Children And Spirits

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I am not now, nor have I ever been a strong believer in the paranormal. With that said, as some of you know, my Father-in-Law passed away a few days ago. I have 2 small children, my Daughter is 3 1/2 and my son is almost two. My daughter especially, meant more than anything in this world to my father in law. He loved her more than he loved breathing. Well the other day I had to try and explain to her that her pawpaw went to Heaven to live with Jesus(A very emotional thing for me to have to do) Well, today, my wife went to her mothers house to spend some time with her and see how she is holding up. I got a call a bit ago from my wife saying my daughter kept touching her grandpas recliner then running in his room and back. Then started talking, saying, "They told me you don't live here but you do. They said your in Heaven."......While a large piece of myself believes this is just a confused little girl who misses her grandpa and doesn't understand why he isn't hunkered down in his recliner as usual, a small part of me just smiles, and hopes that he just couldn't go without seeing his "Sugar Dumplin" one last time. I'm curious, have any of you ever experienced such things? I am well aware that a lot of what we see is just what our mind is longing to see, some sort of possible connection to those who have passed...but damn, its a nice thought i think.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
It's very real, and I know this first-hand.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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It's very real, and I know this first-hand.
Care to elaborate? Cause I noticed my son looking up at the wall trying to have a conversation. And in the truck, my daughter was sleeping and my son was in the back seat cracking the hell up like someone was playing with him. I just don't wanna feel like I'm reaching for something that isn't there


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Care to elaborate? Cause I noticed my son looking up at the wall trying to have a conversation. And in the truck, my daughter was sleeping and my son was in the back seat cracking the hell up like someone was playing with him. I just don't wanna feel like I'm reaching for something that isn't there
I'd rather not, because nobody is going to believe it - and it's kind of personal. Just trust me that they're not imagining things.


Insert something clever here
Rams On Demand Sponsor
SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
sometimes a spirit really wants to say one last goodbye before"crossing over"

I have had a few paranormal occurrences, but not with a loved one who passed. Just cases of being in the right place at the right time I guess

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Here goes...

When I was in 10th grade my family was forced to live in Leavenworth Kansas. We only lived there for a year. My Dad was a military officer and had to attend a military college there, not by choice... it was required. I think it is called the Command and General Staff College, but whatever. It was Leavenworth fucking Kansas, and I swear to you,,, when I looked out my sliding glass back doors... my view was the Federal Penitentiary. Fort Leavenworth Kansas baby... it fucking sucked.

My good friend's Dad was the Base Commode or some very important shit. He was a 1 Star General, that I remember,,, so they lived in the biggest oldest house on the Base. It was a massive place and me and a few other guys would always hang out over there. People were always stopping in front of the house in their cars and getting out to take pictures of the place... I always thought it was because the house was the biggest fucker on base,,, but I was very surprised to find out the real reason.

One afternoon I was over there and my friend's Dad went out the front door screaming at some people who had stopped to take a pic. I said to my friend something like, "why's your pops being such a dick about a few pics of the General's house?". He then tells me that the reason people are always taking pics is because his house is actually in a book that lists real haunted houses. His Dad didn't believe in that shit and many of the people taking pics weren't authorized to even be on the base. His Dad was fucking pissed at people would who stop,,, I witnessed him do this many more times after that one too.

I'll try and make this short. The story was that many years back, a Grandmother was babysitting her Grandchild (this is the connection I made from your post Juggs,,, the Grandparent and all) and the child died of some natural caused,,, but the Grandmother was in suck shock that she also died from shock of it all. The Grandmother's ghost was said to be there in the house. Supposedly she is a helpful kid of ghost and usually only really shows up when young children are present.

My friend's Dad would always accuse us of hiding his shit and then putting it back where he had already looked for it. He did not believe in any way in this ghost. We never hid his shit. This guy was a stickler for detail, and he wouldn't just misplace shit, so he never believed that it wasn't us trying to fuck with him.

This guys dog would always bark at the doorway to the room that was the Grandmother's. For no good reason either. Several times the hair stood up on the back of my neck when I saw this.

The kicker for me happened one night when I was spending the night over there. We were going to a basketball scrimmage/game thing early the next morning and it was an away deal... we had to pack all our shit that night and we had a list from our coaches. My shit was already packed, but my friend was laying all of his gear out on his bed going down the list. Of all things, he couldn't find his jersey. He had his stuff laid out on his bed just like if he was wearing everything... shorts socks underneath, shoes... not jersey on top. We went downstairs to and asked his Mom for the jersey,,, she was the only other person in the house at the time,,, she told us she had no idea where it was and started giving my friend a lecture about not keeping track of his stuff... we went back upstairs,,, and his fucking jersey was laid out on the bed right above his shorts. I would never believe this if I hadn't seen this myself. I shit you not though.

It freaked me out and I'll never forget it.


Hall of Fame
Mar 11, 2013
Imo kids can see things we cant. My son tripped his mother and I out when he was 3. Shit if I bring it up now she will still get all scared and shit lol.

if your little girl seen pawpaw again, good for her bro. I'm happy he was there and she was able to see him. Sometimes I wish that shit would happen to me with the loved ones I miss.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
Your not crazy my friend.

When my wife grandmother and father passed away they willed us their house.

About a week after we moved in my then 1 year old son kept smiling and waiving randomly throughout the day. Or he would just start busting up laughing and running to his room and back.

This won't for over a year.
One day my wife finally asked who he was waiving at and he said gamma. And pointed at her picture on the wall.

About 5 months after he turned 4 he came out of his room in tears. Once I finally got him calmed down I asked him what was wrong and he told me granma left she said it was time for her to go to heaven with grandpa and she left me.

We had a nice long talk and he was happy then that granma and granpa were together again.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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Damn , that gave me chills


Jan 15, 2013
In my opinion kids are open to things that adults are conditioned to ignore/not accept. I have seen this personally multiple times. As a person who tries to look at things logically I believe most things can be explained. However, I also believe without hesitation (as X said) in paranormal stuff. This is from personal experience. Things that could not be explained away and I tried and tried. I think if someone has had a profound personal experience someone else cannot understand it. Its like trying to explain the flavor of chocolate ice cream to someone who has never tasted it (or whatever).
For adults to experience these things I think it occurs because they are forced to be open to it from a loss or an event that lowers their defence mechanism. Just a thought.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
I can't say that I believe in the paranormal but I keep my mind open to the possibility and I try not to eff with it. Although, myself and a few friends broke into an old insane asylum that had been shut down in 80s a few years ago and nothing paranormal happened. Probably a good thing. Place was creepy enough.

This is the building we explored(during the night). The steeple to the top left, we actually went all the way to the top and got some great pictures of the city from there.
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Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I have never experienced any paranormal activity I know of , I don't however discount any of it.
There are so many things that have to go right in just the human body for it to live that I can't accept that what we are and see is random chance ,so given the belief in God that I am blessed with I believe he can certainly foster any and all of the a fore mentioned occurrences ,good reads one and all good thread Juggs.
Ya got a lot going on in your life right now,I'll remember you in my prayers tonight.


Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2010
There are so many things that have to go right in just the human body for it to live that I can't accept that what we are and see is random chance ,so given the belief in God that I am blessed with I believe he can certainly foster any and all of the a fore mentioned occurrences ,good reads one and all good thread Juggs.

I feel pretty much the same way.


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
I'm not a religious person really but I've had some weird things that always make me wonder. I mean, when I hear stories or movies about paranormal stuff I usually just dismiss it...but there are a few things that I've witnessed that make me wonder if it was something paranormal.

When I was in college my fraternity had a lodge (which was an old 2 room school house, was listed on a few websites as a haunted place)...There were always a bunch of stories from alumni and even current fraternity brothers about seeing or hearing things. One story was about the family who lived in the run down shit hole next door...the guy in charge of maintaining the property said he kept catching the little boy inside our lodge playing by himself and would tell him to go home. Finally after this happened a few times he walked the boy to his house to speak to his parents. His parents told him that the boy said he always went over there to play with his friend, Jessica. Now, this is when my fraternity brother got freaked out...the story with the lodge is that when it was a school house a little girl fell through the floor into the furnace room...her name was Jessica.

Other people there have said they had seen a shadowy figure looking out the window when the train goes by...another friend of mine said he saw a glowing circle that he said looked like a little girl skipping rope.

Then one of those paranormal investigator shows from SciFi or A and E came out to the lodge when I was in school and did a study...they said that there was a spirit but it wasn't the little girl but a brother of the fraternity...though they didn't rule out that there were more spirits there.

Here is where my personal story comes in...I used to be in charge of doing all the music and lighting for our parties...which meant I was usually the first person there and the last to leave. When I was finishing setting up for the party it was around 8pm and getting dark out. I was the only one in the building (which was creepy as fuck) and had the music really loud to set it the way I wanted...well, as I was walking up to one of the speakers because it had some crackling (bad connection type sound) the music stopped just as I heard my name come through the speaker. I turned around and looked in the DJ both to see which fraternity brother was with there to fuck with me...nobody was there and the music came back on and was playing a song from a different playlist, the song was one that we play at our initiation.

Now, I always tried to rationalize that with computer malfunction, already being creeped out, imagination, etc. But part of me definitely thinks about that moment. There had been other times setting up for similar parties that I had gotten that feeling that someone was peering over my shoulder or looking at me from across the room, etc.

Another story, not as wild though, is at my current house. A lot of times in the summer I work late into the early morning. We always close the kitchen door so the dogs/cat don't get into the trash. Well, I always come home and get a glass of water after work. So for about 5 or 6 times in a row I'd come home and the hand soap would be moved from the kitchen sink to the middle of the floor. I just assumed my fiance dropped it the first couple times until it happened enough that I was really confused. So I asked her what was up with the soap...she didn't know what I was talking about, so I said well you must not realize you are doing it or maybe you are setting it too close to the edge of the counter or something and it falls off. Well, finally she put the soap under the sink so that it didn't fall off. That night I came home and it was sitting on top of the counter. I asked her about it and she again had no idea...but it hasn't moved since.

I've got a few more second had stories and some other first hand accounts...but maybe I'll get into those some other time.


Jun 24, 2010
I believe in it... I saw some stuff myself that I'll never forget. Nothing scary, but definitely made me believe in spirits.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I believe in it... I saw some stuff myself that I'll never forget. Nothing scary, but definitely made me believe in spirits.
Sup Booger. Where you been lately?


Jun 24, 2010
I'm always here, my friend. I'm on here every day, I just don't post as much. You guys all do a great job of posting cool stuff on here, and I can't get away! I also just retired from the Navy, so I have LOTS of time on my hands until I lock down a job. Until then, lots of internet, working out, and hanging out with the fam.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I'm always here, my friend. I'm on here every day, I just don't post as much. You guys all do a great job of posting cool stuff on here, and I can't get away! I also just retired from the Navy, so I have LOTS of time on my hands until I lock down a job. Until then, lots of internet, working out, and hanging out with the fam.
Well cool. It's good to see you again, man.