Blood Moon

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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014

Blood Moon to arrive Monday night. What is a Blood Moon?
Blood Moon is not a term astronomers use, but the event overnight Monday – a full lunar eclipse – will be pretty cool, and it will be the first of four in a row. So who did invent the term?

First things first: There is no such thing as a blood moon.

OK, now that we've got that out of the way, we can tell you what actually is happening overnight Monday, and why people are calling it a blood moon – a term that leaves astronomers scratching their heads.

The short version is: Early Tuesday morning, about two hours after midnight, much of North and South America will have a chance to see a full lunar eclipse. Not only that, it will be the first of four consecutive lunar eclipses during the next two years, with the remaining three each happening six months after the previous one.

Astronomers do have a name for this. It's called a tetrad, and it's unusual but hardly unprecedented.

There have been 62 tetrads since the first century, Earth Sky magazine reports. There will be eight this century alone, though none occurred in the 17th, 18th, or 19th century.

But what about this blood moon thing?

That, apparently, is the invention of two Christian pastors, Mark Blitz and John Hagee, who suggest that this particular tetrad has religious significance. The reason? The first and the third eclipses (April 2014 and 2015) will happen on the Jewish festival of Passover, while the second and fourth (October 2014 and 2015) will happen during the Jewish Tabernacles festival.

Since the Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, that is perhaps not as unusual as it sounds, but Mr. Hagee, a pastor in San Antonio, Texas, suggests there is a "world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015," according to the San Antonio Express-News. Two years ago, Hagee gained international attention for a series of sermons titled, “Could 2012 be the end of the world as we know it?” the Express-News reports.

Eight of the 62 tetrads since the first century have coincided with Passover, according to Earth Sky's math.

As for "blood"?

That's just because the moon turns a coppery red during any full eclipse. During a full eclipse, the sunlight that hits the moon is passing though Earth's atmosphere at sunrise and sunset. So it sheds that red glow on the moon.

In other words, any full lunar eclipse could be called a blood moon. There's nothing different about how this one will look, despite all the PR.

The eclipse will begin at about 2 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Tuesday and last about 3-1/2 hours, according to By 3 a.m., the eclipse will be full.


May 28, 2011
Total lunar eclipses happen every few years. I have no idea why so many people are acting like this is going to be the end of the world... Not everything needs a spin..


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Total lunar eclipses happen every few years. I have no idea why so many people are acting like this is going to be the end of the world... Not everything needs a spin..
Of course it does. The end is near. The end is near. Now don't you feel better? I know I sure do.

Anywho... hoping that we have some clearish skies tonight. It's been a while since I've seen one a full eclipse. Figure I might as well stay up for the end of the world anyway.


Mar 12, 2014
Something significant will happen within the next year or so.

I agree 100%, however that is a safe bet for me to make. As so far we have had a airplane full of folks go missing, Putin invade the Ukraine, of course weather related problems. So the chance of something big happening in the next year is a 100% just as it is every year. I am waiting for a real miracle when we have a year were nothing happens. No wars are fought, no crops are lost from a flood, politicians pass a law that really helps the populous ;)...LOL I think our whole world is already in a constant threat of trouble and something is gonna happen something significant. I would love to have a year were many news outlets had to go out of business cause just no bad news to report. Our arms manufactures had to take on sub contract work from car manufactures to keep their doors open. Kids went to school and the metal detector's were turned off. This would be so significant to me and a event we had never ever seen before a peaceful year, a year when the only tear shed were over the natural causes of death instead of death and destruction brought on by man. So yea I have ever faith and confidence something bad and big time will happen in the next year. Just once I would love to be shocked and a year of ho hum because nothing happened bad to report.

Rabid Ram

Mar 13, 2013
Imagine that this thread has gone politico and doomsday who woulda thunk it


Mar 12, 2014
Imagine that this thread has gone politico and doomsday who woulda thunk it

The nature of the beast or it is what mankind does. When ya take a world full of people and combine it with 100% of all of us think we are right and our ideas golden. Then the end result can only be anything and everything turning political and into a debate or hot topic. However in all honesty the reason or cause for any or politco this debate can turn into we have to lay as the cause the very author of this written piece. As he sought out to agendize it when he said it was the invention of two Christians and went on further from there. So for people to politico something that was written in politico is not abnormal when the author threw down the gauntlet to begin with. So a natural response is all we have based upon his original intention.


May 28, 2011
Anyone who has decided to take a peak, if you're wondering what the bright slightly red spot next to the moon is, it's Mars! Passing within 100,000 kilometers, (much more rare than total eclipses). Even those in bright cities should be able to see it.


Insert something clever here
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SportsBook Bookie
Dec 10, 2012
being a geek, I had my alarm set and telescope set up to take a look at it this morning and it was pretty cool.

One of these days going to get a real telescope that I can rig a camera to, so I can share what I see


Hall of Fame
Jun 24, 2010
This reminds me of the time I was having breakfast at IHOP and over heard some idiot talking about a "blood diamond"...he kept going on about how he wanted a blood diamond...his momma and auntie were eating with him and didn't know what one was...he explained it's like a regular diamond but it's red.

Yes, sir...a blood diamond is simply a ruby.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
This reminds me of the time I was having breakfast at IHOP and over heard some idiot talking about a "blood diamond"...he kept going on about how he wanted a blood diamond...his momma and auntie were eating with him and didn't know what one was...he explained it's like a regular diamond but it's red.

Yes, sir...a blood diamond is simply a ruby.
What? Youse didn't know that? Pssshaw. Shows what you know.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I went outside at around 2:00 a.m. to look at it, and I didn't see any red. It was just a half eclipse from my vantage point.
I R Disappoint. :(


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Yeah - well it was overcast here. Had to use some sleep aid to get back to snoozin'. :cool: