Any police officers here?

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Aug 10, 2013
Okay, so I know Cops get bashed a lot. I know it's unwarranted. But here's my gripe. I'm a delivery driver for a company called 123 Delivery in Buffalo. At least once a month I get at the very minimum a parking ticket. Now, I understand cops have jobs to do. However, can you imagine if you were at work sitting in the office and a cop came to your desk and gave you a ticket while you were working? IMO, it's completely unnecessary and you give yourselves a bad name when you mess with the working man. What I really want to know is, why do you do it? Do you see a company name on the side of a van or truck and just not care? I'm not asking for special treatment. If I'm speeding or driving like a maniac, by all means feel free to do your job. But if I'm in a "no standing" spot with my flashers on, can you just leave me the F alone and let me do my job? We make decent money but not enough to be spilling out cash for your personal needs to make a quick buck. Can any cops please explain what the thinking process here is?


Jan 15, 2013
Okay, so I know Cops get bashed a lot. I know it's unwarranted. But here's my gripe. I'm a delivery driver for a company called 123 Delivery in Buffalo. At least once a month I get at the very minimum a parking ticket. Now, I understand cops have jobs to do. However, can you imagine if you were at work sitting in the office and a cop came to your desk and gave you a ticket while you were working? IMO, it's completely unnecessary and you give yourselves a bad name when you mess with the working man. What I really want to know is, why do you do it? Do you see a company name on the side of a van or truck and just not care? I'm not asking for special treatment. If I'm speeding or driving like a maniac, by all means feel free to do your job. But if I'm in a "no standing" spot with my flashers on, can you just leave me the F alone and let me do my job? We make decent money but not enough to be spilling out cash for your personal needs to make a quick buck. Can any cops please explain what the thinking process here is?
I drove local delivery on a bobtail and a small tractor trailer unit for years. Some working in small towns and some working in a very crowded downtown. I never received a ticket. Even if I had to double park (flashers on and I would put out a couple of cones too) for 15 minutes I never received a ticket.
It was a general rule here (and I am sure still is) that if you are working in a marked commercial vehicle and your tags, load, blinkers etc are all up to snuff you will be left alone if you are driving normally. Seems strange you keep getting popped.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
Fair or unfair, each municipality has different revenue needs.

(don't get upset with me... just my perception)... when I think of Buffalo, I think of a city that probably could use all the revenue it can muster (I may be wrong).

I pass through a lot of cities and towns on my commute to and from work... some are extreme ball-busters.

Years ago, I lived in a small town that had 30 MPH limits throughout. I got 3 tickets for speeding... each time 35-40MPH. They were all upheld in court. I liked to think they would leave their own citizens alone for such a small infraction? Nope.

So, my theory has always been that the behavior is revenue target driven.

Oh, and I don't think you'll ever get a policeman to admit it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
Fair or unfair, each municipality has different revenue needs.

(don't get upset with me... just my perception)... when I think of Buffalo, I think of a city that probably could use all the revenue it can muster (I may be wrong).

I pass through a lot of cities and towns on my commute to and from work... some are extreme ball-busters.

Years ago, I lived in a small town that had 30 MPH limits throughout. I got 3 tickets for speeding... each time 35-40MPH. They were all upheld in court. I liked to think they would leave their own citizens alone for such a small infraction? Nope.

So, my theory has always been that the behavior is revenue target driven.

Oh, and I don't think you'll ever get a policeman to admit it.

yep... DUI's are hugely revenue driven too


Aug 10, 2013
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Fair or unfair, each municipality has different revenue needs.

(don't get upset with me... just my perception)... when I think of Buffalo, I think of a city that probably could use all the revenue it can muster (I may be wrong).

I pass through a lot of cities and towns on my commute to and from work... some are extreme ball-busters.

Years ago, I lived in a small town that had 30 MPH limits throughout. I got 3 tickets for speeding... each time 35-40MPH. They were all upheld in court. I liked to think they would leave their own citizens alone for such a small infraction? Nope.

So, my theory has always been that the behavior is revenue target driven.

Oh, and I don't think you'll ever get a policeman to admit it.
I think you're exactly right. Buffalo as gotten to the point of scummy. The city is shit and broke. It's beginning to look like the bad part of Detroit. It's just pathetic to me that they go out of their way to take people's money.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 3, 2014
I think you're exactly right. Buffalo as gotten to the point of scummy. The city is crap and broke. It's beginning to look like the bad part of Detroit. It's just pathetic to me that they go out of their way to take people's money.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. ;):(


Aug 10, 2013
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I drove local delivery on a bobtail and a small tractor trailer unit for years. Some working in small towns and some working in a very crowded downtown. I never received a ticket. Even if I had to double park (flashers on and I would put out a couple of cones too) for 15 minutes I never received a ticket.
It was a general rule here (and I am sure still is) that if you are working in a marked commercial vehicle and your tags, load, blinkers etc are all up to snuff you will be left alone if you are driving normally. Seems strange you keep getting popped.
Who knows man. It's so frustrating. I love my job but I don't make enough to keep paying all these bullshit tickets. Today I came outside to a woman cop giving me a parking ticket for being in a no standing area. I asked her why she wrote me one and just looked at me and starting walking away. So I got in her face and and she wouldn't even give me 2 seconds of her attention to tell me where the fuck I'm supposed to park. They don't give a shit.


Jan 15, 2013
Who knows man. It's so frustrating. I love my job but I don't make enough to keep paying all these bullcrap tickets. Today I came outside to a woman cop giving me a parking ticket for being in a no standing area. I asked her why she wrote me one and just looked at me and starting walking away. So I got in her face and and she wouldn't even give me 2 seconds of her attention to tell me where the freak I'm supposed to park. They don't give a crap.
Strange....they must be under the typical directive to collect and serve.
I had cops ask me how long I was going to be before because I was blocking a lane of traffic. I even had an officer ask me to move once, sure, no problem....even though it sucked because it means hand trucking a couple of pallets of materials a couple of city blocks....but, better than a ticket.


May 28, 2011
I certainly wouldn't get into a police officers face, even a meter maid... That's a quick way to find yourself in a lot of trouble.

I'd talk to your bosses and see what they suggest. If they don't have solutions, I'd push the ticket onto them instead of paying for them, or have them give you change to feed the meter yourself. You can also try going to a local courthouse and asking them for their suggestions on what you should do.

I do know that no standing signs mean that you're only allowed to drop off or pick up people. You can't do any merchandise unloading or loading and you can't wait for people. Since you're a delivery company that might give you more flexibility though. Either that or you might be boned and you need to walk a little.


Aug 10, 2013
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I certainly wouldn't get into a police officers face, even a meter maid... That's a quick way to find yourself in a lot of trouble.

I'd talk to your bosses and see what they suggest. If they don't have solutions, I'd push the ticket onto them instead of paying for them, or have them give you change to feed the meter yourself. You can also try going to a local courthouse and asking them for their suggestions on what you should do.

I do know that no standing signs mean that you're only allowed to drop off or pick up people. You can't do any merchandise unloading or loading and you can't wait for people. Since you're a delivery company that might give you more flexibility though. Either that or you might be boned and you need to walk a little.
I mean I didn't like start shoving her and shit but I certainly got her attention. Ok sure she was ordered to give them. But still. And yeah I'm gunna talk to my boss about it. Because it's ridiculous.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
I'm just glad people are posting videos on YouTube about standing up for your rights. Cops over-step their bounds quite a bit.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Here in my town if you have a commercial license plate on your truck and you're not in a place where your truck would impede emergency vehicles they allow you to finish what you're doing and leave.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
I'm just glad people are posting videos on YouTube about standing up for your rights. Cops over-step their bounds quite a bit.

Quite a bit?

How many police are there in the U.S.?

How many "news worthy" issues are there?

Are there bad cops? Sure! But the ganging up on the cops right now is ridiculous.

The folks that complain about the cops couldn't last a day in their world. It's got to be one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs out there.

And... I'm NOT a cop. I DONT KNOW ANY COPS. But I respect them and the challenge of dealing with idiots and the difficulty determining who is dangerous.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
Quite a bit?

How many police are there in the U.S.?

How many "news worthy" issues are there?

Are there bad cops? Sure! But the ganging up on the cops right now is ridiculous.

The folks that complain about the cops couldn't last a day in their world. It's got to be one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs out there.

And... I'm NOT a cop. I DONT know any cops. But I respect them and the challenge of dealing with idiots and the difficulty determining who is dangerous.

And I'm LIKING my own figgin post!


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
True story.

I got a job with SC Department of Labor and on the VERY DAY that I was to report for orientation, I got a speeding ticket. And oh how I deserved it. I was going 94 in a 70, but I didn't really feel like I was speeding. It's just such a long road with almost nobody on it, and I was passing an 18-wheeler that was going around 80-85. You know how it is when you're behind those things. They could be going 100 and you'd still wanna be in front of them. Suck ass trucks.

But anyway.

I was freaking out. It turns out that if you're adjudicated for going 15 MPH over the speed limit in South Carolina, NORTH Carolina will suspend your license on the spot. Not to mention the fact that I was reporting for a government job that was giving me a State-owned vehicle. That's not going to reflect favorably on my level of responsibility.

So I had no choice but to hire a lawyer. I researched it and found a firm online in SC that had just dozens upon dozens of great reviews and satisfied customers. It seemed like they could do anything. So I gave them $455 to represent me, and they said I didn't even have to be present. This was last week, and I just heard from them yesterday. They said they were able to "negotiate" with the judge and the trooper to get my ticket reduced to 4 (that's FOUR) MPH over the speed limit. No points, no fines, and North Carolina would never even know about it.


Yeah. Seems like the corruption runs DEEP in South Carolina. My wife and I figured that these lawyers have to be giving a C-note to the judge and the cop while keeping a couple hundo for themselves. Because SO MANY people have gotten off of tickets with this firm. And not only that, several people praised them by saying their DUI's were reduced to careless driving. There was like $1000 fee to get it done, but consider the alternative. I mean, I should feel guilty for gaming the system, but I am SO not. Makes me wanna go 140 on this highway next time.

So yeah. That's it.


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
Quite a bit?

How many police are there in the U.S.?

How many "news worthy" issues are there?

Are there bad cops? Sure! But the ganging up on the cops right now is ridiculous.

The folks that complain about the cops couldn't last a day in their world. It's got to be one of the toughest and most dangerous jobs out there.

And... I'm NOT a cop. I DONT KNOW ANY COPS. But I respect them and the challenge of dealing with idiots and the difficulty determining who is dangerous.
I knew somebody would quote me with this type of response. All I said is that I'm glad more and more Americans are standing up for their rights. Last time I checked, that was the principle this country was founded on. I never said I hated Cops, or that all cops were bad, so quit putting words in my mouth.


May 18, 2014
You have to understand the type of person who wants to do that job. Most cops don't write tickets unless they have to. Then there are the ones who live to do it and make a competition (I guess with themselves ) in doing it. It's some kind of "principal" mindset where they feel they're helping. Also, you have specialty units whose job it is to enforce traffic violations.

All I can say is that it's not really personal and it's not income least not where I work. BTW, I'm not an officer, but I do work for a local police department (at least I did for 8 1/2 years until a couple weeks ago).


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2010
I live 20 miles as a crow flies from an interstate in rural MO. And since I have a scanner from my days as a fireman, I have made a discovery. No one from Mo. Speeds or is a careless driver after dark and the ones that do break the law are all from out of state. And believe it or not maybe only 20 % of those are Caucasians.

And it's funny that some of those cars have maybe 5 or 6 drivers from all the ID cards being run.

Then there's the mystery ones, where plates are run and no vehicles have been pulled over ( illegal in Mo.).

It's not the state pulling the cars over. It's the same 2 counties sheriff's dept. that i can hear.
Why? Out of state is easy money. Most won't come back to fight a ticket. Plus most have to post bond which is the upper ticket price plus costs before they can leave and their vehicle is released.
And if they get someone with a valid warrant then it's big bucks. The county gets reimbursed for all their expenses +.
It's all about the money folks.

And while I typed this two Hispanics in separate vehicles got pulled over.