Putting down your animal

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Today is the day that my wife and I are basically forced to put my sweet boy Chibbs down. I’ve never had to anything like this before and it’s conpletely fucking eating away at me. In less than 2 hours, he will be gone.

He is a 2 year old Pitbull, and up until the last 2 months, has been the sweetest dog I’ve ever known. I know all owners say that, but he was such a sweet, protective animal.

About two months ago, he started will following strangers to him around staring at them, but never more. Then he started adding growing and eventually snarling. I figured, he was doing his job, he didn’t know them and my kids were outside, he was making sure they knew that if they stepped out of line, they would deal with him. Hell I was almost proud of him. Then 3 weeks ago a neighbors lab was walking the road we live on(we live in the country, down gravel roads, everyone has several acres and the dogs just kinda explore, never a big deal.) Well, Chibbs went after the dog and had him pinned down in the corner of the barn. He didn’t bite him but wouldn’t let him move. The dog has pissed all over the place and was shaking out of so much fear. We easily pulled Chibbs away and he went about his business, again, I thought he was simply setting boundaries with this dog so he knew.

Then 2 weeks ago, he began going after the horses. Biting at their legs and chasing them. Not in a playful way either. This wasn’t such a shock to me, he’s never really been a fan of theirs but he has always stayed out of their pasture. He decided enough was enough I guess and he made his move.

The final straw came Thursday. A 10 year old boy was walking our road, his father has family on the road and was working the land a bit. The boy was just exploring a bit. Chibbs saw him on the road and went sprinting from about 200 yards away and went after the boy, he didn’t bite him, but he was snarling and barking and growling. Circling the boy in what I assume was an attempt to get him from the back. I wasn’t home, but my mother in law was there and got him back and disciplined him. She said that after that happened, he gave her a look that made her very uneasy, like a “touch me again bitch” kind of a look.

When myself, my wife or my children are around, he is sill our sweet baby. But I knew we needed to talk to someone. I called the vet and explained what was happening and asked for advice. She almost immediately said that this isn’t that uncommon, but unfortunately we don’t have a small dog, we have a 90 lb pit. She said her recommendation is going to be putting him down. But she wanted us to speak with a. Behavior Specialist before we made any decisions.

After we spoke to her and explained what had all happened she confirmed that it is most likely a territorial dominance thing. That’s why to this point he hadn’t bitten anyone but he has been letting them know who’s boss. She said that it’s not really reversible and will only get worse, that unfortunately the responsible thing to do would be to have him down before he takes it to the next level and that re-homing him isn’t an option at this point either.

I feel I failed him somewhere along the way. I’m not sure how to feel about it all. Beyond sad, maybe a little angry. Part of me completely understands and part of me feels like I’m giving up too soon. I’m sorry for such a long post, I just needed to vent this out a little bit. Thank you to all who took the time to listen.

I will miss you buddy!


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
It's just messed up Juggs - nothing worse.
My thoughts are definitely with you. Posting about it helped me a bit. Don't beat yourself up - you didn't do anything wrong, like the vet and trainer said.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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It's just messed up Juggs - nothing worse.
My thoughts are definitely with you. Posting about it helped me a bit. Don't beat yourself up - you didn't do anything wrong, like the vet and trainer said.

Thank you. My wife texted me a few minutes ago. He is gone. My heart is fucking broken.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Hey, Juggs. I'm so sorry. Like Vegas said, don't beat yourself up. You didn't fail Chibbs.

Now that this thread is open, I'm reminded of my cat, Phoenix. I literally knew him since he was a kitten, and I was even the one to name him. He was a lovable coward, scared of his own shadow, but if he trusted you (and he trusted me), he was an absolute sweetheart.

We had to put him down two years ago because of a tumor in his jaw that stopped him from eating. It still hurts.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
I'm sorry about Chibbs. We had to put a dog down for similar reasons when I was a kid. Not looking forward to ever having to do that again. Sorry @Juggs :cry:

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I don’t think I’ll ever get another animal. I just can’t imagine this again. Fuck, my cousin died almost 2 years ago and it didn’t hurt nearly as bad.


Pro Bowler
Sep 8, 2014
Very sorry for your loss Juggs. It's one thing to put down a pet due to disease or old age, but this is so different and your Chibbs is only two. Give it time, you and your wife will feel better.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
People that connect with their pets, I believe, do so because the pet shares in that affection, bond, care, etc. So the relationship is very real.

I don’t have a dog, but I get it.

Sorry for your loss Juggs. Thanks for sharing.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Thank you. My wife texted me a few minutes ago. He is gone. My heart is freaking broken.

Everybody's different - and never been big on giving advice - but we all know we're gonna' outlive our pets. It's just (a fucked-up) part of it. So though I know exactly how much it hurts right now, I wouldn't let that prevent you from getting another bud.

(Might ask the mods to put this in the dog thread - lots of thoughts from people who've gone through the same thing).


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
So sorry about this Juggs. A friend of mine raises them and though most of them are great dogs, every now and then they hear back that one of them simply snapped. She is a good breeder and actually interviews the people who buy them and goes so far as to visit their homes. They raise Akidas (sp?) too and unfortunately it happens with them as well.

These pets become part of the family so I know it ain’t easy. But I doubt there is anything you could have done about it.

Go get a Lab or a Golden. They just tend to be goofy while still being good watch dogs and great family dogs.


All Horned Up
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 23, 2016
So sorry man. That’s a tough deal. You are a responsible guy to man up and do what had to be done. You did the right thing. You may have saved a life or kept a bad mauling from occurring. Even knowing all that, it ain’t easy. So sorry for your loss. Respect bro.


Jan 15, 2013
Had to do it three times, take them in and the whole thing.
It sucks for sure.
Strange the dog got aggressive.
Can't play with they.
You did right thing.
As an owner you know this is part of the deal when you get them. It sucks that he was yomug, but, it does get easier the more one has to do it.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
So sorry this happened.

I've met some Pits and dogs that look like pits and some of them were the dopiest, sweetest animals you could ever know. But that's just not all of them, unfortunately.

That said, I'm also very grateful that we're not talking about the mauling of that 10 year old or your mother in law.

I was jumped by a German Shepherd when I was a kid and I never really got over my fear of really big dogs. Don't tend to like small dogs either, but unless the big dog's smiling, I tend to get scared pretty quick.

Hope the kid's okay. Even a non-biting show of aggression is enough to really mess a kid up.

Sorry for ya, bud. He looks like a real sweetheart with a great smile.