If Time Travel Was A Reality What Would Be Your First Choice - Back or Forward?

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Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
Forward, forward big time!!!! Thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of years into the future. Not contest.


Jul 15, 2010
Forward, hopefully in the future we can travel through the galaxies!!


Jan 23, 2013
First move I would make would be to go forward and buy a sports almanac! That way I could afford my own time machine. Better yet I would just go forward a month to get the powerball numbers.

Then I would go back. I would need a protective suit or some weapons though. I want to see some Dinosaurs. Then I need to know what the hell happened back when the Pyramids were built. Throw in a trip to some of the South American wonders too. I want to see how some of them were built just to know if these ancient alien theories are true!

Then I would do my European history tour. I may go to the battle of the 300 and give those Spartans a hand. A few modern weapons would even things up a bit.
I want to joust with a real knight as well.
It would be fun to go back to the inquisition and lay a hurting on some of those MoFos too.

Maybe I would go back and visit Jesus first though and make sure that all of this would be cool with him and reserve me a spot upstairs while I was at it.

I may finish up my European tour with a good old fashioned Roman Orgy.

Then I would skip ahead to the early beginnings of my home town and visit some ancestors. I'd want to talk to my great great great Grandfather and convince him not to sell all of the land to the State, that he sold them. Iwould then have to talk to all of his heirs until it ended up with me. That would be a hunting Mecca today.

I'd also like to meet my folks as children. That would be cool. Maybe even on their wedding day too. I'd also like to go back as a Doctor the first time I got meningitis and explain to everyone what was really going on. It took way too long (10 years) for them to figure it all out.

Then I would go back to my wife's 9th grade class and pummel the dick that punched her in the face.

After all of that I think I would start reading books and make many many forays to different time/places in history that I don't have time to read up on now.

I don't know that I would want to know the future at all. I don't want to know what happens. It would make me go insane if it was bad. Think of how neurotic you'd become. On the otherhand, if I was single, I would go forward to figure out the things that we did wrong and then go back to correct them.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

I would go back to my HS/College years and slay all the ass that I passed on. I'm sure everyone has a few regrets that they kick themselves for when they think about it today. With what I know now... I just can't imagine the level of fun I'd have going back and taking care of business... that's a lie, cause I've imagined it many times.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
if I had to choose one or the other, I would say back with out a doubt.

In the future , humans as we are today, will be looked upon as the scum of the Earth, because technology will be 100fold what it is today, and showing up out of no where without being up to date won't be good for you.

If you go back in time, you can help things along a bit, maybe eradicating some of the bad problems along the way, and helping everyone live differently.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I think this is too hard to choose. I would love to have seen the Titanic, a real dinosaur(from a distance) to find proof of religious events....forward? To see if we ever do make it to Mars full time. To see how my kids and their kids turn out.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I think I'd pick forward if I only had one choice.

But life in the late 1800's sort of fascinates me.


May 28, 2011
Forward. I want to see another planet that can harbor advanced life. I want to know if it's possible to live on a planet that orbits a red dwarf (opinions are mixed, long life span but unsteady solar weather, etc), how/if NASA does indeed develop the warp drive (currently in the works), more answers to the questions of the universe.

Plus it wouldn't hurt to know where to look, it would really help my dissertation if I say to look in a certain area and it turns out to be correct.

Plus it's possible to travel forward, we know how to do that. It's just a matter of time we build the means to make it worthwhile. Traveling back there's so much to see.. I'd probably go fight in WWII, just to see if I could hack it. Currently doesn't seem possible, which is a shame. So many other questions.

Although if I went forward enough that our sun was about to die and we weren't able to easily travel to other star systems I'd come back and raise hell.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
I would go back in time and make some different choices. I would stay home with my parents at 17 and finish high school and college instead of hurling myself into the fires of life with so little experience and wisdom. The decision to strike out on my own got me off to a real bad start. There would also be some women I'd avoid. Let's just say I never would have gotten married. ;)

And oh yeah, I'd get in touch with Carroll Rosenbloom and advise him to avoid Vegas showgirls and swimming in the ocean. Rams history would have been different if he took my advice.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
First move I would make would be to go forward and buy a sports almanac! That way I could afford my own time machine. Better yet I would just go forward a month to get the powerball numbers.

Then I would go back. I would need a protective suit or some weapons though. I want to see some Dinosaurs. Then I need to know what the hell happened back when the Pyramids were built. Throw in a trip to some of the South American wonders too. I want to see how some of them were built just to know if these ancient alien theories are true!

Then I would do my European history tour. I may go to the battle of the 300 and give those Spartans a hand. A few modern weapons would even things up a bit.
I want to joust with a real knight as well.
It would be fun to go back to the inquisition and lay a hurting on some of those MoFos too.

Maybe I would go back and visit Jesus first though and make sure that all of this would be cool with him and reserve me a spot upstairs while I was at it.

I may finish up my European tour with a good old fashioned Roman Orgy.

Then I would skip ahead to the early beginnings of my home town and visit some ancestors. I'd want to talk to my great great great Grandfather and convince him not to sell all of the land to the State, that he sold them. Iwould then have to talk to all of his heirs until it ended up with me. That would be a hunting Mecca today.

I'd also like to meet my folks as children. That would be cool. Maybe even on their wedding day too. I'd also like to go back as a Doctor the first time I got meningitis and explain to everyone what was really going on. It took way too long (10 years) for them to figure it all out.

Then I would go back to my wife's 9th grade class and pummel the dick that punched her in the face.

After all of that I think I would start reading books and make many many forays to different time/places in history that I don't have time to read up on now.

I don't know that I would want to know the future at all. I don't want to know what happens. It would make me go insane if it was bad. Think of how neurotic you'd become. On the otherhand, if I was single, I would go forward to figure out the things that we did wrong and then go back to correct them.

This is your finest work.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
There's a short story by Ray Bradbury, A Sound of Thunder, about the perils of traveling into the past. In short, the hero steps on a butterfly in the Jurassic, while on a safari to shoot an Allosaur, and changes the future irrevocably.

I've even written a couple of time travel short stories myself. In one, the time traveler can only stay in the past for an hour; a team of history researchers attempts to uncover the mystery of the Lost Colony, and inadvertently causes it to happen.

In another, the past is static, unchangeable, but if you go the future, you make the present like the past. The father of the protagonist finds out how he's going to die, and can't do anything to prevent it.

Me? If there was a safe way to travel into the past, I'd love to know what really happened in all those vital moments. But I know what I did wrong already, and I don't need to relive it.


Duke of Earl
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 21, 2014
The past. Luckily I have very few regrets. But the ones I do have are of a personal nature. I would try too make some amends.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013

I would go back to my HS/College years and slay all the ass that I passed on. I'm sure everyone has a few regrets that they kick themselves for when they think about it today. With what I know now... I just can't imagine the level of fun I'd have going back and taking care of business... that's a lie, cause I've imagined it many times.

I was going to say forward and write all kinds of stuff about traveling between the planets and seeing all the new technological wonders created in the intervening years, all the new scientific discoveries, etc. etc. etc. ... then I read your post.

Back ... just about 30 years or so. (y)

EDIT: PrimeTime, Sealssie's answer most definitely has to go in the ROD quotes thread.


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
I'd go back for sure. I was a POS when I was young and I would love to undo some of the crap I did. I don't care about being rich. I'd rather clear my conscience.

The future looks bleak to me. Overpopulation, unstoppable disease, lack of resources, polution, war, really crappy music......

I'm not interested.


Jan 14, 2013
Is it a one time trip? Back in time!

Think I was meant to be born about 100 yrs before my time but something happen and was put on the shelf for a century. I think I would have fit in perfect for the innovation & discoveries of the last quarter of the 1800's. I just know I would have been working on a cold air machine early in my life if it was not invented. Ice in the hot summer to cool my drinks would have been a must.
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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
If there was a safe way to travel into the past, I'd love to know what really happened in all those vital moments.

And what happened to all those socks that went missing.

EDIT: PrimeTime, Sealssie's answer most definitely has to go in the ROD quotes thread.

You do realize that you and everyone else at ROD can post another member's comments in that thread. So go for it. :)


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I'd go back to the days, back in the Mid-Late 1960's, when I used to play Pool with Deacon Jones, know what I Know Now, I'd kick his Ass! Instead of Vice Versa! But I'd Love to do that Time frame all over again, Also Gold was only about $100 an once then, I'd make a point of Buying-up on that until I retired in 2007, I'd really be sitting pretty now!!

Memphis Ram

Jun 26, 2010
Back to the high school/college days for me, too.

Forward? The way things are going in the world, I'm not sure how much forward we have left.:whistle: