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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Just for shiggs & gittles. What if the Rams held the #1 in 2010 and instead of it being Bradford McCoy & Clausen, the QBs were Bradford, Luck & Griffin. Who do you take & why?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #4
Username said:
I'd trade it straight up for Tim Tebow
That's why I didn't put him in there. I'd give up my draft for Tebow.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
Say what ya want about them theres Tebow but that Bradford wheel never bes them quarterbacks that he is. He can throw the pigskin a quarter mile. Bradfords has the weakest arm in the NFls obviously.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #6
Username said:
Say what ya want about them theres Tebow but that Bradford wheel never bes them quarterbacks that he is. He can throw the pigskin a quarter mile. Bradfords has the weakest arm in the NFls obviously.
Now you're just being "ignorent."


May 28, 2011
Probably Bradford.

Being serious too. Don't care about RG3, athletic QB's.. I think he's good, but I don't want a guy who will think to run before pass.

And I thought Bradford had a better college career than Luck.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
I'd be torn between Bradford and Luck I guess.

Probably Bradford because he doesn't look like sloth from the goonies.

RG3 is a fucking stud, but I couldn't tell if he has all the mechanics to be a great pocket passer coming out. I most certainly was worried about his body type when it comes to taking hits too. That said I would probably get sold on some asshole convincing me the offensive line sucks balls so bad that we need someone who can run, or in RG3 case fly.

Who knows.

Oh, I know. I'm changing my answer to Suh. Just to piss everyone off.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010

He seems to have that presence.

It's not a knock on Bradford.

They are just different types of QBs.

IDK it's a tough choice. I love Bradford's accuracy. Luck has that intense look.

Man I'm glad these 2 weren't in the same draft class?

RG3? Meh.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
Are we factoring in Bradfords injury concerns coming out? Im pretty sure Id give the edge to Luck because of that.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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JdashSTL said:
Are we factoring in Bradfords injury concerns coming out? Im pretty sure Id give the edge to Luck because of that.
Good point.

Well, since it's my alternate reality, let's say no. No injuries.

I'd have to say that would be a difficult decision. Both are cerebral, but I recently heard that Luck has an eidetic memory, and clearly he was (is) more of a physical specimen. Gil Brandt couldn't say enough about Bradford after his pro day though. I mean he absolutely raved.


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
JdashSTL said:
Are we factoring in Bradfords injury concerns coming out? Im pretty sure Id give the edge to Luck because of that.
Good point.

Well, since it's my alternate reality, let's say no. No injuries.

I'd have to say that would be a difficult decision. Both are cerebral, but I recently heard that Luck has an eidetic memory, and clearly he was (is) more of a physical specimen. Gil Brandt couldn't say enough about Bradford after his pro day though. I mean he absolutely raved.

I think you could also say that Luck has the football knowledge edge. What I mean by that is he ran a pro-style offense at Stanford, and pretty much was the OC.

Griffin easily has the edge in athleticism and pure all-around talent. His deep ball accuracy is very good.

I didnt get to see a whole lot of Bradford in college. When the draft was coming up all I could watch was Youtube highlights and there was one game on Hulu haha, but I did hear comparsions to Brady based on arm talent.

Put their names in a hat, and whoever I pick I would be fine with haha.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
Like others, to me it comes down to Luck or Bradford.

I actually think that Sam has the higher ceiling. If Sam gets some time and a WR who can get open; he is super-deadly accurate.

I think Luck doesn't have his ceiling, but he has a lower floor. I also get the feeling that he doesn't need the time/open WR like Sam does.

Sam + WR + O-line > Luck + WR + O-line

But Sam with bad WR/O-line < Luck with bad WR/Oline

Overall, I'd probably take Luck


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Probably Luck. He is far more athletic than people give him credit for. He is also extremely bright and seems to have that ability to will his team. I was extremely impressed with that last drive on Sunday. Also, he is built like a tank, which should help him endure the rigors of the NFL better. He is one ugly mofo tho. Funny that everbody's darling of 2011 (Cam) is getting no love, haha.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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Faceplant said:
Probably Luck. He is far more athletic than people give him credit for. He is also extremely bright and seems to have that ability to will his team. I was extremely impressed with that last drive on Sunday. Also, he is built like a tank, which should help him endure the rigors of the NFL better. He is one ugly mofo tho. Funny that everbody's darling of 2011 (Cam) is getting no love, haha.
Piggy-backing on your post (not addressing it), I think that whole "Passing League" stuff is beginning to phase out. There are a lot of good defenses out there now, including our own, who can put the kibosh on the passing game. Teams have figured out how to make Newton play to his weaknesses, and pretty soon they'll figure out how to make RGIII do the same. Stafford had 5000 yards last year and now he looks like he'll have significantly less.

Don't get me wrong ... guys like Brees, Manning, Brady, Eli, etc., will still be able to sling the ball around, but this is the NFL, and trends come & go. Right now we seem to be trending towards putting more of an emphasis on defense and a balanced offense. Anyone else see it that way?


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
To me it would come down to Luck vs Bradford as well.

Im not sold on Newton(attitude) or RG3(health problems like Vick) being fixtures in this league.

Athleticism: Bradford = Luck
Arm: Bradford > Luck (slightly more accurate and more arm strength)
Mental: Bradford < Luck (They have equal ability to read Ds, both are sharp, but Luck is more willing to take a shot)
Intangibles: Bradford = Luck

So really it a draw for me on talent. Tiebreaker is Bradfords alma mater. Im an OU guy.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Bradford. Easily Bradford. I mean, Luck has Reggie Wayne, Coby Fleener, T.Y. Hilton, etc. to throw to. He also has a fairly solid offensive line protecting him; the problems that the Colts have is defense. Robert Griffin III has Fred Davis, Alfred Morris, and a good offensive line. For a while, the Rams had practically nothing. No quarterback has done more with less than Sam Bradford; all he has had protecting him over the years is Steven Jackson. People seem to forget that. They also seem to forget that he'll only turn twenty-five this November. Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco only unlocked their true potential this year, and they're both twenty-seven and have had better teams surrounding them.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Nice question .
If they'd all three been IN the same draft Luck probably would have been the highest rated so using ratings you'd be urged heavily to take him.
Me though ,I'm a bizz man and see the cap in every face ,I'd have tried to squeeze them and taken the one of the three I thought gave me the best cap value.
Micheal Jordon had to take a pay cut to get a team around him that could win, didn't Lebron do the same?

ALL AT THE SAME PRICE? Luck............... and JMO but three years into his career Luck will be further along than Sam is now no matter how many OC's he has,he played under center in college and knew how to do that from day one .
I think the multiple OC's is a sword that cuts two ways ,if your aim is a system QB it cuts this way,if you want a guy with vast perspective on the game and can be a coach on the field it cuts another.
But it's a great topic.
BTW did I thank you for this civily moderated forum lately?


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #19
Thordaddy said:
Nice question .
If they'd all three been IN the same draft Luck probably would have been the highest rated so using ratings you'd be urged heavily to take him.
Me though ,I'm a bizz man and see the cap in every face ,I'd have tried to squeeze them and taken the one of the three I thought gave me the best cap value.
Micheal Jordon had to take a pay cut to get a team around him that could win, didn't Lebron do the same?

ALL AT THE SAME PRICE? Luck............... and JMO but three years into his career Luck will be further along than Sam is now no matter how many OC's he has,he played under center in college and knew how to do that from day one .
I think the multiple OC's is a sword that cuts two ways ,if your aim is a system QB it cuts this way,if you want a guy with vast perspective on the game and can be a coach on the field it cuts another.
But it's a great topic.
BTW did I thank you for this civily moderated forum lately?
I don't need thanks. We all do our part around here. But thanks for the thanks. :bg:

I think that was the biggest stumbling block there was for Bradford - when they drastically changed systems during a year where he wasn't going to get any time in it. Like Demoff said, he (they) started to get a handle on it right before (and during) the Green Bay game, but then the rug was pulled out from under him when he got injured. Bradford would have been better served to work under another WCO disciple, or continue on with McDaniels this year. I like that Schotty has a mix of both systems and incorporates some of the same terminology and plays. Things are being repaired now.

Bradford, I agree, needs a specific system. You probably have more latitude when dealing with Luck, but I don't know that they both won't be two of the top guys in a couple/few years from now. Based on being NFL ready, Luck probably would have been the clear choice. Based on intelligence and the ability to learn, there's no clear separation between the two. If Bradford hadn't been injured in college, his numbers would have been monstrous. I think there would have been some teetering on the decision, but ultimately it would have come down to who was more ready to take over on this rebuilding team.


May 28, 2011
I was impressed with the final drive of the Colts as well, but far more because Reggie Wayne was tearing it up than Luck was so great. He was good, don't get me wrong, but Wayne made some unreal catches.

It would be close, between Luck and Bradford, but as I said earlier, I still lean towards Bradford. Luck is the safer choice for sure... But Bradford has the higher ceiling in my opinion. I mean Luck is like Manning, he's going to be a consistent threat and playoff caliber QB most years for sure... But Manning only got 1 ring while his kid brother has 2. I think Bradford can win several rings if we put the right team around him. And we're well on that path now.