I just found out.....

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Feb 4, 2013
.....that I am a descendant of Daniel Boone.

Who knew?....

Who's in your family tree?


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Just a bunch of immigrant farmers from Germany

I have this cousin who is like my parents generation and about 10 years a ago , she started on that Ancestry .com , and over the last 10 years or so , she has really put together our family tree ( with a lot of help ), dating all the way back to the late 1700's in Germany , Birth records , Death certificates , Marriage License , Immigration papers , just all kinds of stuff

Like I said , she's been working on it for quite a while , we got thousands of photos , all my great great grandparents , great great cousins , great great uncle and aunts , and their kids , and their kids , well , you get the picture..............................lol

Then about 5 or 6 years ago , my uncle took everything my cousin had found and put everything on a CD / DVD , and it's pretty darn cool , now you click on anybody's name and follow their individuale path and their family branch of our family tree , with photos , some more then others , it's pretty cool

My family migrated to the US in the early 1800's and settled in central Illinois and became farmers , then around 1880 , my branch of the family tree moved West to NW Iowa , were they also became farmers , although most of us don't farm anymore

But no , nobody famous in our tree

The first photo is my great great grandparents Heinrich & Frieda , their the ones that first moved here to NW Iowa in the late 1800's

The second photo is of my Mom ( standing ) when she was a kid , the other two are my aunt and uncle , the boy sitting on the tractor seat is the uncle that put all this stuff on a DVD , I don't remember right off hand what program he used ,but it really works pretty slick , as it will always be a work in our progress as my generations kids grow and have families of their own




Jun 4, 2013
Just a bunch of immigrant farmers from Germany

I have this cousin who is like my parents generation and about 10 years a ago , she started on that Ancestry .com , and over the last 10 years or so , she has really put together our family tree ( with a lot of help ), dating all the way back to the late 1700's in Germany , Birth records , Death certificates , Marriage License , Immigration papers , just all kinds of stuff

Like I said , she's been working on it for quite a while , we got thousands of photos , all my great great grandparents , great great cousins , great great uncle and aunts , and their kids , and their kids , well , you get the picture..............................lol

Then about 5 or 6 years ago , my uncle took everything my cousin had found and put everything on a CD / DVD , and it's pretty darn cool , now you click on anybody's name and follow their individuale path and their family branch of our family tree , with photos , some more then others , it's pretty cool

My family migrated to the US in the early 1800's and settled in central Illinois and became farmers , then around 1880 , my branch of the family tree moved West to NW Iowa , were they also became farmers , although most of us don't farm anymore

But no , nobody famous in our tree

The first photo is my great great grandparents Heinrich & Frieda , their the ones that first moved here to NW Iowa in the late 1800's

The second photo is of my Mom ( standing ) when she was a kid , the other two are my aunt and uncle , the boy sitting on the tractor seat is the uncle that put all this stuff on a DVD , I don't remember right off hand what program he used ,but it really works pretty slick , as it will always be a work in our progress as my generations kids grow and have families of their own



Um...I'm...I don't know what to say...but don't these two look related?


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Jun 4, 2013
I'm a descendant of French Royalty and Nobility. Yes, that's an oxymoron.

BUT, it made it easy to trace my family to the 1500's for certain and beyond in probability. The French that didn't surrender or die, kept good records. I realised in later life, this explains a lot about me being a Rams fan. Viva Le' Revolution!

We have a town and church in New Jersey named after my family. Yes, it could be a town anywhere on the East Coast, but it's NJ.

You can stand in our town, and almost see the real world through the haze.

We fought in every major war in America! We started by fighting in the revolutionary war! Too bad we were loyalists. After the war we were stripped of our wealth, land, title, and inheritance. This is all true story. I would have had an outside shot of inherited wealth, but they picked the wrong team.

Apparently the Church and Town had bigger fish to fry. They both exist today.

My family moved on just as all pretentious former nobility now homeless will.

We fought in the civil war! Yes, wrong side. We had moved as far away from NJ as you could and became southerners. There's nothing wrong with that - other than the raging racists slaveholders at that time, mine weren't, thank God. Being French, I can only assume they were too scared.

We fought in WW1 and WW2, this time, for the good guys and, despite our French pretensions, we fought well. Many a hero on our picture wall. Sad how many. Boys in uniform that never grew up. At that time, you had as many children as possible just to hope they could work the fields. So many young people dead.

Then my grandpa, now run off to the creole swampland of Morgan Louisiana, the most don't even think of coming after my rights place in the US, restarted my line. He worked on a paddleboat on the Mississippi as a deckhand and met my grandmother who was a ticket taker. My wife and I, both born in STL, but with nationwide locations, both found ourselves on a paddleboat in Baton Rouge, where we worked, and decided to marry.

My wife's line are Germans. Stoute, amazing, live off the land Germans. 7 boys all born in a hand built home that still stands today. 165 acres of nowhere land with a spring and a cabin made from railroad ties that they cut down and sawed by hand and sold for $.25 apiece when they couldn't hunt. They built the house with $50 of old motel windows and doors.

Most of these men are dead, but I met and talked with almost all of the living ones before they died, five of the seven brothers that weren't killed in war, and man, these dudes could do anything in a survival situation. They knew that if the garden or hunting didn't produce...someone or more dies. They lost siblings giving everything they had to the core trying to stop it. No doctors or hospitals or insurance or money.

The sadness in the world today is these men and their kin would probably earn too little to have a future for their family, but not too little for the government to help them. Sometimes the great struggles of people should remind us that we need to help those who struggle, and not those who refuse to even try. If I took the people today who are being sent government checks and handed them these realities, how many would do what these people did? And raise college grads? And not sell off their land? And be a proud people who didn't equate success to iBullshit?

There is STILL a brother and his wife on this land. He is wheelchair bound and she is in late Palsy. And yet, they ask for nothing out of pride of self, and now if they agree or not, because the surrounding family will never let them be trapped or without. Poor as they are, they know how to take care of each other. They eat deer and garden raised vegetables and fruits.

If you don't give more to the group than you take... it should be a grave necessity. This is the disconnect between socialism and capitalism. Socialism is everyone gets the benefits of the worker, especially those who don't work, like politicians and their cronies. Capitalism is every person for themselves, if you work hard, you can earn more.

Neither system works. Pure capitalism is only supported by the elite. Pure socialism only benefits the elite.

You need a base of workers that are fairly paid, the voluntary non-workers shunned, and wealth taxed at a rate that reminds them freedom isn't free or built off the sweat of others.