Baltimore Burning....

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Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Not sure if any of you are seeing any of this coverage, but it is ugly in Charm City. I live 40 mins from there and am not surprised to see this unfortunately. Baltimore (city) has been a dumpster fire for quite some time and I am betting this gets worse before it gets better. Such a shame that these animals will use a tragedy for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc, promoting violence, looting and burning their OWN city to the ground. At some point, these thugs are going to get the fight they're looking for, and it won't end well.....for the thugs.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
It's quickly becoming Detroit, Part II. Nice Mayor they got there too. Her elevator just doesn't go all the way to the top does it? :wtf:


Mar 17, 2014
Looting and destroying their neighborhood and local business's.

Does anyone have Kenny Britt on twitter? I saw a reply on the Web from A Kenny Britt. He stated something along the lines of, "I don't condone it, but I understand".

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I live close to Ferguson, it's scary to even be that close. Thoughts of safety your way. There is no reasoning with these people.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
It's disturbing that there was a guy on CNN saying we shouldn't call them rioters or looters, but "uprisers" because they are fighting against cops. Really? Because looting liquor stores and burning down the senior center will show them! Yeah, we don't want to be abused by police, so let's show them by committing crimes!

Also, I saw they burned down a church??? REALLY?!

And I'm tired of the "fight back against cops" mentality we've seen in the past 8 or 9 months.

I said this in an older thread, but if you are involved with police officiers, there's a reason why. Cops don't randomly come up and kill you without reason Yes, absolutely there are cops that abuse their power (as seen in the Alabama cops and the elderly Indian man). But, if you don't cooperate with law *enforcement* and resit arrest or run away, bad things happen. Don't commit crimes, don't be involved with people that do. It's a simplistic but true statement.

A friend of mine is always first to bitch about police, always forgetting the good that they do. Tonight, he's silent. NOTHING good comes out of this, NOTHING.

I can count the number of of police officers that have been corrupt on my hands, which is completely dwarfed by the number of officers doing good for society.


Aug 29, 2014
This is way worse than Ferguson. They are burning down an urban city. Ferguson is more like a suburb.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
yea my sister lives dowtown...told her to grab her shotgun and stand by....

apparently shes good now though


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
I can count the number of of police officers that have been corrupt on my hands, which is completely dwarfed by the number of officers doing good for society.

We need police, yes we do, and there's nothing more honorable than an actual good cop. You're out of your fucking skull if you think there's only a handful of corrupt police working in America though.


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
It's disturbing that there was a guy on CNN saying we shouldn't call them rioters or looters, but "uprisers" because they are fighting against cops. Really? Because looting liquor stores and burning down the senior center will show them! Yeah, we don't want to be abused by police, so let's show them by committing crimes!

Also, I saw they burned down a church??? REALLY?!

And I'm tired of the "fight back against cops" mentality we've seen in the past 8 or 9 months.

I said this in an older thread, but if you are involved with police officiers, there's a reason why. Cops don't randomly come up and kill you without reason Yes, absolutely there are cops that abuse their power (as seen in the Alabama cops and the elderly Indian man). But, if you don't cooperate with law *enforcement* and resit arrest or run away, bad things happen. Don't commit crimes, don't be involved with people that do. It's a simplistic but true statement.

A friend of mine is always first to bitch about police, always forgetting the good that they do. Tonight, he's silent. NOTHING good comes out of this, NOTHING.

I can count the number of of police officers that have been corrupt on my hands, which is completely dwarfed by the number of officers doing good for society.

Cops don't randomly kill you for no reason? Sure they do. Not a lot, but they do. If you don't think killing that guy in SC because he was fleeing over a busted taillight is no reason, we just ain't ever gonna agree. And that dude ran away so slow he looked like Fred Sanford, so how cowardly was that cop that he had to empty a clip into a guy who could hardly waddle away from him?

And this guy? His death was complete nonsense and now we find out it's very likely not the first guy killed this way in police custody. I don't agree with rioting, but what are citizens supposed to do? When the police engage in criminal activity like murder, falsifying evidence and reports and whatnot, how are poor and middle income folks supposed to affect change when, as we've seen, they can kill with impunity?

We have a Constitution for a damned reason. It's because as citizens, we have rights.

Virtually every instance of lethal force in the news lately was UNNECESSARY and a result of a police force that no longer see citizens as having rights.

How many times are we told, "just do what the officer says"? Well, that's BS, because I know a cop stalked my mom, for example. And, it ignores the fact that TIME AND AGAIN, at trial the court reaffirms the law and our Constitution that we have a right to respectfully question and to assert our rights under the constitution and we shouldn't be killed for doing that. It's LEGAL in all 50 states to film officers in the process of discharging their lawful duties. Yet, in how many videos have we seen people be told, screamed at, arrested (often violently) or worse because they sought to assert their rights.

I served and believe strongly in the oath I took. The actual Constitution means something to me and I'm not giving up my liberty because some fat lazy mostly white cops under pressure to write tickets to fund their cities on the backs of poor and middle class folks. I have a right to ask if I'm being charged and what the charges are. I have a right to assert my 4th amendment right to unlawful search and seizure by insisting on a warrant and NOT facing violent repercussions for that.

As for the rioting and all that, it's dumb, no doubt about it. It doesn't affect justice or peace nor does it improve the policing policies or misconduct that lead to the man's death.

Moreover, I appreciate the good, hard work good cops do, which is why I'm so critical of the bad ones. I absolutely will not surrender my citizenship because some dumbass with a badge doesn't know the law and just want me to do what I'm told like I'm a toddler at the mall. That guy needs to get another job if he can't handle the stresses of managing people, their rights, their security and the security of their property. I especially appreciate that the good cops I've spoken to on this subject feel even more strongly on this than I do. One cop, a LAPD CRASH vet who'd worked Watts and Compton ground his teeth barely able to contain his disgust talking about one case that was in the news.

Again, looting and rioting is dumb, stupid and eight kinds of wrong. And, it's not occurring in a vacuum. The same police that killed that guy aren't all of a sudden heroes because some idiots decided to flash mob shoplift at a CVS and make S'Mores around the burning cop car. Idiots are idiots and bad cops are still bad cops even when idiots are being idiots.

And it's really a bad mix to have idiots and bad cops in the same place. Unfortunately, that seems to be happening more and more often.

Some say the cure is "stop being idiots"

I'm less optimistic. I don't think we can get over 300 million people to do that.

Which is why I come down on the "stop being bad cops" for those that are bad, obviously...


Mar 17, 2014
Very passionate subject.
We should be careful with it.
We all have our own opinions that reflect our own personal experiences.

Not all cops are good/bad.

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
Come on dude.

Are you fucking kidding me with this? I had to re-read this to make sure my eyes weren't missing the blue ink. You see, when you decide to make it like that, you automatically make it sound like a race thing. I simply meant the rioters. Black white yellow or red was never even in my mine. Don't make it into that man. That's not right.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
Don't break the law
Cooperate with cops
Don't act persecuted
Don't act stupid
Don't resist arrest


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
I'm confused... you mean rioting, looting and burning down buildings isn't honoring the life of Freddie Gray?


Jan 15, 2013
They can't. ..too busy burning down or robbing the stores
The amazing thing to me is, as a society, what we have morphed into. Honesty, the ability for a person or a person in the press to be honest and stat a fact/opinion is all but evaporated. This is a bi-product of PCism. Not trying to sound like an angry old man (I am on my way) but it is ruining the country in a lot of ways. This is also morphing into an inability to see reality for what it is. Like someone else posted about the idiot on CNN saying these are not rioters but uprisers. If you want an orange just tell yourself the apple in your hand is an orange. The attitude starts at the top (leadership) and flows downhill. Entitled, victim mentality. Bigotry and suppression of ideas is all good and fine as long as it flows one way.
Watching the news today and there is a radio guy from Baltimore talking about this built up anger in the black community, about there being tensions between police and young black men....blah, blah, blah. So, he is just justifying violence and destruction. The reporter, being the lemming she is, just stands there and says nothing, questions nothing.
There are issues to be dealt with for sure, but, to try and justify behavior like this is weak, thoughtless and pathetic. In reality, most of the looters and idiots running around being violent don't give a toss about Freddie Grey, his family or anyone else, they don't care about rights or society....just selfish little piggies trying to roll in the slop. I wish officials had a set and got busy cracking skulls.


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
We need Martin Luther King Jr. in the worst way. I don't think it's inaccurate to suggest that it is easier to sympathize with pacifists than rioters. Unfortunately the efforts in which people peacefully work for justice get overshadowed and even go unnoticed.

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
ops don't randomly kill you for no reason? Sure they do. Not a lot, but they do. If you don't think killing that guy in SC because he was fleeing over a busted taillight is no reason, we just ain't ever gonna agree. And that dude ran away so slow he looked like Fred Sanford, so how cowardly was that cop that he had to empty a clip into a guy who could hardly waddle away from him?

Not a lot, and that's my point. It's rare. Just b/c a few stories (and its just been that, a few) have sensationalized the public over a small number of officers being dicks does not paint the whole picture.

I'm not going to start off my next sentence with "I'm sorry, but..." b/c I firmly believe this and not apologizing for my beliefs. I have NEVER dealt with a dick cop. Ever. WHy? Because I followed his instructions. He/she has the authority, and I don't see why people are so against that. Especially when its people committing crimes.

Again, sure there are terrible cops out there. Alabama , the NY guys that chocked out someone they arrested, and the reserve deputy here in my hometown of Tulsa. I'll be the first there's is a lot of shady stuff with that deputy. But, here I am in the same town and dealt with the same department's officers. Nothing happened.

And I always have to laugh when I hear people bringing up Constitutional rights to police officers. They have the right to stop you when you commit a crime or are suspected of committing a crime. Or you know, when you break the law. No matter if it's minor, like a speeding ticket or a major crime. Cops are law ENFORCEMENT, after all. When you resist, run away, etc. you just escalate things.

I have nothing but respect for the men and women in uniform. You say your mother was stalked by "a" police officer? I'm sorry to hear that. One officer. One. Versus how many are putting their lives on the line to deal with potentially dangerous criminals?

But you're right, we're never going to agree. I think this whole situation is terrible, both for the people and police officers.