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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
I have done the impossible.

My neighbor has two sons that he has been raising to be Cowboy fans their whole lives. They are 4 and 5 years old but both very interested in sports. They frequently come to visit me and Mason, the oldest one, came over at the beginning of the Rams first preseason game. He sat down with me and watched the entire game. I didn't think much of it because I just figured he enjoyed watching football in general.

He came over a few days later and found a Rams hat in my room. He put it on and starting chanting "Go Rams"! I encouraged him and laughed it off thinking he was only playing around.

About a week later, he came over again after the Rams had just beaten the Raiders in the next preseason game. Without any instruction, he went into my room and put on that Rams hat and began his chanting of "Go Rams" again. I figured I would show him the Rams won to fuel this a little more. We ended up watching Rams highlights for almost an hour and I taught him the names of several Ram players. He was starting to become invested.

A couple days pass and we had invited their whole family over for dinner. When Mason got there, he went back in my room and grabbed that hat again. His Cowboy fan father noticed it when we all sat down for dinner and he told him "Mason, go put that hat back, you are a Cowboy fan". There was a moments hesitation and then Mason stood up in his chair replying "No, dad, I'm not a Cowboys fan. I'm a Rams fan, go Rams!". A pretty awkward and heated argument ensued until his father took the hat and placed it on a shelf out of reach of the little guy. We all finished eating and they went home.

The next day Mason dropped by and asked if he could wear the Rams hat again. He told me "Dad told me I have to be a Cowboy fan but I'm not, I'm a Rams fan". I high-fived him and told him he could keep the hat, I have about 8 more. He took it home proudly, reaffirmed in his Rams fandom. I got a text from my neighbors wife later that night that Mason and his father were once again in a fierce argument over whether he was a Rams fan or a Cowboys fan. She continued on saying "I have never seen him so fixed on something. He even gave all his Cowboy gear to his little brother. His father is not having it".

The next morning I found the Rams hat outside my door with a note from my neighbor stating "Keep this away from Mason". It was never my intention to convert him over to the Rams side but I wasn't about to prevent him either so I put the hat right in the spot I knew he always looked for it. For the next couple weeks he came over periodically, always putting on the Rams hat and showing his Rams fandom by showing me pictures of a Rams logo he drew or telling me Rams player names he watched on YouTube. His father was not happy in the least but was convinced he would convert him back by having him watch the Cowboys opener.

Little Mason came over the Monday morning after the week 1 games smiling like he was in a candy shop. His father marched him up to me and asked him to tell me what he saw yesterday. Mason's smile went away and he said "I watched the Cowboys beat the Giants 19-3...". He paused a second, looked up at his dad, and said "but they didn't score 46 points!". Then he ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the Rams hat and started his chanting again. His dad said he gave up so now Mason is officially a Rams fan. His dad has October 1st circled on his calendar to try to dismantle that if the Cowboys can get a win off us but for now he is helpless against his son's strange love for the Rams. According to Mason, he will always be a fan of the Rams.



Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
That's an awesome story.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I have done the impossible.

My neighbor has two sons that he has been raising to be Cowboy fans their whole lives. They are 4 and 5 years old but both very interested in sports. They frequently come to visit me and Mason, the oldest one, came over at the beginning of the Rams first preseason game. He sat down with me and watched the entire game. I didn't think much of it because I just figured he enjoyed watching football in general.

He came over a few days later and found a Rams hat in my room. He put it on and starting chanting "Go Rams"! I encouraged him and laughed it off thinking he was only playing around.

About a week later, he came over again after the Rams had just beaten the Raiders in the next preseason game. Without any instruction, he went into my room and put on that Rams hat and began his chanting of "Go Rams" again. I figured I would show him the Rams won to fuel this a little more. We ended up watching Rams highlights for almost an hour and I taught him the names of several Ram players. He was starting to become invested.

A couple days pass and we had invited their whole family over for dinner. When Mason got there, he went back in my room and grabbed that hat again. His Cowboy fan father noticed it when we all sat down for dinner and he told him "Mason, go put that hat back, you are a Cowboy fan". There was a moments hesitation and then Mason stood up in his chair replying "No, dad, I'm not a Cowboys fan. I'm a Rams fan, go Rams!". A pretty awkward and heated argument ensued until his father took the hat and placed it on a shelf out of reach of the little guy. We all finished eating and they went home.

The next day Mason dropped by and asked if he could wear the Rams hat again. He told me "Dad told me I have to be a Cowboy fan but I'm not, I'm a Rams fan". I high-fived him and told him he could keep the hat, I have about 8 more. He took it home proudly, reaffirmed in his Rams fandom. I got a text from my neighbors wife later that night that Mason and his father were once again in a fierce argument over whether he was a Rams fan or a Cowboys fan. She continued on saying "I have never seen him so fixed on something. He even gave all his Cowboy gear to his little brother. His father is not having it".

The next morning I found the Rams hat outside my door with a note from my neighbor stating "Keep this away from Mason". It was never my intention to convert him over to the Rams side but I wasn't about to prevent him either so I put the hat right in the spot I knew he always looked for it. For the next couple weeks he came over periodically, always putting on the Rams hat and showing his Rams fandom by showing me pictures of a Rams logo he drew or telling me Rams player names he watched on YouTube. His father was not happy in the least but was convinced he would convert him back by having him watch the Cowboys opener.

Little Mason came over the Monday morning after the week 1 games smiling like he was in a candy shop. His father marched him up to me and asked him to tell me what he saw yesterday. Mason's smile went away and he said "I watched the Cowboys beat the Giants 19-3...". He paused a second, looked up at his dad, and said "but they didn't score 46 points!". Then he ran upstairs to my room and grabbed the Rams hat and started his chanting again. His dad said he gave up so now Mason is officially a Rams fan. His dad has October 1st circled on his calendar to try to dismantle that if the Cowboys can get a win off us but for now he is helpless against his son's strange love for the Rams. According to Mason, he will always be a fan of the Rams.

View attachment 21520

That's very cool. Obviously this is a neighbor of your mother's though... as I would never live next to a cowgirl fan. You are doing that child a giant favor... I've clearly raised you right. LOL

I'm still not sure how we went wrong with your youngest brother and him becoming a colt fan though. Oh how sweet that game on Sunday was. Hahahaha

I've got more Ram hats from that party back in June... you need to take a few for this little dude.


Your (Somewhat) Friendly Neighborhood Authoress.
Jul 30, 2010
Nice job with the conversion. Hopefully we kill the Cowgirls this year and he can be more than justified in his fandom.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Umm, I hope the argument with the dad were in jest and not serious...it's unsettling a dad would freak out that much over what his son's team is.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
Awesome story! (n) Although I would keep an eye on that dad for a while. Make sure little Mason doesn't have any repercussions.

My son is a Whiner fan. But I love him anyway. Great kid.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
Umm, I hope the argument with the dad were in jest and not serious...it's unsettling a dad would freak out that much over what his son's team is.

His dad was very frustrated with him because he is a huge Cowboy fan but it appears he is coming to terms with it now.

Awesome story! (n) Although I would keep an eye on that dad for a while. Make sure little Mason doesn't have any repercussions.

My son is a Whiner fan. But I love him anyway. Great kid.

I will be looking out for the little dude. Sorry your son turned to the dark side. Hopefully he sees the light. He is probably looking at a substantial rebuild after what I saw from the whiners in game 1.

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
I will be looking out for the little dude. Sorry your son turned to the dark side. Hopefully he sees the light. He is probably looking at a substantial rebuild after what I saw from the whiners in game 1.

I agree. As far as my son goes, he actually doesn't follow too closely anyway. He could care less anymore about these petty temporal things after beating brain cancer. He actually has seen the light.

He is also happy for dear old dad when my Rams win.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
Lol great story bro! Not bad to help someone realize who they are early on! Lol we need more natural RM fans like that little guy!


May 28, 2011
Umm, I hope the argument with the dad were in jest and not serious...it's unsettling a dad would freak out that much over what his son's team is.

Yeah I was gonna say, it's pretty strong for a 5 year old, but what do you expect from Cowboys fans?

Good job on the conversion.


Jan 23, 2013
I would be missed at you. My nephews were always Penn State fans. Their mother and her whole family loved Notre Dame. They actually believed that Jesus overlooked the games from above. Anyway, they converted all three to ND. So now when they visit they try to turn my kid over to Satan's team too. All I have to do is bring up how long Notre Dame sucked and how they can't find a decent coach.

At one point Lincoln was getting frustrated with his friends teasing him about the Rams losing and considered choosing a new NFL team. He and I are very close, and all I had to say is that it will suck to have to root against one another when our teams inevitably face off. He didn't like the idea of his Dad cheering against him.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 Sportsbook Champion
Nov 9, 2014
I would be missed at you. My nephews were always Penn State fans. Their mother and her whole family loved Notre Dame. They actually believed that Jesus overlooked the games from above. Anyway, they converted all three to ND. So now when they visit they try to turn my kid over to Satan's team too. All I have to do is bring up how long Notre Dame sucked and how they can't find a decent coach.

At one point Lincoln was getting frustrated with his friends teasing him about the Rams losing and considered choosing a new NFL team. He and I are very close, and all I had to say is that it will suck to have to root against one another when our teams inevitably face off. He didn't like the idea of his Dad cheering against him.
Good post bro.

View: https://youtu.be/oCENmq-llb8

I <3 you!
Last edited:


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
"I watched the Cowboys beat the Giants 19-3...". He paused a second, looked up at his dad, and said "but they didn't score 46 points!"

That kid already knows how to dish out a good burn. That's so funny that he said that..........

I'm still not sure how we went wrong with your youngest brother and him becoming a colt fan though. Oh how sweet that game on Sunday was. Hahahaha

Of all the teams.....but hey I grew up in CLE and I'm a Rams fan so you never know.

He could care less anymore about these petty temporal things after beating brain cancer.

Good for him.........if he already understands the value of being in the moment he already understands one of the keys to happiness.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
Today was the much anticipated Cowboys vs Rams game. My neighbor invited me over to watch it and little Mason was in full force. His father thought for sure that this would be the game that shifts him back to a Cowboy.

Early in the game, my neighbor was very confident the Cowboys were going to run away with it. Mason was confident of the reverse. He didn't have any Rams gear but he found blue shorts and a gold shirt in his closet to sport. He had also gone to the dentist earlier in the week and had picked a Rams pennant out of a treasure chest. He proudly waved that for most of the game.

In the first half, my neighbor was pointing out to Mason every flaw in the Rams team and how the Cowboys were clearly superior. As the tide shifted, Mason dished it right back. On the final drive, Mason was shouting things like "The Rams are gonna win Dad! We beat you! We beat you!". At that point I thought for sure the football Gods would teach a lesson but I tried my best to coach him into not trash talking until the game is over.

As the final play, my neighbor was already half way out the door and shouted back "Great game Tyler, I gotta go". He promptly drove off and left me to celebrate and calm my exploding heart. After such an important event in his young childhood, there is no hope for the Cowboys to recover little Mason's fandom. Go Rams!