Any Type 2 Diabetics Here?

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Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
I was just diagnosed recently and could use some help figuring out numbers for my meals. I have no clue the amount of carbs, sugars, sodium..etc...etc.

I've tried to find answers online and even apps. But i cant seem to find anything solid. If anyone knows where I can find this info, I would appreciate it.

Before someone says nutritionist, my insurance wont cover me going...its garbage.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
I know people who have been able to stop injecting insulin by severely limiting their carb intake (starches and sugars).

Angry Ram

Captain RAmerica Original Rammer
Jul 1, 2010
Diabetus runs in my family. It's different for everyone. My dad with regular exercise can eat and drink all the good stuff; it's all about portion control for him. My uncle tho, has to be super careful; for example he can only eat the diabetic rice.

I know that's not the answer you're looking for, but I would bite the bullet and go to a nutritionist.

Can your regular doctor not help with this?


anti pedestrian
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 19, 2014
on the back of the package of food you're eating add up the carbohydrates and sugar totals (should be in grams). also, subtract any fiber amounts on the label for your total. check your blood glucose level before you eat so you will be able to tell how much higher your glucose is when you check it an hour after eating the food and again in another hour after that. the first hour should be a spike and the second hour should come back down. do this with different items, fruits, vegetables, meats, packaged foods, etc.. this will show you how much your blood glucose (sugar) levels are affected by what you eat. most people are different as to how things and what things affect them.

by doing this, i found that my blood glucose level rose 1 point for every gram of sugar and / or carb that i ate. so if i check my level before I eat and it's at 125 (average for a type 2 diabetic whose glucose is "controlled", and i take in 60 carbs/sugars when i eat, in 1 hour my glucose level will / should be around 185. an hour later when i check it again, it should be back close to 125. this is just an example. if i go batsh*t crazy like i did this past thanksgiving, its going to be much higher and take longer to get back to a more normal reading.

basically you new favorite word will be MODERATION. and probably EXERCISE. if you are prescribed medication, more than likely you will be given metformin as it sems to be the "go to" medicaiton to helps lower glucose production in the liver. most insurances cover metformin and its inexpensive (in comparison to the victoza i take -- although my insurance covers most of it).


for example using the above panel. you have 4 servings in the container. the amounts given are per serving. total carbs is 46 grams. dietary fiber is 7 grams. subtract the fiber from the carbs and you have 39. add total sugars (4g) and you are at 43g.
for me (not necessarily for yourself) if i eat that serving, my glucose level will go up roughly 43 "points". if my glucose level is 125, then it should be 168 in an hour when i spike. an hour after that it should be back around 125. now on thanksgiving when i eat the whole damn box its (43g x 4) which is 172 grams and not a good idea.

just remember, while gathering information from the internet or from others (like myself), you're an individual whose body will react differently to certain foods and how it will affect your glucose levels.

you will need to do a lot of testing at first to find out how different types of foods affect your levels and how they affect the way you feel. that will be the best guide for deciding on what to eat and when. good luck.

as for the doctor / nutrionist idea, does your insurance cover the nutrionist if your doctor refers you to one? that's how my insurance works with specialists. worth a try to ask your insurance company or the billing specialist in your doctor's office.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I was just diagnosed recently and could use some help figuring out numbers for my meals. I have no clue the amount of carbs, sugars, sodium..etc...etc.

I've tried to find answers online and even apps. But i cant seem to find anything solid. If anyone knows where I can find this info, I would appreciate it.

Before someone says nutritionist, my insurance wont cover me going...its garbage.

1. Your Doc diagnosed but didn't offer solutions? Get a new Dr.

2. Cut out sugars.

3,4,5,6 through 10 Lose weight and become active.

I have a friend who shed this issue by losing weight and cutting back on sugar.


May 16, 2019
Your diet will depend upon your physique, i.e. overweight etc., and other health factors. I've been a Type 2 diabetic for 35 years (early onset due to family history). Exercise as much as you can, get down to as close to your ideal weight as possible. I was about 25 lbs overweight and only normally active when I was diagnosed. I had a great wife who helped motivate me to do more.

I can't stress this enough, exercise seriously. Within 2 years I was jogging 5 miles DAILY just around the neighborhood mostly. I'm not much of a swimmer but that is better as it exercises more of your body. My wife would do 100 + laps a day. We both hit the gym 3-4 times a week. By the time I was 50 I was in the best shape of my life, and I was a serious backpacker in my younger days.

You will be surprised how much of a habit it becomes and how if you miss a day in your routine you actually miss it and want to do it. The best advice I can give you is to take it seriously. It's a life long commitment and it isn't as bad as you might think. I'm a senior now but look 15-20 yrs younger than I am and I'm telling you it has actually changed my life for the better.

Life is full of challenges, and if you face this one and take it seriously, you will find side benefits you never really thought of before. I have life long friends who just let themselves hit walls in their life and their downfall has been tragic. They are surviving, nothing more. 90% of it is in your head man, you can either beat it or let it beat you. The fact you are asking here is a good thing.

If you don't have an exercising partner my suggestion is to find one. It makes it more fun and easier to stay with it.


Dec 1, 2019
I have type 2 .... like most have been saying , it's mostly all weight related. Losing lbs & doing a low carb diet are probably the 2 main keys . At first they set me up on a diet of whatever I wanted to eat = just keep the carbohydrates under 20 g per day. If u need insulin , Wallmart has over the counter options for anyone if u don't have medical coverage / insurance. Good luck bro ' !!!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I'm not much of a swimmer but that is better as it exercises more of your body.

If you don't like swimming then just walk in the water at a fast pace. It's also excellent. Different depths from 3 to 5-6 feet is great stuff.


May 16, 2019
Yeah, I used to while my wife swam. I don't do it now because of knee issues, too much resistance I guess. But I walk daily at as brisk of a pace as I can, and take a lot of day hikes in the mountains east of San Diego. Also, going up and down 2 flights of stairs a couple of times a day also helps as Mexicans don't believe in elevators but love to build their homes vertically on small footprints. LOL


Inked Gym Rat Stoner
Jul 7, 2010
A true, RAW food diet (and exercise) will eliminate diabetes amongst hundreds of other illnesses and diseases BUT don't let the FDA or CDC or a practice physician know about this. Shhhh. Fuck the RX industry (for the most part). \m/

Hint: Hippocrates