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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Ive been having some bad stomach pains the last few days. My daughter had influenza B, I just assumed it was tied together. The pain increased every day and last night was a tipping point. Maybe two hours of sleep.

I got up this morning and couldn’t hardly walk, I was doubled over in pain. The worst damn pain I’ve ever felt, and I get gout.

My wife finally convinced me to go to the ER.

Luckily I listened. Turns out I have diverticulitis and a perforated colon. They caught it early enough that I won’t require surgery, at least at this point. The surgeon seems optimistic.

The pain is so intense. Anyone else have this? Some pointers by chance?

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #2
I should add I’m in the hospital for 2-3 days and currently on a clear liquid diet...that sucks


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I was basically bedridden with Crohn's for almost 2.5 years. The massive cramps, the blood, the throwing up til it ended in dry heaves.

I feel for you. That intense pain is no fun.

I had a kidney stone and was on a full whack of Percocet (which I hate) and had a massive pain in my gut so bad, I nearly passed out. Turns out it was a blood clot blocking the artery in my right kidney.

You're very, VERY fortunate that you caught it early. Perforations can become septic and at that point... it's all ugly.

Just make sure that you follow the doctor's orders. NO cheating. Trust me when I say that the alternatives are... well... less than optimal.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
@Juggs sorry to hear you're in pain brother. Hope you recover quickly and get well soon.

I've never had diverticulitis, but doesn't sound fun at all. Hopefully you get better and you can leave the hospital soon.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
I should add I’m in the hospital for 2-3 days and currently on a clear liquid diet...that sucks

Where's the "hug" option?

hitting the HaHa button would just seem cruel...

Alaskan Ram

Last Frontier Member
Jan 8, 2013
Around August last year I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis.
Similar story to yours. Sounds like I went in a bit earlier than you did though. My colon wasn't perforated.
I had severe stomach cramp in lower belly. I thought it might be an appendicitis attack. I'm a tough guy who never goes to hospital, but I've known others who've had their appendix rupture, and that shit is life threatening.
I talked to some co-workers that day about appendicitis symptoms. I was doubling over in pain through out the day and during meetings. My boss advised that going to an urgent care facility might be a better option than waiting in ER waiting room all day to be seen.
That was a good call.
The doc checked my prostate. (FUCK THAT EXAM), then poked and prodded. Based on the side of my abdomen that the pain was on, he didn't think it was appendicitis. I felt relieved. He could see I felt relieved and added, "you're not in the clear yet here man. I think you have diverticulitis, but we have to give you a CT Scan."
I was already on phone googling it as he was trying to explain. He said, "yeah, that picture right there:"

He continued to explain that most humans get diverticula "pimples" or "balloon sacks" on their digestive tracks by their late 60s or 70s, but Americans are getting them in their 40s due to the American Diet. We eat shit, not enough fiber, and basically: "push too hard when we poop".

If a popcorn seed, or other small in-digestible particulate passes through the your digestive track and gets lodged in the pathway leading into the pouch, then the diverticula can get infected. The inflammation causes severe pain. No-joke 'stabbed in the gut with a dagger' type pain.

So next, I drank some liquid, got put on an IV for the first time in my life, got shot full of dye, and got scanned.

The next day when I go in for results, it's confirmed that I have diverticulitis in the lower colon. The inflammation was so bad that the imagery was cloudy in that area. They couldn't count how many were inflamed.
The doctor also added a nice tidbit of trivia to the results. "So, did you know you only have one functioning kidney?"
WHAT THE FUCK? "Yeah, the other is atrophied. It might have atrophied a few years ago, or it might have been undeveloped your whole life. Hard to know since you've never been scanned before."

So now I have all kinds of end of year tests to go through.

The 10 day antibiotic recipe they put me on to stave off the inflammation sucked balls. You're going to be very nauseous. You can't drink alcohol with it. You are told not to lift anything heavy because you can rip a tendon in half (bicep or Achilles.) You can literally feel the tendons in your body while you are on these antibiotics. Take the doctors advise. No alcohol. No heavy lifting.
My pain started to go away the 2nd day in the 10 day program. But I stayed on it, because this stuff was no joke. If a diverticula ruptures, surgery is required in most cases, or it can be life threating.

Next, you get to be violated with a colonoscopy.
You prepare for one of those, well hell, I still have the instructions:


Don't stress too much about the colonoscopy procedure.
They put you on conscious sedation. Which means you get to be on an IV again. But this time administered by 3 very sexy, attractive nurses. It is a very "happy" drip. You won't have a care in the world.
When the 3 hot nurses wheel you into the room for the "procedure" they stay in there with you as you are rolled on your side. You won't notice that you are being grossly violated by a middle aged Indian doctor scoping out 30 feet of your colon and intestines.

There are websites you can visit about the change in diet you have to live with the rest of your life to avoid future flare ups. Also, now that you know what diverticulitis is, you'll be surprised how many people you know in life who also have it. You're in a club now.

I feel like this is a lot of info for you to "digest" for the time being. Happy to chat more about my close call return flare ups. You can almost feel that you've cheated on your diet, and another attack is almost coming. I do liquid diet again for a few days, and I use softeners instead of laxative. So far, I haven't had another full blown attack.

Good luck man... you'll get through this.
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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Appreciate it. Surgery still isn’t off the table as of now, they want to monitor me for another day or two. Fentanyl is a hell of a drug. As I type this I’m very short of breath, I’m pretty sure it’s a side effect to that dream liquid they keep pumpin in me.

I keep getting fevers which worries them a bit. So I’m monitored non stop it seems. I will keep updated

Alaskan Ram

Last Frontier Member
Jan 8, 2013
Yeah, your attack is more severe than mine was. Get well soon. Do keep us posted.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Hope you heal up soon Juggs! Don't hesitate to demand more pain meds from the nurses.That stuff sounds just awful.

@Alaskan Ram 's post is going to give me nightmares.


Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
I never dealt with it but my dad has for a long time. It fkd him up bad when he was going to his honeymoon with his new wife about 8 years ago. Spent the entire honeymoon in the hospital. Has been hospitalized once since for it. Shits bad.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Appreciate it. Surgery still isn’t off the table as of now, they want to monitor me for another day or two. Fentanyl is a hell of a drug. As I type this I’m very short of breath, I’m pretty sure it’s a side effect to that dream liquid they keep pumpin in me.

I keep getting fevers which worries them a bit. So I’m monitored non stop it seems. I will keep updated

don't be afraid to ask for Oxygen.

When I was put on Dilaudid and I immediately had trouble breathing. Oxygen fixed it.

Without it, my O2 sat was dropping below 80%. Got the O2 via the uncomfortable nose hookup and it went back up to 96+ percent.

It's really important to monitor your O2 saturation. Bad things happen when you're oxygen deprived.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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  • #14
Just an update.

I’m now home. The couch brings nice comfort along with my new 65” I purchased the day before I went in to the hospital. lol

I have bad anxiety about not being at the hospital for for some reason. It’s my first medical scare and I don’t think I’m handling it as well as I probably should.

I have to meet with the surgeon and get a colonoscopy and see about getting surgery. Not sure about that.

The pain is still very present, but not on the same level. I have 5 scrips. 3 of which cause dizziness and nausea. I don’t feel nauseous very much but I’m dizzy as shit.

I’m having bathroom issues that I’ve never had before, I assume that comes with a colon perforation. Idk.

My biggest complaint is labored breathing. I pointed it out and the did an EKG and said it all looks normal. They were slamming me with Fentanyl the first 30 hours. I told them to stop and I didn’t want more because I was nervous that it was the cause of my breathing. My O2 levels were good the whole time, so maybe I’m just over thinking if.

Anyway, thank you all for the kind words. I appreciate it. Here is to getting better soon!—by the way...fuck yea on Marcus Peters


Mar 17, 2014
Good to know your home.
Being in constant pain can put a ton of stress on your body.
I don't know anything about what your going through, but I've learned quite a bit by reading through this thread the past couple days.
It seems your in good hands medically and hope the medical staff can get you feeling comfortable very soon.
Wish you the best through this juggs


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
He continued to explain that most humans get diverticula "pimples" or "balloon sacks" on their digestive tracks by their late 60s or 70s, but Americans are getting them in their 40s due to the American Diet. We eat crap, not enough fiber, and basically: "push too hard when we poop".

Well, I'm screwed.

Sorry to hear about this all, Juggs. Glad you're doing a bit better.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Diet can control this....my buddy has dealt with complications for years....

I'd get it cut out as soon as I felt healthy....it keeps coming back on him...


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
One of my hunting partners had to have surgery for it. It is nothing to mess with @Juggs Do what the doc says. My buddy is healthier now after having it so there's that. His doctor said it was a good redirection of his lifestyle. Mainly it forced him to eat better and take care of himself. Get better man.