Cool Animals That you've seen

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Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I almost stepped on an alligator snapping turtle yesterday. It was just a baby. Snapping turtles are pretty cool. I debated touching it.

Dieter the Brock

Fourth responder
May 18, 2014
Those snapping turtles are freaky

The other day during the hard rains my boy collected about a dozen craw daddies from the creek


Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
The other day while walking around in the backyard I stepped on a dead mole that my Beagle had murdered. It made a loud popping sound. The dog kills anything he can catch and sometimes brings it in the house. Twice now I've found dead moles in my bed. :mad: He's a murderous little bastard but I guess he's just following his instincts.

I live on top of a hill deep in the woods, so I've seen deer, possums, skunks, moles, squirrels, rabbits, snakes, and the occasional bear. A few years back while walking the dog on our street at night, a bear ran right by us on all fours. We hid behind a truck and then the bear doubled back but never saw us. My neighbor told me that he recently saw a bear standing upright in my front yard.


Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I've seen some very cool animals out in the ocean. Some while I was in the boat, and some while I was in the water with them (diving).

A few that come to mind right away...

We had a whale shark swim right up alongside the boat once. What an amazing creature they are. The seas were horrible that day and I was on a friend's boat and it was having engine problems so we were limping back into port on only 1 engine. It was nasty... all of a sudden a sailfish jumped out of the water and almost landed in the boat. We would have completely missed the shark if it wasn't for this sailfish drawing our attention. We think that the shark spooked the sailfish or something for it to go airborne like that or maybe it was feeding on a small fish following this shark. Anyway, this whale shark was at least 20 ft long and it was swimming on the surface with the boat for about 5 minutes before it went down deeper. If the seas hadn't been so horrible, both of us would have jumped in with it. We still talk about missing out on that opportunity. It was very cool to see though.

Along the Bahama Bank one year we came up on a pod of pilot whales. There must have been 100 of them. They completely surrounded my boat in all directions. I was seconds from jumping in with these guys,,, when a huge oceanic white tip shark swam right up to the boat. Those suckers take bites out of anything they can find floating in the open ocean... not a shark to be in the water with. It even attempted to bite the motors and hull. The pilot whales were completely unfased by his presence. We drifted along with them for about 20 minutes.

In the water I've seen amazing fish...

Lots of sharks. I even had a big bull shark take a speared snapper right out of my hands. This was not by design, the shark was stealing the fish. It was a close call for me. I don't mind being close to sharks in the water... UNLESS it's a bull shark. You can just feel the tension when they are near.

I've had to fight for my pole spear when having non-bull sharks steal fish off the tip many times. That isn't terrifying like dealing with a bull.

I've had monstrous green moray eels almost pull me down into their caves. They sometimes come out and steal a lobster right off your spear. You will not win a tug of war with one. Their strength is amazing and some are bigger than you.

I used to carry a mesh bag with me to carry lobsters in. I quite that practice when I had a big fat ass nurse shark grab my bag full of bugs and drug my ass down with him about 35 feet. I was free diving and I was attempting to surface when I was dragged back down. That sucked... but I was somehow able to get my bag away from him. It was attached to my arm.

I could go on for days with fish tales.
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Hall of Fame
Mar 11, 2013
I've seen some very cool animals out in the ocean. Some while I was in the boat, and some while I was in the water with them (diving).

A few that come to mind right away...

We had a whale shark swim right up alongside the boat once. What an amazing creature they are. The seas were horrible that day and I was on a friend's boat and it was having engine problems so we were limping back into port on only 1 engine. It was nasty... all of a sudden a sailfish jumped out of the water and almost landed in the boat. We would have completely missed the shark if it wasn't for this sailfish drawing our attention. We think that the shark spooked the sailfish or something for it to go airborne like that or maybe it was feeding on a small fish following this shark. Anyway, this whale shark was at least 20 ft long and it was swimming on the surface with the boat for about 5 minutes before it went down deeper. If the seas hadn't been so horrible, both of us would have jumped in with it. We still talk about missing out on that opportunity. It was very cool to see though.

Along the Bahama Bank one year we came up on a pod of pilot whales. There must have been 100 of them. They completely surrounded my boat in all directions. I was seconds from jumping in with these guys,,, when a huge oceanic white tip shark swam right up to the boat. Those suckers take bites out of anything they can find floating in the open ocean... not a shark to be in the water with. It even attempted to bite the motors and hull. The pilot whales were completely unfased by his presence. We drifted along with them for about 20 minutes.

In the water I've seen amazing fish...

Lots of sharks. I even had a big bull shark take a speared snapper right out of my hands. This was not by design, the shark was stealing the fish. It was a close call for me. I don't mind being close to sharks in the water... UNLESS it's a bull shark. You can just feel the tension when they are near.

I've had to fight for my pole spear when having non-bull sharks steal fish off the tip many times. That isn't terrifying like dealing with a bull.

I've had monstrous green moray eels almost pull me down into their caves. They sometimes come out and steal a lobster right off your spear. You will not win a tug of war with one. Their strength is amazing and some are bigger than you.

I used to carry a mess bag with me to carry lobsters in. I quite that practice when I had a big fat ass nurse shark grab my bag full of bugs and drug my ass down with him about 35 feet. I was free diving and I was attempting to surface when I was dragged back down. That sucked... but I was somehow able to get my bag away from him. It was attached to my arm.

I could go on for days with fish tales.

Exactly why I dont fuck with the ocean. Lol

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I was driving down the road a couple weeks back and saw the biggest snappin turtle I've ever seen just walking off to the right side of the lane, not on the shoulder. He was a dick and making people go around.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Coyotes man.

Saw one cross the highway when driving to OK State for a PCAT test. This was in 2010.

At the place where I interned last fall, there was a family of coyotes wandering around the facility.

I've also ran across elk, deer, copperheads, feral hogs but they were all part of a nature preserve.

Oh and a skunk ran across the neighbor's yard once.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
My wife and I went by car from the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica into the middle of the country. Had to go over some crazy ass mountainous shit. Rainforest. At one point on our drive over in the morning they were chainsawing a huge hardwood tree that had fallen across our road. We went back across this shit after dark. We hired a local driver btw.

Anyway,,, lots of monkeys and pizotes. Pizotes (Pizote) are like a weird raccoon-lemur cross. But the coolest animal we saw was a very small ant eater. We saw it that night coming back across to the coast. Even our driver had only seen one of these once in his lifetime. There's some strange looking animals out there in the jungle.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
We don't really have any alligator snapping turtle's this far north , but we do have plenty of common snapping turtles , all though they don't get near as large as alligator snapping turtle , which can reach over 200 lbs , we do have some common snapping turtles that get plenty big

I remember when I was a kid , we have creeks and lakes all around us , and when we were kids , we would always ride our bikes out to the creeks and bring home all sorts of creatures , snapping turtles would be one of them , although much smaller , most the ones I'd bring home were around the size of a coffee can lid , but we'd also drag home crawdads , snakes , frogs , just about anything we could carry , if you went out to the creeks early in the morning before the sun got to high and to warm , you could easily find just about anything out

But the strange thing was , of all the creatures I'd drag home with me , they always seemed to disappear the next day while I was at school , my Mom always swore , she had no idea how they kept getting away , :whistle:


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
Coyotes man.

Saw one cross the highway when driving to OK State for a PCAT test. This was in 2010.

At the place where I interned last fall, there was a family of coyotes wandering around the facility.

I've also ran across elk, deer, copperheads, feral hogs but they were all part of a nature preserve.

Oh and a skunk ran across the neighbor's yard once.
We have Coyotes all over the place around here , even though we live on the very edge of town , it's really not that often we see one come in to town , but if you're outside around sunset , you can sure hear them in the distance


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
One thing .....................well.....................two things that are my favorites around here are both , the Bald Eagle , and the Red Tail Hawk , or other wise known as The Chicken Hawk , might depend on where your from

But those Red Tail Hawks are just all over the place , not a day goes by that I don't see two or three of them just hovering in the air looking for prey

And the other , are the Bald Eagles , it's so cool to seem them coming back as strong as they are , when I was a kid , you never saw a Bald Eagle around here , but now today , you can see them all the time , they are sooooooooooo cool , and big , , I can never get over just how large a Bald Eagle is

This first picture is one that I actually took myself last Fall , there was actually two pairs of Bald Eagles in the field right across the street from my house , When I was trying to get closer to take a better picture , two of them took off , but my wife yelling at me , That's Probably Close Enough !!!! , didn't help any either , but I did get a picture of the other two , but it was super cool anyways

Bald Eagles really started coming back around here in like the last ten years , but in the last five years , their population around here has really exploded




Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
One thing .....................well.....................two things that are my favorites around here are both , the Bald Eagle , and the Red Tail Hawk , or other wise known as The Chicken Hawk , might depend on where your from

But those Red Tail Hawks are just all over the place , not a day goes by that I don't see two or three of them just hovering in the air looking for prey

And the other , are the Bald Eagles , it's so cool to seem them coming back as strong as they are , when I was a kid , you never saw a Bald Eagle around here , but now today , you can see them all the time , they are sooooooooooo cool , and big , , I can never get over just how large a Bald Eagle is

This first picture is one that I actually took myself last Fall , there was actually two pairs of Bald Eagles in the field right across the street from my house , When I was trying to get closer to take a better picture , two of them took off , but my wife yelling at me , That's Probably Close Enough !!!! , didn't help any either , but I did get a picture of the other two , but it was super cool anyways

Bald Eagles really started coming back around here in like the last ten years , but in the last five years , their population around here has really exploded




My parrot "Rasta" hangs out on our screened-in porch during the day when we are home. He raises hell with all of the birds who come around. But let me tell you what......... when a bird of prey like a Red Tail or a Bald Eagle fly by.... my boy comes flying into the house screaming bloody murder. He always has one eye on the sky looking out for birds of prey.

Sometimes the ultra light airplanes that land in the water in our lake have the same effect on him since they are coming in so low.

Blimps fly directly over our place during football Bowl season too. The Citrus Bowl is very near me. My poor boy thinks the biggest killer of all time is after him when they fly over..... and they fly slowwwwwwwwww.



Possibly the OH but cannot self-identify
Jun 20, 2014
my parents have an albino squirrel farting around their place. I'll try to get a pic.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I almost stepped on an alligator snapping turtle yesterday. It was just a baby. Snapping turtles are pretty cool. I debated touching it.
I found one of those last month (a full adult) walking across a busy street to get to the other lake, so I stopped the car and picked him up to help him across so he wouldn't get smashed. What a bastard that thing was. It kept trying to bite my fingers off while it was clawing the shit out of the top of my hands with his back feet. My hands were all bloodied as I threw that sumbitch about 20 yards into the middle of the lake.


That got a couple of weird stares from passing cars...