Road Rage

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
In my younger days I used to get out of my car and confront people. I used to carry a loaded .38 in my car. I've wised up since then. :cool:

The three things that tick me off the most: 1)Tailgaters 2) cell phone users 3) too lazy to signal
Get out of my lane! The biggest road-rage triggers
Paul A. Eisenstein | @DetroitBureau

Even the calmest drivers have experienced an occasional moment of road rage at the hands of a rude or inconsiderate motorist.

But what's most likely to set drivers off?


Don Bayley | Vetta | Getty Images

According to a new study by travel site Expedia, some of the most rage-inducing behaviors are slowpokes who won't move out of the left lane, tailgaters and people who text while driving.

The report was released in conjunction with Memorial Day weekend, the traditional start of summer and the busiest highway travel season of the year.

"As the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day sees a huge spike in the number of drivers on the road," said Expedia General Manager John Morrey. "The rule, as with airplanes and hotels, is that shared spaces demand decorum and attentiveness."

Despite the fact that almost every state has a law against texting while driving, the risky act is still unpleasantly common. It was rated by 69 percent of the drivers surveyed as the activity most likely to get their blood boiling.

A close second on the list? The tailgater, who seems to think that by riding 3 feet off the bumper of the car ahead of them, they'll somehow get to their destination quicker. About 60 percent of the respondents listed that as a top road-rage trigger.

Multitaskers; drifters, who can't settle into one lane; and crawlers, who bump along at well below the speed limit, rounded out the top five.

Other road-rage inducing behaviors included the swerver, who will suddenly change lanes or turn without signaling, and left-lane hogs.

Curiously, the report found that 69 percent of those surveyed have been "flipped off" by another motorist for some perceived slight—but only 17 percent of those who responded to the study said they have ever extended the rude hand gesture.

The 2014 Road Rage Report, which surveyed 1,001 American adults with a valid driver's license, has an error rate of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. It follows another recent survey by AutoVantage, which found that Houston has the rudest drivers in the U.S.

According to Expedia, however, New York City ranks highest in terms of the rudest drivers, followed by Los Angeles and Atlanta.

By CNBC Contributor Paul A. Eisenstein. Follow him on Twitter@DetroitBureau or



Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
The thing that always sets me off is when I'm signaling to get into another lane, and the person next to me HAS TO speed up so I can't get in. For no other reason than some unresolved issue with the "no cuts" rule. There's no reason for not letting someone in front of you when they have to get over. Pisses me off to no end. And yeah, I've gotten out of the car a few times myself. I wish I could say I've wised up, but that's just not the case. All logic and reasoning goes out the window with me when I get that pissed off. I know it's not smart, and I know I could encounter someone with a gun, but I just stop thinking at that point.

Oh, and another thing. When I go to pass someone on the freeway because they're going too slow, and they speed up (just out of principle) to try and keep me from passing. What the hell is it with people sometimes?


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
The thing that always sets me off is when I'm signaling to get into another lane, and the person next to me HAS TO speed up so I can't get in. For no other reason than some unresolved issue with the "no cuts" rule. There's no reason for not letting someone in front of you when they have to get over. Pisses me off to no end. And yeah, I've gotten out of the car a few times myself. I wish I could say I've wised up, but that's just not the case. All logic and reasoning goes out the window with me when I get that pissed off. I know it's not smart, and I know I could encounter someone with a gun, but I just stop thinking at that point.

Oh, and another thing. When I go to pass someone on the freeway because they're going too slow, and they speed up (just out of principle) to try and keep me from passing. What the hell is it with people sometimes?

Those are two of mine as well. If the guy signals, I appreciate it and let him in. It DOES piss me off though when someone just comes into my lane unannounced.

Another one that pisses me off is when I'm waiting for traffic and the cars veering right can't be bothered by putting on their signal so I can fucking GO. It's a turn signal people. Learn how to use the fucking things you lazy asses.

Of course there is the left lane camper who tries to play traffic cop and stays right beside the guy in the right lane so no one can go any faster than them. Go as slow as you want but use pull outs and GTF out of the left lane. And maybe people wouldn't list tailgating so high if they weren't the very jackasses I'm talking about here. I hate tailgating too but I'm rarely going slow enough to warrant it.

K - deep breaths.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
BTW - That was me in the video. But in my defense, my wife was cheering me on.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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What the hell is it with people sometimes?

That's the ultimate question isn't it? Selfishness and/or stupidity is my guess. Something happens to certain people when they're encased in that steel cage they call a vehicle. They think they're untouchable and invisible.

Had a conversation with a man last night that drives a big rig. I spent 3 years as a route driver in Oakland and SF driving a UPS size truck. We exchanged stories about some of the things you see driving when you have a higher vantage point. Many of those stories are too x-rated for this thread. :snicker:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
The thing that always sets me off is when I'm signaling to get into another lane, and the person next to me HAS TO speed up so I can't get in. For no other reason than some unresolved issue with the "no cuts" rule. There's no reason for not letting someone in front of you when they have to get over. Pisses me off to no end. And yeah, I've gotten out of the car a few times myself. I wish I could I've wised up, but that's just not the case. All logic and reasoning goes out the window with me when I get that pissed off. I know it's not smart, and I know I could encounter someone with a gun, but I just stop thinking at that point.

Oh, and another thing. When I go to pass someone on the freeway because they're going too slow, and they speed up (just out of principle) to try and keep me from passing. What the hell is it with people sometimes?

Bad move to get out of the car.......that won't end well one time if you keep that up.

For instance the guy in this video. I woulda stopped and let him come after me. And then I woulda ran him right the fuck over once. Mebbe twice.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I live in SWFL. Lots of old people here especially during "season". They drive slowly all the time and are totally unaware of what's going on around them. They turn without signalling or looking way to often. They are a hazard and I have changed how I drive because of them. I'd never in a million years ride a motorcycle here.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
One of the reasons I listen to Reggae in the car... it tends to keep me calm. Even that doesn't help sometimes though.

I am most definitely one of the 17%s who have fired The Bird. Guilty.

I'm also one who has gotten out of the car. That happened a few times years ago... I'm fairly sure that I have that under control now though. However, one of my 16 year old twins still thinks I'm about to leap out of my moving vehicle if someone commits any of the above listed dumb fuck driving moves. I have fun making him think that sometimes now lol.

The one thing that I do these days helps the general population I think. When I am stuck behind a driver who is purposely driving slow in the fast lane (you know the type)... When I am finally able to get around and in front of them,,, I take my foot off of the gas and allow my vehicle to gradually slow down. I continue this until the fucker who is now behind me is forced to get his sorry ass the fuck out of the fast lane. Some of those fuckers have been very very reluctant to move over too... so,,, there's been a few times were I've actually had to slow down well below the 45mph minimum speed... they ALL get over though at some point! Those MFers!!!!!!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Yeah - unfortunately I'm one of those 17% and have been on the other end of it as well. Maybe it shouldn't bother me but I really have a problem with basic idiots on the road and the people who have nowhere to go and all day to get there so they couldn't give a damn if anyone else has to get somewhere.


Mar 12, 2014
I think what ticks me off most is when I am driving in my truck and I see a hot chic in some low to the ground sports car so I do the guy thing and look down into her car and she is wearing jeans instead of a dress or skirt, there is just nothing worse than a obstructed view when ya are driving.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I get REALLY ticked off when people are riding my ass. My wife and I both share bad road rage.

However, on the flip side...the thing that pisses me off even more is when you make an honest mistake, correct yourself as fast as possible and some asshole drives by you cussing you out or making gestures at you. For one way street lets out onto Kingshighway in south St.Louis, a pretty busy major road. Cars park on the shoulders and it can be difficult to see oncoming traffic. It is very common that you see people creep out to make a turn because they can't see and someone coming down the road starts going ballistic even though the person coming out has slammed on their brakes BEFORE there is a possibility of an accident.

I've seen it happen in front of me A LOT and has happened to me a handful of times. That makes me want to get out of the car more than anything else.

Another story...once I was driving down Hampton towards Chippewa from 44 (for all you STL folks that know what I'm talking about)...during rush hour that road is painful to sit on because it isn't that long of a stretch but people sure do like to take their time and make it about 10-15 minutes longer of a ride than it needs to be. This is one of those times where I'm probably a guy that pisses most people off but I just can't take the lolly-gagging. I usually weave in and out of cars as best I can. Well, one day when doing this some guy that I must have cut-off comes up beside me with his sweet barbed-wire tats around his scrawny arms and cutoff Tapout shirt in his muddy Jeep screaming at me (while my windows are up) I slow down and roll down the window. He is telling me to pull over, I respond, 'For what?"...he says, " Because I'm going to kick your ass!". My response, "Really?! I need a good ass kicking but I think I'll just go home instead humoring some toothless hoosier!".

He followed me for a few more lights trying to drive real close to me while I slammed on the brakes a few times until he almost ran some old lady off the road...then he pulled into gas station to cool off I suppose.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I get REALLY ticked off when people are riding my ass. My wife and I both share bad road rage.

However, on the flip side...the thing that pisses me off even more is when you make an honest mistake, correct yourself as fast as possible and some arsehole drives by you cussing you out or making gestures at you. For one way street lets out onto Kingshighway in south St.Louis, a pretty busy major road. Cars park on the shoulders and it can be difficult to see oncoming traffic. It is very common that you see people creep out to make a turn because they can't see and someone coming down the road starts going ballistic even though the person coming out has slammed on their brakes BEFORE there is a possibility of an accident.

I've seen it happen in front of me A LOT and has happened to me a handful of times. That makes me want to get out of the car more than anything else.

Another story...once I was driving down Hampton towards Chippewa from 44 (for all you STL folks that know what I'm talking about)...during rush hour that road is painful to sit on because it isn't that long of a stretch but people sure do like to take their time and make it about 10-15 minutes longer of a ride than it needs to be. This is one of those times where I'm probably a guy that pisses most people off but I just can't take the lolly-gagging. I usually weave in and out of cars as best I can. Well, one day when doing this some guy that I must have cut-off comes up beside me with his sweet barbed-wire tats around his scrawny arms and cutoff Tapout shirt in his muddy Jeep screaming at me (while my windows are up) I slow down and roll down the window. He is telling me to pull over, I respond, 'For what?"...he says, " Because I'm going to kick your ass!". My response, "Really?! I need a good ass kicking but I think I'll just go home instead humoring some toothless hoosier!".

He followed me for a few more lights trying to drive real close to me while I slammed on the brakes a few times until he almost ran some old lady off the road...then he pulled into gas station to cool off I suppose.
My man.

I had one of those toothpick chumps tell me to pull over too once. I was in front of him and I could see him through my rear-view pointing at the gas station immediately after the light we were stopped at, so I gave him the thumbs up and he started clapping and gesticulating wildly like he was punching someone. lol. I guess he thought I was bluffing, because I pulled in and jumped out of the car real quick, and he just passed the gas station by and got on the on-ramp for I-95.

You and I should ride together once and get this out of our systems.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
I get REALLY ticked off when people are riding my ass. My wife and I both share bad road rage.

However, on the flip side...the thing that pisses me off even more is when you make an honest mistake, correct yourself as fast as possible and some arsehole drives by you cussing you out or making gestures at you. For one way street lets out onto Kingshighway in south St.Louis, a pretty busy major road. Cars park on the shoulders and it can be difficult to see oncoming traffic. It is very common that you see people creep out to make a turn because they can't see and someone coming down the road starts going ballistic even though the person coming out has slammed on their brakes BEFORE there is a possibility of an accident.

I've seen it happen in front of me A LOT and has happened to me a handful of times. That makes me want to get out of the car more than anything else.

Another story...once I was driving down Hampton towards Chippewa from 44 (for all you STL folks that know what I'm talking about)...during rush hour that road is painful to sit on because it isn't that long of a stretch but people sure do like to take their time and make it about 10-15 minutes longer of a ride than it needs to be. This is one of those times where I'm probably a guy that pisses most people off but I just can't take the lolly-gagging. I usually weave in and out of cars as best I can. Well, one day when doing this some guy that I must have cut-off comes up beside me with his sweet barbed-wire tats around his scrawny arms and cutoff Tapout shirt in his muddy Jeep screaming at me (while my windows are up) I slow down and roll down the window. He is telling me to pull over, I respond, 'For what?"...he says, " Because I'm going to kick your ass!". My response, "Really?! I need a good ass kicking but I think I'll just go home instead humoring some toothless hoosier!".

He followed me for a few more lights trying to drive real close to me while I slammed on the brakes a few times until he almost ran some old lady off the road...then he pulled into gas station to cool off I suppose.
Yeah I know that stretch of road on Hampton quite well. It pisses me off, it always gets jammed from 44 to Chippewa. So does Kingshighway, but somehow that moves much better. I avoid taking Hampton south like a plague because Kingshighway is so much quicker


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
My biggest pet peeve is when someone is going slow in the fast lane. Either speed up or get over, for gods sake. If you want to be slow, fine, but be slow in the slow lane


Camp Reporter
Sep 3, 2011
I hate the guy that thinks he will get there quicker by cutting me off so he can get in front of me instead of staying behind me on the freeway. The slow guy in the left lane pisses me off too, or the person that needs 1 mile of clear road in both directions to make a left turn onto a busy street.


Jan 23, 2013
The day that I got out of my truck and ran across a busy intersection and punched a guys passenger side window as he rolled it up, all after going out of my way to circle back so I could confront him, is the day I realized my road rage was out of control. He ran the light to get away and I was standing there with about 50 eyes on me staring in amazement.

I felt foolish and since then I don't get upset when I drive.


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
Tailgaters piss me off more than any other. I take it to a crawl when I get one behind me.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
What is it about the skinny guys in wife beaters? I'm not some huge guy but I had that happen a few months ago. The pinhead was in a brand new red Camaro going 40 on the highway(55mph limit). So I started swerving behind him kind of like the Nascar driver warming his tread. I wasn't getting close to him (I don't tailgate as I don't want to be at fault if the tool slams on his brakes), but I was doing my best to get the point across. Anyway, we got to a traffic light when we finally got to town and he rolled down his window and started gesturing for me to pull over while flipping me off and yelling some unintelligible shit. The dude was fucking frothing at the mouth and rubbing his glorious baldness (nothing against bald guys). I first rolled down my window and started clapping and smiling - which - not sure why - seemed to piss him off more. :cool: Finally after two lights of him gizzing all over himself I just smiled, pointed to a vacant parking lot, and turned on my signal. The dweeb did a burny and sped off down the street.

Now I axe you. Why would anyone go out of their way for three city blocks to try to get you to pull over, then once you do, after he was driving 15 miles per hour under the speed limit on a pretty nice highway for several miles do a burn out in the middle of town and speed off at about 60 in a 25 from a guy who wasn't even chasing him anyway? Seriously - what is the end game here? I'm 5'11" and 175. It's not like I'm some imposing figure. Does this guy go to the beach to kick sand in peoples' face so he can run away? What a douche.