that's why you've allowed yourself to be MISERABLE for 8 years.

Once you make the change, you'll say "I should have left that place years ago!".

Tell me this... What are you going to do if your current fear mongering employer offers you a bunch more to stay?

Be happy that you are in control of this situation. Soak it in Brudda.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 5, 2012
Don't chase money, or job titles. Chase good management and happiness. If you have good management and you are happy at what you do, the money and job titles will come.

Embrace change sometimes. It's proof we are still alive and in control.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2014
First off, Congrats. Now, if the pay is the same, and the culture is better, sounds like a win-win. I am sure it will have it's cons, but if you are unhappy, sounds like a no-brainer.

Change can be scary, but if you are already unhappy, what is the worst that happens, it ends up different but the same? Now, what is the best that can happen?

Fortune favors the bold.

Best of luck on your new position!