Puppy shopping is tough

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Ever shop for a certain type of dog? That shit is tricky now a days. Online scammers a real. I almost got suckered today before I caught a discrepancy in an email that made me start double checking things and then more came to light. Eventually finding out they were a scam set up in Iceland. Fuckers. Lol

Anyway. Im allergic to damn near everything with hair. But my dog allergy is pretty light. So, a "hypoallergenic" dog is required for me to have an inside dog. There is no true hypoallergenic dog unless it's hairless. But. Dogs with the short tight hair hold the protein in and drastically lessens their dander output. So with normal cleaning and bathing, I don't feel the effects. Normally I have outside dogs and just wash my hands after. But, I've decided I want a smaller inside dog.

I've decided I really want a miniature schnauzer. I've loved schnauzers since I was a kid and the thought of a tiny version is cute as shit. But, trying to find a real breeder online is too damn dangerous now, so I guess I'm gonna have to drive a few hours. Unless any of you Missouri folks know someone?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
My wife and I raise Havanese dogs, which are hypoallergenic. We don't hang out in AKC circles and so I don't know of any Scnauzie breeders. We had a couple of them when I lived with my parents and are good dogs.


Jan 14, 2013
I am super allergic to cats to the point I can't be in a house that has cats for very lung or I start having trouble breathing and my eyes start to hate me. And most dogs effect me as well but not as bad as cats. So I had to get a hypoallergenic dog. We ended up going with Shih Tzus and very glad we did. Pure breds at least are completely hypoallergenic it seems like. Plus they are very friendly, loyal, and funny dogs.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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My wife and I raise Havanese dogs, which are hypoallergenic. We don't hang out in AKC circles and so I don't know of any Scnauzie breeders. We had a couple of them when I lived with my parents and are good dogs.
I considered one of those but it seemed like the grooming may be insane lol.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I am super allergic to cats to the point I can't be in a house that has cats for very lung or I start having trouble breathing and my eyes start to hate me. And most dogs effect me as well but not as bad as cats. So I had to get a hypoallergenic dog. We ended up going with Shih Tzus and very glad we did. Pure breds at least are completely hypoallergenic it seems like. Plus they are very friendly, loyal, and funny dogs.
Cats do that shit to me too. My eyes swell shut. I think im just one step short of anafelaxis lol


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I believe standard poodles and poodle crosses are hypoallergenic. Ask @Selassie I he has one. Cute little fucker too.

BTW... I thought Schnauzers were anything but. I could be wrong there.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
I hate cats so I'm allergic to them in that way. I've had a few but was never really sad to see them go. I know....that makes me evil.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Side note... I don't like petting short haired dogs and hairless? Fuhgettaboutit. I like dogs that are comfortable. They are the ultimate comfort animal. Of course mine is a shithead so don't take my word for it. JK he's just a pill at times. I love him to death.

Say... Is that an option? :evil: :ROFLMAO:

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
We had a schnauzer for 15 years. They don't shed their hair... but you need to have their hair cut every 4 weeks.

No shedding... but their skin is sensitive. You have to wash them with oatmeal shampoo because of it. Keep em as clean as possible, but they all end up smelling exactly like Fritos.

THEY ARE EXTREMELY SMART and GREAT DOGS. They are super hunters though and will immediately switch into Hunt Mode when they see something that might be a prey creature. That means you always have to keep em leashed unless there is zero danger of anything like cars.

@Ramrasta and his beautiful wife are getting a schnauzer this summer. Their breeder has them setup for a pup in July.

We loved our schnauzer Harley so much that we couldn't get another. We knew that we could never REPLACE him. They are badass dogs though and you will love one if you get one.

Research the breeders... don't rush into it.
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Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
I love cats myself, but none of them are really hypoallergenic. Also, were I in your position with a dog or cat, I'd go with a shelter animal, not a breeder. Like you said, too many scams, and I feel that shelter animals deserve a forever home.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I love cats myself, but none of them are really hypoallergenic. Also, were I in your position with a dog or cat, I'd go with a shelter animal, not a breeder. Like you said, too many scams, and I feel that shelter animals deserve a forever home.
It's hard to find a pure bred at a shelter and when it comes to allergies, pure bred is important. Otherwise I would go shelter. If it was an outside dog I would def get a shelter dog. But for hypoallergenic purposes, pure bred is a must. For what it's worth, that was the first place I looked, they have a senior mini schnauzer I don't wanna get a dog, fall in love and then it die. Lol that's great for some people, but not me. I don't wanna deal with my kids losing another dog so soon. When they lost Chibbs it was terrible.


Jun 11, 2017
You guys who are allergic to cats and dogs could never come to my home

My wife is a crazy cat lady

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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You guys who are allergic to cats and dogs could never come to my home

My wife is a crazy cat lady
I would fucking die. My boy too. Funny thing tho, I grew up with three cats in my home. When I moved out, after about 2 years suddenly I became severely allergic. I couldn't even visit my parents home for more than 10-15 minutes without paying for it with watery eyes and nasal issues for two days.


Jan 14, 2013
You guys who are allergic to cats and dogs could never come to my home

My wife is a crazy cat lady

Yeah I would die. I moved into a house in college that previous tenant had multiple cats and she obviously never, ever cleaned shit. Plus, come to find out she had never replaced her hvac filter the time she lived there. It had about an inch of cat hair and fuzz stuck to it. Well, didn't know that the first night we moved in and we cranked on the A/C... I actually had to leave the apartment and go to hospital to get a shot because I just about was unable to breath. Made the landlord come in and clean the damn place which should have happened anyway.


Jan 23, 2013
I only deal with breeders when I can drive to their kennels/homes. We have two mini Aussies. We got litter mates. Don’t do that. They are more defensive toward people and other pets due to lack mentality. Separate they are great around ppl.

The female is much different than the male. Diesel is so cute and affectionate. He’s a blast. Daisy (my kids named them) is food driven, and aggressive, but can be very loving. She’s lazy and skittish with noises, he’s very energetic, nothing bothers him.

I don’t like getting the same Breeds. It feels too much like trying to replace a dog. Next time around I think I’d go shelter rescue dog. I had one before. She was a very nice dog.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

BTW... our miniature schnauzer didn't turn out to be much of a "miniature". He grew to be a 35 pound big boy. He wasn't fat... he just grew bigger than he was supposed to. His parents were half his size... and that's what you usually find with mini schnauzers. 35 pounds isn't a big dog... but he was not a mini... he turned out to be a medium sized dog.

My little tank Harley was a solid little badass. He used to love to pull me around on my longboard skateboard like a sled dog. I'd put a harness on him and attach his leash to it so he could pull me. I'm almost 200 pounds too. He could pull me at extremely fast speeds. He loved it. My neighbors would always marvel at this spectacle. LOL

He also loved going out in the boat with us. He would eat any fish he could sink his teeth into... and I mean he would eat 100% of the entire fish. Everything... skull, bones, guts... completely gone. It was kinda shocking the first time you'd see him do it. He liked the water but would prefer not to swim... he'd just go in and run in water that came up to his neck level... he'd lay down in it and cool off too. He'd only swim when he absolutely had to. Absolutely loved the boat and he was great in the car/truck too.

Like I said already... they don't shed, but they really aren't short haired dogs. Their hair grows to a good medium length if you don't get their hair cut once a month. The schnauzer cut keeps the majority of their coat very short... but their skirt, beards, and eyebrows are usually kept long. It's a very cool look.

You'll also need to decide if you want to get your pup's ears cut or not. When cut properly, the ears stand up like a doberman's. It's a serious process to do it right and make sure that both ears stand up and don't droop. It looks cool though... but if you fuck it up even a little... it is permanent and cannot be corrected. We didn't get Harley's ears cut... we left em natural. They look sweeter without the pointy ears according to my wife.

Just make sure to find a reputable breeder. You may have to wait longer than you would like to get a pup... but it is 100% worth it. You're asking for serious trouble if you take a chance on a breeder without an excellent rep.

Like Stu said earlier... we now have another breed of dog that also does not shed at all. We got a medium size Goldendoodle that is an F1B. There's a serious science involved with Doodles to insure the proper traits are attained. That's what the F1B notates... but I don't want to bore you to death with all of that shit... but it's important to know that not all Doodles don't shed. Ours is basically a Standard Poodle mixed with an English Golden Retriever... he's red. We had to wait almost 2 years to get him from the breeder. It was worth the wait too... but the wait sucked. We are so glad we did though because Judah is an amazing dog. It pays to know everything you can BEFORE you pull the trigger so don't rush the process. Judah cannot be kept out of the water btw... he is in absolute heaven when he is swimming. Water dog x10.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
I have 3 dogs and my youngest (the german shepherd) I am allergic to. It sucks because he's my boy and is always by my side. So I just endure it lol. Some sneezing mostly, runny nose, and his hair makes my skin itch sometimes. He's the first dog that's done that to me but our dogs are like our kids too so what can you do.

My Italian Farm Hound (made that up) is a Sicilian mix of sheepdog ancestry and has fur like an angora rabbit. It's weird man. Never been allergic to him. He's 14 now and still going strong, hell of a dog I got lucky when I picked him up on a Sicilian freeway lol.

And we also have a rescue from Asia that's a paranoid girl (which is a good thing in Asia lol), she doesn't make me react either so I guess it's just German Shepherds.

Think my next one will be from the stray shelter down the street. But I require a puppy unfortunately, since the training is so much easier when you add a young one to the pack and they learn really fast not to do the dumb shit.


Benevolent Troublemaker
May 9, 2018

I grew up with a golden retriever, who I loved, but now we’re a standard poodle family. They don’t shed, which is fantastic, and they’re hypoallergenic. They’re also smart and (contrary to the impression created by fancy show dogs) adventurous and athletic. Highly recommend the breed.