Let's do the Fisher introduction thing.

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Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
(On how the introduction went)
“What you do is you ask the newcomer to stand up and give his name, his position and his school, his favorite movie, the name of his first pet and what happened to it and his nickname. Quite a few hamsters and turtles. A couple were killed by trains and busses. It was good. They liked it.”

So....... I'll ask the same questions.

[if you played] what position you played, and the school
Your favorite movie
The name of your first pet and what happened to it, and his nickname.

Strong Safety - Coral Springs High
Casino (German Shepherd). Just got old and we had to... you know. His nickname was "C-Note" because that's just what it sounded like when you said "Cino." So we just stuck a 'T' in there and started accentuating it. Man, that brings back painful memories. I loved that dog. He was our dog since I was 2 years old and he lived 15 years.


May 28, 2011
Strong Safety/Wide Receiver - Valencia (Also played LW/C in hockey as a PWF)
PS I Love You.... (Yeah it's a chick flick, judge away. I like those movies because they relax me and make me feel better)
Seamus - He was a cat that we found in Ireland, named it Seamus because it's a good Irish name.. Got old and one day just walked away and never came back went off to die I suppose... Nickname was Seamy.. My first personal pet (that was my responsibility other than a family pet) was a dog, we named Siomaha (sounds like she-vus), she was a mutt, Golden Retriever/Husky that we found wondering as a puppy alone, adopted her. Same thing she lived for about 15 years, got old one day and we just had to put her down, she was blind, deaf, and was having trouble walking and such, it was time.. Very sad day.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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I don't know of any chick flicks I like. I kinda liked "The Holiday" with Jack Black, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law, if that qualifies. Yeah, it has to qualify. Nobody dies and nobody gets beat up. And yeah, losing a pet where you HAVE to do that is just too hard. I had to do that again when I was almost 40 with another dog we had for 10 years (Smokey the Muttface). Not ashamed to say I cried like a baby right in the vet's office, because I had to hold his face to keep from being scared while they did their thing. He had some neurological disorder that led to seizures when he got older, and it was just a miserable existence for him.

This thread depresses me. Why did I start this? :cry:


May 28, 2011
Don't get me wrong, I love action movies, and comedies and stuff.. Not big on horror movies because I spend the entire time going "Oh come on! I could totally win at this movie!" and war movies of course (although I've noticed since the military I'm not as much into them).... When I was overseas I used to always watch romantic comedies and chick flicks, I think because it was relaxing from being out on mission and such all the time I dunno.

But they just relax me. Don't tell my girlfriend though, she likes to reward me when we watch one of 'her' movies thinking that I'm just being a good boyfriend. :ww:


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
My introduction...

I have never played football at any level. I was a backup on my high school basketball team through my freshman and sophomore years, but I had to quit due to failing grades. I was a tenacious defender, a good passer, and I knew my role, but I couldn't (and still can't) shoot worth shit.

Favorite movie...Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Still, there are a ton of other movies behind it. I'm of the mindset that if I like it, it's a favorite of mine.

As for pets...well, the first one I knew was my mom's cat: a Russian Blue by the name of Canadian Mist. Everyone just called him Mist, though. He was alive before I was born, and he was pretty much the most chill cat I've ever seen. He tolerated me a lot when I was little, but don't let that image fool you; he was a really efficient hunter. We had no problems with vermin when he was around. He lived to the ripe old age of twenty-one - and that was after surviving when he was hit by a car and surviving the first phase of lung cancer. We had to put him down after it came back, though, and it killed me inside.

The first - and only - pet I owned was a dog: a golden retriever by the name of Granger. No nickname. He had to live at my grandparents' house because my family had no room to house a dog his size, but the only three people he completely graviated to were my grandparents and me. Very easy-going. Not exactly the brightest, especially when it came to food, but he was as loyal as you'd expect a dog to be. He lived to about nine years old. Lung cancer again. Putting him to sleep hurt so much, but we had no choice.

And yes, I cried for hours with both of their deaths.


Sep 24, 2011
I ran distance and cross country. I no longer run because my hips suck.
I don't have a favorite movie. I just think some movies are good. Others are bad. I don't rank them.
I have a yellow lab. She is still kicking.

Meanwhile, the Lakers blow the game.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
RB/CB/LB @ Nottoway High (And WR once in a while, we only had about 40 on the roster)

Peppie, a mutt mixed breed but a good dog. He lost a bout with a fire truck. Those sirens must of made him crazy.

Shawshank Redemption I guess.

And yeah, I just witnessed the Lakers choke, damn.


Jun 24, 2010
Center/LB @ Marina High in HB, Ca... I started at center and was a 2nd string LB. I played center from 7 yrs old, all the way until I graduated high school. It was a position that I just happened to have much success.
The Big Lebowski
Black Labrador names Toober... She got old and eventually passed after I left for the Navy.


Van Jefferson’s #1 fan
Jul 27, 2010
bluecoconuts said:
Strong Safety/Wide Receiver - Valencia (Also played LW/C in hockey as a PWF)
PS I Love You.... (Yeah it's a chick flick, judge away. I like those movies because they relax me and make me feel better)
Seamus - He was a cat that we found in Ireland, named it Seamus because it's a good Irish name.. Got old and one day just walked away and never came back went off to die I suppose... Nickname was Seamy.. My first personal pet (that was my responsibility other than a family pet) was a dog, we named Siomaha (sounds like she-vus), she was a mutt, Golden Retriever/Husky that we found wondering as a puppy alone, adopted her. Same thing she lived for about 15 years, got old one day and we just had to put her down, she was blind, deaf, and was having trouble walking and such, it was time.. Very sad day.

What year did you play for Valencia? My brother played for Hart.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
Played d-line for a couple years as a lil' kid. I never grew though and got forced out of it.
Huge Tarantino fan, I'd probably rep for 'Pulp Fiction'.
Similar to Pauly, my first pet was my Mom's German Sheppard, Timber. Dog was my constant companion and attacked a few other dogs/people to protect her kid. She had to be put down because of cancer when I was in 6th grade or so. She made it up to 13 or 14 years.
My folks have another Sheppard now again. Still equally protective of me, but at 26 I don't require it as much. Still love that nutty dog though and it reminds me of being with the OG.


[if you played] what position you played, and the school
Your favorite movie
The name of your first pet and what happened to it, and his nickname.

Actually Fisher asked the players's THEIR nicknames.


I was a wrestler but I played football too. I played LB. The school was Brebeuf.

I don't know if I can name one favorite movie. Okay, The Seven Samurai.

Royal. A german shepherd. A local farmer shot her because she got out and was harassing his sheep.

This taught me one thing about life. When you see a farmer, shoot first.


Oh, really?
Jun 24, 2010
Defensive lineman for Clayton High
Movie? Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. A bit of a downer movie, but I thought the overall plot and what it was based on was made it an outstanding movie. Of course, Hanks being in it doesn't hurt either.
Squirmy[Hamster]-His ass was put on the wheel one day. Before that day, he had never used it. Then after he was placed on it, he ran on it 24/7. His little hamster heart probably gave out, as my family and myself saw his last breaths in the corner of his cage wrapped in a ball, where he then died.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
Never played at any level, though in an alternate universe I have Ricky Proehl's skills.

Galaxy Quest--I think I watch it at least 6 times a year, maybe more.

First pet was a poodle-terrier my Dad named Peanuts. I was 8. She often escaped the yard chasing cats. Try yelling "Peanuts!" out loud and you can imagine the double-takes from our neighbors. I moved out before my Dad had to put her down. But I've had my share of those vet experiences. We had 2 cats and 2 dogs when we moved to Seattle, and it became 1 a year.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 24, 2010
I used to play OG, not for my school but for my local team, it represented the whole area so we could just about scrape together enough people. Occasionally TE or DE as well as required.

Never had any pets, there was never anyone at home so "it would have been cruel", at least, that's the excuse we always used to get! I'll definitely get myself a dog when I strike out on my own though, and i'm going to name it a people name, maybe Steve or Kevin or something like that.

My favourite movie is probably Bad Boys 2... simply because I don't have to think when I stick it on.

My nicknames depended on how cruel the other kids were being... I have been known to be called 'Mariah' tho. My surname is Carey so I guess I can't argue with that one.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
I never played football--played baseball (2nd base/SS) at Metro High School

My first pet was a goldfish named Fred. He died of unknown causes after three months

My favorite movie is Pulp Fiction

My nickname was "Burgy" which was based on my last name


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
Positions :
Guard and Mike,didn't play in colege but did wrestle there 191 lbs. cut from 237
Favorite Movies: Tombstone and The Jerk
First pet: Trixie a collie we had to give to a farmer because she would bite people who came near her when she ate, bit a neighbor kid
Nickname : Beast given me by an opposing coach during a halftime speech as told to me by one of his players " Bobby if you can block that beast middle backer we can kick their asses" I guess he must have cuz they did.
Sorry I don't tell where I went to school in open forum, the net is a place where denizens lurk so I hold back info that could be used the wrong way sort of like this:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 611270621#


May 28, 2011
QuantumOfSalas said:
bluecoconuts said:
Strong Safety/Wide Receiver - Valencia (Also played LW/C in hockey as a PWF)
PS I Love You.... (Yeah it's a chick flick, judge away. I like those movies because they relax me and make me feel better)
Seamus - He was a cat that we found in Ireland, named it Seamus because it's a good Irish name.. Got old and one day just walked away and never came back went off to die I suppose... Nickname was Seamy.. My first personal pet (that was my responsibility other than a family pet) was a dog, we named Siomaha (sounds like she-vus), she was a mutt, Golden Retriever/Husky that we found wondering as a puppy alone, adopted her. Same thing she lived for about 15 years, got old one day and we just had to put her down, she was blind, deaf, and was having trouble walking and such, it was time.. Very sad day.

What year did you play for Valencia? My brother played for Hart.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Halfback on Offense (every other play,,, brought in the play from the sidelines)
Cornerback / Safety on Defense (played every down)
Punt Returner / covered kickoffs and punts on Special Teams
Deland High School Bulldogs (Deland FL) / Leavenworth Pioneers (Leavenworth KS) / Robert G. Cole HS Bulldogs (San Antonio TX). No football after HS. Had D-1 scholarship offers for B-Ball .

Fast Times At Ridgemont High

My first pet was an iguana . I don't remember his name as I only had him for about a week . My mom was terrified of it.... so it "mysteriously" disappeared.

My nicknames - Jorge , Pave (as in pave diamond), and Podge


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
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  • #20
zn said:
Actually Fisher asked the players's THEIR nicknames.
Doh! Another one of those poorly structured sentences again, eh?

Well. In that case. My nickname was "Tiny."

Cheerleaders can be so cruel.