maybe im confused abt this forum. are we or are we not allowed to speak our opinion?

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it seems as though a lot of things that re said here are said with caution or worry abt what the mods will "think" abt the comments. is it just me or does anyone else feel this way. if you dare admit to it?

ie, is it ok to comment regarding a bad play by a named player or is it bad manners to say that so and so poster made a dumb comment and i completely disagree with it? i call players amd posters dumbasses for example. is that ok or not?


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
It's not okay to use personal attacks, no. It's one of the rules as a matter of respect. That's all that this site asks from its members. Be respectful toward the posters. Attack only the opinion, not the poster. And there's players who do pay attention to this site. Joe Barksdale and Johnny Hekker are two of them. Kevin Demoff has been here before too, as has the great Jack Youngblood.

All in all, this is our team. You can call a player out on his play, sure, but calling them a "dumbass" immediately puts others with different opinions on the defensive. We welcome debate and concerns about players. It's just all a matter of respect, is all.

Now, it's not perfect. We all need to vent sometimes; that's why there's a vent thread after a loss. But it's, in my honest opinion, the best sports forum I've ever been to, and I've seen a lot of them.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
It's not okay to use personal attacks, no. It's one of the rules as a matter of respect. That's all that this site asks from its members. Be respectful toward the posters. Attack only the opinion, not the poster. And there's players who do pay attention to this site. Joe Barksdale and Johnny Hekker are two of them. Kevin Demoff has been here before too, as has the great Jack Youngblood.

All in all, this is our team. You can call a player out on his play, sure, but calling them a "dumbass" immediately puts others with different opinions on the defensive. We welcome debate and concerns about players. It's just all a matter of respect, is all.

Now, it's not perfect. We all need to vent sometimes; that's why there's a vent thread after a loss. But it's, in my honest opinion, the best sports forum I've ever been to, and I've seen a lot of them.
Pretty much sums it up. If you have to call someone a dumbass to get your point across, you are in the wrong place.

Discussing what you see wrong with what the Rams are doing is just fine. But if that is all you do here, you may very well be shown the door. This site was created for the love of the Rams and being around other diehard Rams fans. It's not a place where we want to be pulled down with constant griping. I post about things I don't like when I see them. But I also post about things I like.

If you really want to go ape shit over what the Rams are doing wrong then yeah - you probably should be looking over your shoulder. There are plenty of other sites that allow and foster that kind of "discussion". And if your test of a site's worthiness is your ability to call posts dumb or someone a dumbass or use quotes like "you don't know football", I can save you time. Go somewhere else.

It's pretty simple really. You can discuss things and still get along with people. You can disagree with what the Rams are doing and what other posters are saying and still show respect. That is about all we ask.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
Props for asking a tough question like this.

My personal rule is that if I wouldn't say it to someone's face, I won't post it either.

Would you let people continue to come over to your house and rag on your wife and children, or would you kick them out? ROD is our house and we kick the troublemakers and negative ninnies out. We protect our own. It's really that simple.

If members here are intimidated by that and afraid to speak up, then it makes one wonder why so many of them keep coming back and participating in the discussions.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
BTW - I noticed this is a fairly common theme in your posts and "likes" yet when you post, most of them are fine. I'm guessing that if you stopped worrying about the moderation, you would answer your own question.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
it seems as though a lot of things that re said here are said with caution or worry abt what the mods will "think" abt the comments. is it just me or does anyone else feel this way. if you dare admit to it?

ie, is it ok to comment regarding a bad play by a named player or is it bad manners to say that so and so poster made a dumb comment and i completely disagree with it? i call players amd posters dumbasses for example. is that ok or not?

Version A (for acceptable):

I don't like how Jake Long attempted to recover that fumble. He needed to hustle more and get more aggressive to recover it.

Version B (for bad):

Jake Long's dumbass caused that fumble and he should be the one trying to get it back instead of half-assing it like an idiot.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't like it when folks on the internet can be so heinous to guys playing a violent game that goes so fast. The majority of the time we don't know what actually happened in the eyes of the players.

And when it comes to posters, that's a big no-no. Attacking a poster is just weak, all for an opinion over someone you don't even know. I don't agree with a lot of the newer members here, but that doesn't mean I have a free pass to call them a dumbass.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
Please don't take this the wrong way but I always find threads like this well perplexing. Posters know the limits. I mean we are adults right we know what is appropriate and what's not? If one has to say can I call someone this or say this about something you already know the answer right? Why push the limits what's the point? To offend? No offense meant just don't get it.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Please don't take this the wrong way but I always find threads like this well perplexing. Posters know the limits. I mean we are adults right we know what is appropriate and what's not? If one has to say can I call someone this or say this about something you already know the answer right? Why push the limits what's the point? To offend? No offense meant just don't get it.
And there you have it. Great post Ozark.

I also don't get why it should be so difficult to figure out. And to be honest, I think many who act like they don't get it, either come here to poison the site or really like the site but want to be able to spew their venom as if THEIR venom won't lead to the crap that has made them leave other sites. We control the vibe and the way posters interact with each other and talk about our team's front office and players on this site for a reason. THE MEMBERS HERE LIKE IT THAT WAY. If anyone doesn't like it, no one is forcing them to stay. If they do like it as most on here do, WELCOME to Rams On Demand.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Props for asking a tough question like this.

My personal rule is that if I wouldn't say it to someone's face, I won't post it either.

Would you let people continue to come over to your house and rag on your wife and children, or would you kick them out? ROD is our house and we kick the troublemakers and negative ninnies out. We protect our own. It's really that simple.

If members here are intimidated by that and afraid to speak up, then it makes one wonder why so many of them keep coming back and participating in the discussions.

Yeah I can't use that rule, I'm not as nice of a guy as you........... :sneaky:


Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
The golden rule is a good one to live by. Treat people with the same respect that you want to be treated.

We are all here to basically chat, discuss, argue and laugh. Wanting to debate is a sign of intelligence. I have many dear friends with vastly different political views and we very much enjoy lively debate. We think of it as "intellectual sparring". There are rules about fair fighting though. It begins with respect, but the main rule is to attack the argument, not the person.

"You are an idiot" is not an argument nor is it productive.

Ultimately it's about testing and developing your own ideas. It's a rare and valuable skill to be able to change one's mind or admit being wrong. Pride is powerful. At least though, be able to agree to disagree.
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I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
You're an idiot is an opinion, not thinks.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
BTW - I noticed this is a fairly common theme in your posts and "likes" yet when you post, most of them are fine. I'm guessing that if you stopped worrying about the moderation, you would answer your own question.

Yeah dumbass. :huh:


I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
Usually when someone resorts to name calling, it is because they have a weak argument for their view. It really is okay if we don't agree on everything.