Freeman insight

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May 10, 2012
For everyone wanting us to bring him in- here is some good insight from a guy who lives in Tampa, listens to sports radio daily, reads the paper every day, and follows the Bucs (though Rams will always be my first love).

Freeman has a multitude of issues- lets start with personally

He is a known partier- and when I say party- I don't mean just going to the clubs a lot(which he also does)- but partakes in party favors. There have been a number of local people who talk about seeing him in the clubs all the time- and is running with some bad dudes (druggies).
He is currently in drug treatment- he says for adderal- Im betting cocaine.
He was on a local sports radio show the day he was late for his own QB camp (which he showed up to at 12:30- he was supposed to be there at 9). He showed up just in time to take a few pics- then was on the radio show- and he sounded whacked out of his mind- not coffee- not weed- clearly drugs. The host on numerous occasions attempted to end the convo because he sounded horrible and wasn't making much sense and was rambling. I heard it live and thought " whoa- what is he on???).

QB wise- has a few glaring issues with mechanics- bad footwork being the biggest. Causes him to be quite inaccurate at times and he never works on it. He isn't the come in early - leave last type. he is a go through the motions type- which is why he wasn't voted team captain this year.
He is lazy- some un-named sources (which I hate btw) say players dislike the fact he doesn't work hard. Not a good leader and not well respected.

Freeman will never be a top level qb despite having a ton of natural ability. He still wants to be a starter- but not sure who is going to give him that type of opp at this point knowing all that. Jax maybe? cant think of anyone else. He would have to go through a serious change in his life and that is doubtful. Usually if you are lazy you aren't going to suddenly be a workaholic. He is better than any backup we have- but he also has baggage that I wouldn't touch right now until I know he cleans up his life. For TB to flat out cut him speaks volumes. For me- I would just say no to Freeman. and I like the guy- met him twice- and he was very friendly both times- seems like a cool dude- just has issues he needs to work out.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
This is the first thing I've read on Freeman that's made any sense. Hopefully this is rock bottom for him and he's going to turn it around.


May 10, 2012
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My biggest concern with him believe it or not is not his off field issues (which I think can be turned around) its his work ethic. In life I have found that people are generally workers or lazy- you don't become a workaholic= and all the great QBs are the types that live and breath it- first one in- last one out. Manning, Rogers, Brees, Brady etc are all renowned workaholics. he just isn't=- doesn't work on his shortcomings that he has had since college etc. he has so much talent- believe me- but I doubt he ever reaches his potential.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
tbux said:
My biggest concern with him believe it or not is not his off field issues (which I think can be turned around) its his work ethic. In life I have found that people are generally workers or lazy- you don't become a workaholic= and all the great QBs are the types that live and breath it- first one in- last one out. Manning, Rogers, Brees, Brady etc are all renowned workaholics. he just isn't=- doesn't work on his shortcomings that he has had since college etc. he has so much talent- believe me- but I doubt he ever reaches his potential.

This is EXACTLY on point.

I've done a LOT of hiring in my career and you can't teach or train work ethic.


Hall of Fame
Oct 28, 2012
tbux said:
My biggest concern with him believe it or not is not his off field issues (which I think can be turned around) its his work ethic. In life I have found that people are generally workers or lazy- you don't become a workaholic= and all the great QBs are the types that live and breath it- first one in- last one out. Manning, Rogers, Brees, Brady etc are all renowned workaholics. he just isn't=- doesn't work on his shortcomings that he has had since college etc. he has so much talent- believe me- but I doubt he ever reaches his potential.

I just meant I hope he turns it around in life. I don't see him as a viable NFL QB regardless.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010

Your head-coach Schiano is also a huge part of the dis-connect.

I'm not defending Freeman at all, but that dysfunction is created by more than just the QB.

Couldn't happen to a better team if you ask me.


May 10, 2012
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figured you would chime in! :bg:

Yeah Im no fan of Schiano myself- but Josh's issues are much deeper than him vs HC- players behind the scenes agreed with the move. And honestly it was the right one.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
tbux said:
figured you would chime in! :bg:

Yeah Im no fan of Schiano myself- but Josh's issues are much deeper than him vs HC- players behind the scenes agreed with the move. And honestly it was the right one.

I listen to sports radio round these parts too Brudda...

I hear that Schiano has cameras filming his players on the sidelines to watch for reactions... he has coaches in the locker rooms all the time 'listening",,, this guy is a fucking nut.

Word is that you're either a "Schiano-man" (somebody he's brought in from Rutgers) or you're a "Free-man". The Free-man have to GO.

That whole fucking mess (meaning Schiano & Co. too) is getting Blown the Fuck Up with a quickness.

I think Freeman can be a productive player. I wouldn't write him off yet.


May 10, 2012
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yeah Im not writing him off at all- Im just making the point- whether it was Schiano or another HC- nobody is going to let a guy like that lead their team. Im with you on Schiano- disciplinarian- those types are tough- either players buy in or the don't- like Coughlin- at first many hated him- but now they respect him and understand his approach. Im not a Schiano fan- but I agree Josh has got to get his life together and priorities straight. If he does, you never know- but he has got to change things in his life. tons of talent for sure.

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
Outside all of Freeman's issues is that someone leaked that he was in the Drug Testing system. If it ever comes out that Schiano's crew or anyone else associated with the Bucs is responsible, both the NFL and the Players' Association is going to scream for heads.

From what Selassie said, I wouldn't put it past Schiano.

IMO, since Freeman's situation has been leaked, it seems to me the NFL needs to confirm Freeman's side. That is, if it's true. It's also possible that his ADHD is too severe; that being an NFL QB requires more focus than he can consistently offer.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
BTW... I heard that his "failed" test was for RITALIN which is also an ADHD drug. This stuff is used to make your mental reaction time increase,,, unless of course you need it for ADHD. I think he was trying to get a leg-up in performance, but he apparently does have a script for adderall. Ritalin is not approved though from what I heard just this morning.

I've never heard of him failing for cocaine or any other illegal drug.


May 10, 2012
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how many people enter drug treatment program for Ritallin?


Pro Bowler
Jun 24, 2010
tbux said:
how many people enter drug treatment program for Ritallin?
I believe there is an element of speed that is in the pills, but dont quote me on this

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
tbux said:
how many people enter drug treatment program for Ritallin?
If it's not on the NFL's list of approved drugs then they aren't supposed to take it. Ritalin is often used by people who don't have ADHD; it's a kind of brain/focus enhancer. You could think of it as brain-steroids.

Considering that most drug fails are kept confidential, we wouldn't know how many players got caught using Ritalin.


May 10, 2012
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im not talking about a failed test- Im talking about him being in drug treatment- how many enter that for Ritallin? just sayin

Ram Quixote

Knight Errant
Jul 10, 2010
tbux said:
im not talking about a failed test- Im talking about him being in drug treatment- how many enter that for Ritallin? just sayin
It was a failed test that got him into the NFL's drug testing system. He's not in drug treatment/rehab, per se. He said he agreed to the drug testing as a way of proving what happened was a fluke. I believe the number of tests he said he passed was 46.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... lin-093013</a>
In a statement to FOX Sports on Monday night, Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Josh Freeman addressed reports he's in the NFL's substance-abuse program by saying he has a temporary use exemption to take Adderall for ADHD and entered the program voluntarily.

Freeman's statement was issued in response to a report from ESPN stating he's in the first stage of the league's drug program. Though he's currently a few steps away from a potential suspension, Freeman felt the need to address the reports and clarify his situation, surely to help his cause in finding a new team, either by trade or through free agency if he's soon released.

"Let me be very clear. I have NEVER tested positive for any illegal drugs or related substances," Freeman wrote. "Further, I have agreed to take, and have PASSED 46 NFL-regulated drug tests over the last year-and-a-half."

Freeman says he entered the substance-abuse program more than 1-1/2 years ago, when he took Ritalin rather than his prescribed Adderall. Freeman said he offered to enter the program and be subject to repeat testing to show he made a "one-time mistake."

An independent source with knowledge of Freeman's situation confirmed to FOX Sports Freeman's account of how he entered the program and that he has passed all tests.

The source also said current head coach Greg Schiano was suspicious as to why Freeman was being tested regularly at the start of Schiano's time with the Buccaneers. The source said Freeman didn't initially divulge the full details of his situation to Schiano but assured him it wasn't related to a positive test.

"I agreed to allow such testing to be done at my workplace (team facility) because I spend all of my time there and I have nothing whatsoever to hide or be embarrassed about," Freeman said in his statement. "Unfortunately, it appears that some people who may have noticed the testing at my workplace have made hurtful and incorrect assumptions and chosen to disseminate inaccurate and very disturbing information. It is a shame that when times have gotten tough, people have chosen to attack the character of others, rather than supporting each other."

Freeman's situation with the Buccaneers has been tenuous for weeks, ever since reports surfaced he missed a team photo. Since then, there have been reports he missed multiple team meetings.

Freeman lost his job to rookie Mike Glennon and was inactive Sunday for a loss to the Arizona Cardinals. The team asked him to watch the game from a suite, and Freeman, wary of a possible suspension for conduct detrimental to the team if he didn't agree, obliged.

Freeman told FOX Sports' Jay Glazer on Sunday he would like to be released if the Bucs can't find a trade partner. So far, he remains a member of the organization, and Schiano said Monday that Freeman will be asked to fulfill all requirements asked of any active player.

"I remain dedicated and focused to being the best quarterback I can be," Freeman said, "and to help a team win a championship."


May 10, 2012
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yeah I know all that- Im saying I heard he recently checked into drug treatment. don't know if it is true- that is what is being said.


Jan 23, 2013
The radio interview and being late for his own football camp is telling. I have dealt with drug users for the last decade and I am not about to argue with TBux suspicions. So many times with drug users you find that 'if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck'.

Sports fans are always so quick to give the benefit of the doubt on this issue but I have seen enough to think that if the guy is a hard core clubber and has lots of 'friends in low places' than it is most likely that he is involved with drugs.

I never liked Freeman. I couldn't believe he was drafted as high as he was and was even more shocked when he had some of the success that he did.

As for Schiano, maybe his actions are warranted. Tampa has had plenty of talent and has underachieved for several years. Maybe the team is in need of a major cleanup. There are players in the NFL that once they arrive they are just there. They don't see the need to put in the extra work because they have reached their goals. I don't know if this is true of the team or not but if it is then I don't blame Schiano for trying to find out who is serious about working at their craft and who is just enjoying the ride.


May 10, 2012
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Elm- I listened to a radio show live where he was OBVIOUSLY on something- no question- and the radio guys knew it and did their best to try and get him off the phone and couldn't- their reaction and the callers afterward were all the same. The radio guys didn't say it- but everyone knew what they were thinking as every caller after was saying. he is on something- sad but true.

as I said- he is actually a nice guy- he just has some issues