Camp Thursday the 9th

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Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
You could definitely tell they were easing off on the veterans today. The ones took very few reps in 11 on 11. All of the vets ended practice with a stretching session a full thirty minutes before the rookies and undrafted players left.

During the latter part of the 11 on 11 drills Sam Bradford hardly took any snaps at all and most of them went to Clemons early and Davis later.

Fisher usually gets the most involved during the red zone drills and will watch the WR/CB match-up very closely. Today he took charge several times when they were running a two minute drill early in the day. Then later on during the 11 on 11 he focused some individual attention on the oline and some of its members.

I don't know that I have ever seen a Rams practice where the Hail Mary and last second lateral play was run as much as it was today. I called it the California band play on twitter but it of course should more properly be called the Stanford band play.

While the veterans were moving off the field Sam, Clemons, Smith, Salas, Amendola and Pettis went to the other field and were still running plays as my son and I left.

QB-Davis had an amazing run early on in all the drills. He was hitting everything all the way up until Middleton dropped an easy pass over the middle. After that Davis was erratic as hell, the ball sailed on him numerous times and he very badly underthrew several routes.

The torture of Tom Brandstater continues as he finally received substantial reps but it was all during the extended running drills they ran for about thirty minutes....starting to feel sorry for him.

Sam hit two really nice deep outs to Smith early on and then was pretty much done for the day save for the work he did on the side with the veteran receivers.

Clemons finally stood in on 7 on 7 and didn't bail out on the play. It sounds like Sam is only going to get a few series Sunday.

RB-Calvin Middleton is not 5:11 (never trust a football program or roster to tell the truth). If anything he looks shorter than Pead and Richardson. He has a lot of trouble in the passing game based on a small sample but really leans into his runs and has those Earl Campbell thighs that knock off tacklers. I think he has a chance to stick as a fourth running back or on the practice squad.

I got an extended look at Richardson and Pead today as SJ39 sat out again. The only thing I question is how much sense it makes to have two backs that essentially the same person with much the same strengths and weaknesses as the sole back ups to Jackson. Pead can bounce on inside stuff but neither of these guys break 200 pounds and aren't going to be anyone's feature in a ground and pound attack. What they both can do is break creases in a spread type attack, return kicks, be third down backs and get outside.

WR-Smith looked slow at times Tuesday, tired and at times I wondered how sore he must be. Today he ran two excellent deep outs for about thirty each time. He sat out a lot of the later drills. The best catch of the day though was by Salas on a deep post from Clemons. Salas played almost exclusively outside today.

Givens was open on a couple of deep nines but the ball was consistently underthrown to him by Davis. Given looked lost much of the first week but has stepped it up this week. Quick worked with Sherman and another coach while all the other players stretched and warmed up. He would run in place and from about five yards away Sherman would fire a ball at him. This went on for about 15 minutes before they allowed Quick to join the rest of the squad. Quick later ran a deep nine of his own for a TD.

The tight ends got very little work today in the passing game. I watched Eldridge and right now he is the best blocker of the bunch. The sole memorable catch was by local Mike McNeill.

OLine-Focus of much angst and fury today in the local press. Honestly when I have focused on the line it has not by and large been on Smith. What I have seen of him was a vast improvement over some of his previous pass blocking. He has always had a balance and footwork problem which Boudreau interprets as attacking too much and not letting the play come to him. Richardson has talent but has always lacked discipline. In the past his play has been erratic and resembles our old friend Alex Barron in terms of penalties. Joe Long took most of the reps at left tackle with Kevin Hughes and Rok at guards. Tim Barnes who whiffed badly several times in running plays played center and Ryan Mckee and Jose Valdez split reps at right tackle. The ones and twos got in there early but those guys took the majority of the reps.

Dline-Laws is still limited. Whether or not that accounts for Conrath moving up in the depth chart is debatable. Conrath doesn't seem built to play tackle but they use him on third downs a lot and if he gets any inside push wtih Brockers present an enormous hurdle to throw over.

The dline did an extended drill where they had to knock over two tackling dummies and then either strip a ball or tomahawk a ball from a third dummy. To get to that point the lineman had to circle a coach and then start the drill. Brockers knocked the dummies into molten plastic and most of the players seemed to have fun with the drill and put a lot into it. Darrell Scott looked slow and clumsy in his circle or spin and just walked through the rest of it.

LB-Aaron Brown got extensive time during the latter part of the drills, made no penetration when he blitzed but looks good on special teams drills. Noah Keller is getting some time with Cole in the third down package as dual blitzers. Keller is a rookie form Ohio.

DB-They did another of Cecil's short area cone drills. This was a different one where they had to back pedal, charge about five yards and close on a coach kneeling who would toss them a ball underhanded. Then they backpedaled again and closed on another coach who would throw a point blank bullet at their chest. Tru Johnson had a couple of good plays today and got credit for a deflection on a deep ball to Givens. The ball was underthrown though and Givens had him by about a step and a half. Stewart and Fletcher sat out the day.

No Zuerlein bombs today.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
So whadda ya think Jim? Are Long and Quinn just THAT dominating, or are the tackles <Joe Namath voice> strruhh-gulll-ing?


Rams Lifer
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
X said:
So whadda ya think Jim? Are Long and Quinn just THAT dominating, or are the tackles <Joe Namath voice> strruhh-gulll-ing?
Yikes, who knows?

OLine-Focus of much angst and fury today in the local press. Honestly when I have focused on the line it has not by and large been on Smith. What I have seen of him was a vast improvement over some of his previous pass blocking. He has always had a balance and footwork problem which Boudreau interprets as attacking too much and not letting the play come to him. Richardson has talent but has always lacked discipline. In the past his play has been erratic and resembles our old friend Alex Barron in terms of penalties. Joe Long took most of the reps at left tackle with [hil]Kevin Hughes[/hil] and Rok at guards. Tim Barnes who whiffed badly several times in running plays played center and Ryan Mckee and Jose Valdez split reps at right tackle. The ones and twos got in there early but those guys took the majority of the reps.

Finally got a look at guard. Didn't Demoff tell me they only thought of him as a tackle...or is Hughes the new secret weapon? I hope he has a chance to impress wherever he plays...they need help badly. Sunday will tell a little.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
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  • #4
X said:
So whadda ya think Jim? Are Long and Quinn just THAT dominating, or are the tackles <Joe Namath voice> strruhh-gulll-ing?

I think its a lot of both. Smith and Saffold couldn't handle the wide nine last year. I think they can hide some of this with three step drops, get it out quick and some two tight end formations. Skeptical that Richardson is an improvement over Smith.

Sunday will give everyone a better idea even if just for a quarter.

This is still shorts, helmet and shoulder pads. That is one reason I don't watch the oline a whole lot.

Saffold isn't hurt apparently...has some soreness but is being held out only as a precaution. Fisher was said to never kill his team in camp with the Titans.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
jimitroutboy said:
I think its a lot of both. Smith and Saffold couldn't handle the wide nine last year. I think they can hide some of this with three step drops, get it out quick and some two tight end formations.
I think that's going to be the key too. Extra blockers, using motion, getting the running game going, etc. A strong defense (keeping the score close) will obviously help to keep the opposing defense honest too. It's still early, and there's still time to develop cohesion, but like Softli said, we're one injury away from having to reshuffle everything. And that's the LAST thing Bradford needs to have happen.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
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I would also add some caution to the oline camp reports. It used to be under Linehan and Spags that the oline did its individual drills next to the fence. The way RamsPark is laid out is not spectator friendly.

There are three fields with the far field being an artificial turf field. The two nearest ones are grass and that is where the majority of the practice is held.

But this year the oline does all of its individual squad work on the turf field and really don't join the rest of the team until about an hour into practice.

I know Softli can go places I can't there. But for the most part I see him parked on the edge watching the full squad work outs.

There is a reason I haven''t been writing all that much about the line and its because you can't see a lot of what they are doing and when you do its in shorts.

So take some of this stuff with caution.

Freak out full blast on Sunday however.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
jimitroutboy said:
I would also add some caution to the oline camp reports. It used to be under Linehan and Spags that the oline did its individual drills next to the fence. The way RamsPark is laid out is not spectator friendly.

There are three fields with the far field being an artificial turf field. The two nearest ones are grass and that is where the majority of the practice is held.

But this year the oline does all of its individual squad work on the turf field and really don't join the rest of the team until about an hour into practice.

I know Softli can go places I can't there. But for the most part I see him parked on the edge watching the full squad work outs.

There is a reason I haven''t been writing all that much about the line and its because you can't see a lot of what they are doing and when you do its in shorts.

So take some of this stuff with caution.

Freak out full blast on Sunday however.
Point taken.

I don't know what preseason will show us either though. Remember that Vikings game in the 2010 presesaon?

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Remember that Patriots game in the 2010 preseason?


Never gets old.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Ah, preseason memories. :lol:

Remember the Titans preseason game?



Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
Another great report. Thanks Jimi.

I have a question and a comment.

First, when Conrath steps in with the ones, in third down situations, who has he been replacing? Is it Brockers or Langford more often than not?

Also you questioned why we would have our 2 back up RBs be basically the same back(quick but smallish RB). I would contend that Fisher may have a preference for those type of guys. CJ2K is 5-11 and about 190lbs.


Aug 21, 2011
Jim Fadler
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  • #11
libertadrocks said:
Another great report. Thanks Jimi.

I have a question and a comment.

First, when Conrath steps in with the ones, in third down situations, who has he been replacing? Is it Brockers or Langford more often than not?

Also you questioned why we would have our 2 back up RBs be basically the same back(quick but smallish RB). I would contend that Fisher may have a preference for those type of guys. CJ2K is 5-11 and about 190lbs.

Its Conrath and Brockers right now in the nickel package with Cole as an OLB always as a blitzer and Laurinaitis spying the middle.

The nickel back is Fletcher and Finnegan shifts into the slot. In dime right now Tru Johnson comes in as the fourth CB.

Yes you are exactly right and I thought the same when Richardson was drafted. Johnson made a lot of those yards out of a spread formation under Fisher and they would spread out the defense and try and pop him through a crack.

What I wanted to see for SJ39 was a goal line type of back to take those yards off his workload.

But I do like Pead.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
Happy to see Joe Long's name pop up. I remember him sounding like a monster during OTAs and haven't heard his name much during camp. I'm hoping to see him eventually become the swing tackle.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Warner4Prez said:
Happy to see Joe Long's name pop up. I remember him sounding like a monster during OTAs and haven't heard his name much during camp. I'm hoping to see him eventually become the swing tackle.
Can you think of another time where two offensive linemen were drafted the same year and their brothers were already offensive linemen in the league? (Kalil, Long). I know 'technically' Joe Long was drafted, but you get the point.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
X said:
Warner4Prez said:
Happy to see Joe Long's name pop up. I remember him sounding like a monster during OTAs and haven't heard his name much during camp. I'm hoping to see him eventually become the swing tackle.
Can you think of another time where two offensive linemen were drafted the same year and their brothers were already offensive linemen in the league? (Kalil, Long). I know 'technically' Joe Long was drafted, but you get the point.

Good take Pauly. Gold star for obscure football trivia!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Warner4Prez said:
X said:
Warner4Prez said:
Happy to see Joe Long's name pop up. I remember him sounding like a monster during OTAs and haven't heard his name much during camp. I'm hoping to see him eventually become the swing tackle.
Can you think of another time where two offensive linemen were drafted the same year and their brothers were already offensive linemen in the league? (Kalil, Long). I know 'technically' Joe Long was drafted, but you get the point.

Good take Pauly. Gold star for obscure football trivia!
I'll just put this right here.



Hall of Fame
Aug 2, 2010
X said:
Warner4Prez said:
X said:
Warner4Prez said:
Happy to see Joe Long's name pop up. I remember him sounding like a monster during OTAs and haven't heard his name much during camp. I'm hoping to see him eventually become the swing tackle.
Can you think of another time where two offensive linemen were drafted the same year and their brothers were already offensive linemen in the league? (Kalil, Long). I know 'technically' Joe Long was drafted, but you get the point.

Good take Pauly. Gold star for obscure football trivia!
I'll just put this right here.


I touched it.....and then "I felt a shiver go up my leg." :sly: