Lost Advanced Ancient Global Civilization

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Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I have been into this for a very long time. There are so many clues that stil exist that are screaming at us to take notice.

This video is well put together and it shares many of these "screaming clues" that most people never even knew existed. It's about 30 minutes long.... but I promise you it will make you take notice. Our history books do not tell our true history. Watch this when you're quarantining yourself over the next few weeks... it's fascinating. If nothing else, it'll help you kill some of that time... and you'll learn some very cool things that have somehow not been taught to us in school.



Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
This does appear as a bit too much coincidence for academic comfort.
I might not go so far as to suggest a 'global civilization', although perhaps a school of engineering thought that somehow passes between these ancient civilizations.
The precision and scope of those polygonal stone walls is mind blowing, hopefully one day science is able to uncover these amazing hidden secrets and how an otherwise considered primitive culture crafted such incredible works.
Thanks for sharing ...

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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This does appear as a bit too much coincidence for academic comfort.
I might not go so far as to suggest a 'global civilization', although perhaps a school of engineering thought that somehow passes between these ancient civilizations.
The precision and scope of those polygonal stone walls is mind blowing, hopefully one day science is able to uncover these amazing hidden secrets and how an otherwise considered primitive culture crafted such incredible works.
Thanks for sharing ...

Yeah... those walls have always damn near freaked me out. Especially the ones that used blocks that are insanely heavy (as large as 100 tons) and made out of some of the hardest stone on the planet. We can't replicate those walls today with our current technology.

The thing that really intrigues me is that the truly amazing stone work (like the polygonal walls) are the oldest structures on the planet. And they were somehow constructed by hunter gatherers... all the stone work that followed to basically the present day pales in comparison. Those so called hunter gathers somehow did things that we can't do today... that knowledge is lost.

The video doesn't show this... but many of those ancient polygonal walls have melted metal braces built into connecting blocks for strength. Blocks that are multiple tons in weight were fitted with metal braces! Wow.

If you really look into the ancient stone work around the world. You'll find that it was used as a base for the civilizations that followed many years later. None of the following civilizations could replicate the ancient stuff even though they had far superior tech and tools (we think anyway).... in many cases they actually tried to replicate it and their attempts looked like a 1st grader's finger painting compared to a real artist's. But, following cultures including the Romans used the ancient stonework as a base for their buildings. The ancient stuff was built to last through just about any cataclysm... and remember, the hunter gatherers were smart enough to build this way. That's just ridiculous if you think about it.

Lots of ancient stuff is credited to much younger civilizations because the later civilizations just decided to use what was already there. It's damn near impossible nowadays to date stone though... so the confusion happens.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Being someone who has assembled or built a few stone walls in my time, both with & without mortar, I can tell you it takes a while to learn how to quickly puzzle out the shapes for a preferred fit. And we are talking about stones that might go between 10" and 18" in width, no where near the tight precision fit, and weighing in at 15 - 40 lbs, not 100 tons. It's mind boggling how they accomplished these fetes thousands of years ago.
The section on the nubs was also interesting, today these nubs are manufactured into concrete blocks for a more secure interlocking binding, and are used on top of one another, not something used or shown for the exterior of stone walls, so it's difficult to imagine why these outer nubs were used in several widely dispersed cultures.
I'm curious if the metal straps you mentioned were tested for properties and what they were ? The Iron Age only dates back to 1200 BC with the Bronze Age preceding that back to approximately 3300 BC.

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Nov 1, 2016
It you like this sort of things , check out the Joe Rogan podcasts with Graham Hancock on youtube. They are gold for setting an open mind for looking at things. Many of the things they talked about 5years ago are making the "for experts" eat their words and are being proven true.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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Being someone who has assembled or built a few stone walls in my time, both with & without mortar, I can tell you it takes a while to learn how to quickly puzzle out the shapes for a preferred fit. And we are talking about stones that might go between 10" and 18" in width, no where near the tight precision fit, and weighing in at 15 - 40 lbs, not 100 tons. It's mind boggling how they accomplished these fetes thousands of years ago.
The section on the nubs was also interesting, today these nubs are manufactured into concrete blocks for a more secure interlocking binding, and are used on top of one another, not something used or shown for the exterior of stone walls, so it's difficult to imagine why these outer nubs were used in several widely dispersed cultures.
I'm curious if the metal straps you mentioned were tested for properties and what they were ? The Iron Age only dates back to 1200 BC with the Bronze Age preceding that back to approximately 3300 BC.

This is one of his older lectures... but it covers a lot of this stuff.



Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
I'm endlessly fascinated by the intelligence of our forebears, in all different ethnic regions. Just the mathematics they had a grasp of is impressive, they were just as smart as people are now but didn't have the knowledge base on which to continue building.

And I think where things like the video posted above go wrong is they underestimate the intelligence of our forebears.

Fitted walls for example. It's the most efficient way to work with large stones, an early predecessor to the walls with uniform rock segments that later demonstrate a better grasp of how to split and shape them consistently.

And pyramids are the same thing. These people were not so stupid that they couldn't figure out the most basic way to build higher structures. In those days that was the only way you could do it. And of course they're going to have a lot of similarities.

But going back to the mathematics as an example, there's a reason we use arabic numerals to this day. And the number system used by the most ancient civilization we know of (Mesopotamia) used the sexagesimal system which is still used for crucial things like angles, time and coordinates.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
Unfortunately, i've only personally visited the Mayan settlements at Tulum & Chichen Itza on the Yucatan peninsula and have never been to South or Central America, but my fascination with all the ancients remains high. My interest developed in the early 80's with the book 'Aztec' by Gary Jennings, and a highly interesting read that is a very compelling story imo.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
In 1980, the USAF sold Egypt some F4E fighter jets. The Egyptians had a hard time getting them to fly consistently so we went there on a TDY (Operation Proud Phantom) for 3 months to prove that you could indeed fly the crap out of the old birds. I got to go to the pyramids at Giza and actually climbed the largest one. (the one on the right in the pictures of the three) It was missing the top 50 feet so only 450 feet tall now. It used to be smooth on the outside like the top of the center pyramid still is today. ( Alabaster I believe but was robbed off of them for later construction projects through time) It was amazing how that thing was built. Most of the stones were arm pit high to me (I'm 5'9"). I was 21 years old and in shape and the climb took much energy. Once on top, when you looked back down, it looked straight down, frightening was an understatement. You wondered how in the hell you were going to get down. There are massive holes in the desert around the pyramid that are shaped like they were made for boats. Some think that is how they transported those massive stones to the sight of construction. Climbing the pyramids is of course illegal because people have died falling off so you had to pay a guide who split the money with guards around the pyramid. This added a little extra anxiety for the climb. Afterwards, we were able to go inside the pyramid up walkways to the center where a tomb resides. You would notice small shafts constructed all the way to the exterior skywards. Later, I learned those shafts were built to see certain stars, I think, at the Summer Solstice or something like that. The four sides are perfectly aligned to the North, South, East, and West. Perfectly! It is astounding to me the craftsmanship, not to mention the manpower, to build such a massive structure so precisely nearly 5000 years ago! How? How? Damn, how? There's no doubt in my mind there once was an advanced civilization here on Earth.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
In 1980, the USAF sold Egypt some F4E fighter jets. The Egyptians had a hard time getting them to fly consistently so we went there on a TDY (Operation Proud Phantom) for 3 months to prove that you could indeed fly the crap out of the old birds. I got to go to the pyramids at Giza and actually climbed the largest one. (the one on the right in the pictures of the three) It was missing the top 50 feet so only 450 feet tall now. It used to be smooth on the outside like the top of the center pyramid still is today. ( Alabaster I believe but was robbed off of them for later construction projects through time) It was amazing how that thing was built. Most of the stones were arm pit high to me (I'm 5'9"). I was 21 years old and in shape and the climb took much energy. Once on top, when you looked back down, it looked straight down, frightening was an understatement. You wondered how in the hell you were going to get down. There are massive holes in the desert around the pyramid that are shaped like they were made for boats. Some think that is how they transported those massive stones to the sight of construction. Climbing the pyramids is of course illegal because people have died falling off so you had to pay a guide who split the money with guards around the pyramid. This added a little extra anxiety for the climb. Afterwards, we were able to go inside the pyramid up walkways to the center where a tomb resides. You would notice small shafts constructed all the way to the exterior skywards. Later, I learned those shafts were built to see certain stars, I think, at the Summer Solstice or something like that. The four sides are perfectly aligned to the North, South, East, and West. Perfectly! It is astounding to me the craftsmanship, not to mention the manpower, to build such a massive structure so precisely nearly 5000 years ago! How? How? Damn, how? There's no doubt in my mind there once was an advanced civilization here on Earth.
After thinking about this, I went back to see what the smooth outer coating of the pyramids were made of and it turns out it was limestone, polished to a shiny finish. It was cracked by an earthquake in the 1300s and the limestone was then robbed to build mosques and fortresses. And that is the rest of the story. ;)


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
In 1980, the USAF sold Egypt some F4E fighter jets. The Egyptians had a hard time getting them to fly consistently so we went there on a TDY (Operation Proud Phantom) for 3 months to prove that you could indeed fly the crap out of the old birds. I got to go to the pyramids at Giza and actually climbed the largest one. (the one on the right in the pictures of the three) It was missing the top 50 feet so only 450 feet tall now. It used to be smooth on the outside like the top of the center pyramid still is today. ( Alabaster I believe but was robbed off of them for later construction projects through time) It was amazing how that thing was built. Most of the stones were arm pit high to me (I'm 5'9"). I was 21 years old and in shape and the climb took much energy. Once on top, when you looked back down, it looked straight down, frightening was an understatement. You wondered how in the hell you were going to get down. There are massive holes in the desert around the pyramid that are shaped like they were made for boats. Some think that is how they transported those massive stones to the sight of construction. Climbing the pyramids is of course illegal because people have died falling off so you had to pay a guide who split the money with guards around the pyramid. This added a little extra anxiety for the climb. Afterwards, we were able to go inside the pyramid up walkways to the center where a tomb resides. You would notice small shafts constructed all the way to the exterior skywards. Later, I learned those shafts were built to see certain stars, I think, at the Summer Solstice or something like that. The four sides are perfectly aligned to the North, South, East, and West. Perfectly! It is astounding to me the craftsmanship, not to mention the manpower, to build such a massive structure so precisely nearly 5000 years ago! How? How? Damn, how? There's no doubt in my mind there once was an advanced civilization here on Earth.

I'm not sure a consensus will ever be found on how the Egyptian Pyramids were built, but a few years ago I read a theory that made some sense. Sand, one product they have plenty of. With each layer or level of stone slabs placed on the base, sand/dirt was pushed up in the form of a ramp which reached each new level. The ramps of sand/dirt would become quite long as they reached the top, but the stone could be pulled all the way up to its final destination, so no actual lifting was ever involved. Many believe by dampening the sand it became easier to pull these 100 ton blocks all the way from their quarries right up to their final resting place. Once the top stone was in place, all the sand was cleared from the building site.
Just a theory, but seems logical.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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The great pyramid was not built to be a tomb...



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Many of the things they talked about 5years ago are making the "for experts" eat their words and are being proven true.

Like what?

Give some examples.

I'm endlessly fascinated by the intelligence of our forebears, in all different ethnic regions. Just the mathematics they had a grasp of is impressive, they were just as smart as people are now but didn't have the knowledge base on which to continue building.

Humans haven't really gotten smarter we just have SO many more resources available and as you mentioned a base of information!

It's crazy when you think about how resourceful humans were in previous eras.

This leads to to post this again!

How? How? Damn, how?

We pretty much know how the pyramids all over the world were built.

There are still question marks, like the Easter Island Moais

The pyramids are no mystery.

The great pyramid was not built to be a tomb...

This is a TON of supposition and guessing. Not a lot of facts there.

"Could have" isn't proof..........and the guy isn't providing much that is concrete but a lot that is nebulous.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Like what?

Give some examples.

Humans haven't really gotten smarter we just have SO many more resources available and as you mentioned a base of information!

It's crazy when you think about how resourceful humans were in previous eras.

This leads to to post this again!

We pretty much know how the pyramids all over the world were built.

There are still question marks, like the Easter Island Moais

The pyramids are no mystery.

This is a TON of supposition and guessing. Not a lot of facts there.

"Could have" isn't proof..........and the guy isn't providing much that is concrete but a lot that is nebulous.

I'm talking about the precision, the perfect alignments with the stars and poles. Of course, the work performed that we'd have a hard time pulling off today is very impressive.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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  • #15
Check out this Ted Talk.... some serious science that certainly points to this thread's topic.

This is probably something you've never seen before. I recommend watching the whole 20 minutes.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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This another FACT FILLED video on the Great Pyramid. More specific facts than the one I posted earlier.



I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
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If you'd like to see real scientific proof that there was ancient HIGH technology... this will be right up your alley. This proves it 100%... real scientific evidence that cannot be explained. We absolutely do not have the ability today to perform this kind of tube drilling.

I know it's an hour long, but it's worth it if you're into this stuff like I am. There's zero bullshit in this... it's real evidence.